
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada  
Layla 11 years
and thats not fair you guys are ganging up on me smiley
Layla 11 years
hahah i cant get over how burnt you got lol i even showed my mum and she was like WTF and i was like yeah AND she lives in uk hahaa you poor thing
Layla 11 years
hahah noo i dont want to get so fat i cant see my back and get horribly burnt like someone i know smiley
Layla 11 years
thats not true dr expandion .... im perfect
Layla 11 years
good job smiley
Layla 11 years
revan take ur address off ur profile, i dont want to read in the news about some young boy getting stalked n raped
Layla 11 years
shutup guys
Layla 11 years
i cant think of a worse way myself lol
Layla 11 years
uh just got a pm fro a guy who describes himself as 'average' in his profile, sorry but did i not clearly say hot
Layla 11 years
if you move here come to perth thats where i live lol but ill be in mel in nov so im trying to be organised hahah
Layla 11 years
hot feeders who live in melbourne pm me
Layla 11 years
til i can eat at the heart attack grill in vegas 4 free
Layla 11 years
Layla 11 years
and hereee smiley
Layla 11 years
viewing limit, you make me sad.
Layla 11 years
ive done itt
Layla 11 years
hahaha ya i thought i was pretty funny intune hahaha
Layla 11 years
man of steel ive just been perving on your photos and now i feel much better lolol
Layla 11 years
lost my memory card and now i wanna cryyy
Layla 11 years
dont walk