
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada  
Layla 11 years
you mean you dont even live in a manor OR own a horse ? what am i doing talking to you peasant
Layla 11 years
have you guys done this ? > got sims yeaaaa
Layla 11 years
man you !
Layla 11 years
no I meant just eat or sit on whoever wanted to drop me before they got the chance ! but it doesnt matter because you would catch me anyway wouldnt you and break my fall you chivalrous strong young ma
Layla 11 years
do any of you playas watch Love/hate ?? if not start ! so i can live tweet with you about it ! best show
Layla 11 years
just one thing to do then i guess
Layla 11 years
hahahahaha so really im doing a public service being this fat then right
Layla 11 years
hahahaha murphy you get me ! centro you not so much
Layla 11 years
Im so fat that i weigh more than the average for my age and height ooo baby so hot
Layla 11 years
laughing so hard at the whitenknight messaging me right now LOL
Layla 11 years
its not about that, we dont want to hear about your weightloss, thats WHY its a rule, jesus christ i think saphiel needs to age check the lot of you
Layla 11 years
you mean more the fact that you LOVE to white knight lolol
Layla 11 years
HAHAHA omg i really hope you dont think you 'owned us' hahaha because that will just be too funny, hint, you definitely didnt
Layla 11 years
except that you know ... you are... when your friend got told off for breaking the rules you should have just kept your mouth shut
Layla 11 years
joker you are throwing a tantrum because your friend cant talk about weightloss on ONE website, you are seriously not in the place to call us immature
Layla 11 years
yeah and if talking about herself includes talking about weightloss, she cant do it here, its that simple, go white knight for her somewhere else
Layla 11 years
how self entitled do you have to be to come to the ONE place online where its against the rules to talk about weight loss and proceed to talk about weight loss i mean really
Layla 11 years
who ate all my cake ????
Layla 11 years
australian accents are boring to me
Layla 11 years
russian accents are SO hot, actually any slavic accent really, hit me up if you have one lolol but really