
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada  
Layla 11 years
hhaha its trueee im about to attempt to eat 10 jumbo tacos lolol
Layla 11 years
Layla 11 years
making tacos at 8 am yeahh
Layla 11 years
yes meee
Layla 11 years
hey raido smiley
Layla 11 years
hahahahahahh ' i can have any woman i want' < the true mark of a loser !
Layla 11 years
hahaha please tell me you did not just use fat insult on a fat fetish website hahahah
Layla 11 years
hahaha oo you burnt me so bad ! i wish i could come up with funny insults like you ! LOL
Layla 11 years
hahaha diesel people still dont care about you and what you have to say, give it up already, go do something productive with your life
Layla 11 years
diesel youre an idiot and no one is taking your 'advice' maybe go work on your social skills in your bedroom some more
Layla 11 years
this guy/gal gets it
Layla 11 years
so many boys being idiots so little time to tell them all off
Layla 11 years
ugh all of your just shutup
Layla 11 years
Layla 11 years
dunno i saw on the news we had the top percentage now
Layla 11 years
I believe statistically australia has actually taken over in the fat stakes
Layla 11 years
I actually do feel healthier lol like my nails dont break anywhere near as much as they did when I was thin ! i think its because i eat so much food now lol
Layla 11 years
I was 'overweight' when I weighed 130 lbs so I dont think its as great as you assume, it would still be much better than most places though lol
Layla 11 years
you should eat makeup instead bunnybones haha jjks
Layla 11 years
i love pistachios soooo much i eat whole bags without even realising it lol