
Tampa, Florida, United States  
NocturnalDev... 3 years
Liveletlive0912 3 years
NocturnalDev... 3 years
Reflection O... 3 years
NocturnalDev... 3 years
Growingsofter 3 years
Amazingly soft
NocturnalDev... 3 years
reply to forum post
young looking 31 year old lgbtq gainer.
31 IS young!!!
NocturnalDev... 3 years
Since I posted I’ve gotten several messages (thank you💖) but I’m at my limit and I can’t message back yet, just so you know
NocturnalDev... 3 years
A still from my “jiggle compare video” on Curvage!!! Soft pouch to full on potbelly
Delta9 3 years
And so much boob growth too.
NocturnalDev... 3 years
Growingsofter 3 years
Beautiful. Looking a little fuller?
NocturnalDev... 3 years
I just came here to say- I’ve been watching Botched and a 27 year old girl felt the need to get Botox because all of her older friends were getting it. And one might think that is crazy - yet SEVERAL users on here have called me “OLD” for being 35 at the time, now 36- ummmm Excuse me- aren’t FAs people that don’t subscribe to the insanely ridiculous social norms? Like why am I in trouble for feeling good about myself? Also...I’m sorry I’m happy with how I look?! I know this community is anti- body positivity or whatever, but does it NEED to be mutually exclusive?????
NocturnalDev... 3 years
Oh, sorry, she was 18 when she started getting Botox
Reflection O... 3 years
FAs are worse than normal men. They prey off the insecurities of fat women. Hell look at the windbag in the forums talking about how great he is and all the women's he's been with yet has ZERO pics to prove it. FAs suck just as hard as the broskis at normal night clubs.
R3nuk 3 years
I think the problem with the world is people forget so long as its not hurting anyone else (unless they want it :o) does it matter what others do to make them happy with themselves?
H203 3 years
Dextom 3 years
If that helps in any way, I think you look great, and more importantly - which is actually the most important thing in the world - you are happy with yourself and feel good. There is nothing more precious than that. We've got enough negativity all around us in so called "real life" so why shouldn't we distance ourselves and tune out the negativity online? I mean, how vile you gotta be to even be hostile, unkind, etc online, in what is supposed to be a rather safe haven for less "socially acceptable" tastes? I can't possibly fathom that. If you don't like something or someone, just let it/them be and move along.
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Age is just a number. And those who think otherwise are just plain wrongheaded. They’ll see as they get older.

You are lovely. Don’t let the arseholes get to you. There are many beautiful, caring and loving people in this world.

Love yourself, and love those who care about you.
Ryankm 3 years
don't get BOTOX
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