
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada  
Layla 11 years
praying to the holy gods of weight gain is pretty much your only chance of controlling where fat goes
Layla 11 years
on an 18+ site whats the difference between a girl and a woman arnu ?
Layla 11 years
ive never had a doctor even mention my weight
Layla 11 years
I told you id enter with my paint stick figure drawings but you didnt seem that keen ? hahaa
Layla 11 years
im the prettiest princess in the whole wide world my mum said so
Layla 11 years
Layla 11 years
hahaha if you cant tell us perves are super keen to see it hahaa
Layla 11 years
I wont tell
Layla 11 years
woohoo the end to my addiction is in sight
Layla 11 years
im just addicted to masturbating
Layla 11 years
yeah because he was totally intentionally repeating himself its not like when you refresh it reposts or anything
Layla 11 years
but bubba why did you feel the need to comment on his intelligence anyway ? its just being rude and you know it
Layla 11 years
so because other people say worse things that makes it ok for you to say mean things ?? thats ridiculous hahaa
Layla 11 years
umm dankii isnt on bigcuties hahah and is it really your birthdays aswell ?? haha thats awesome you must both be really cool like myself
Layla 11 years
yeah but he might not be so rude as to share it
Layla 11 years
well if you were ripping on my boyfriend like that i definetly wouldnt think very highly of you
Layla 11 years
so just wondering why you guys think its ok to rip on dankiis boyfriend ????
Layla 11 years
hahahaha draconis you know you love my solo work !
Layla 11 years
my birthday is officially over and i just want to cryyy
Layla 11 years
omg you poor thing but make sure to post photos of your chipmunk cheeks afterwards haha