
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada  
Layla 12 years
hahhhahahah I was like what the hell does she mean shes too slimy to stuff herself ??? haaa
Layla 12 years
I could totally go a big hazelnut latte right nowww
Layla 12 years
frangelico get in my mouth
Layla 12 years
peanut butter yuckkk next youll be telling me you like nutella grossss
Layla 12 years
is it really bad that i want to post one of my comparison photos on a weight loss site and then be like HAHAHAH psych its the other way round lolool
Layla 12 years
hey there hows it going
Layla 12 years
message limit, why do you taunt me so
Layla 12 years
GLASS I SEE YOU you cant hide from me
Layla 12 years
noooo i am emptyy and hungry
Layla 12 years
I made a forum about what tv shows you like, go reply on it .. please smiley
Layla 12 years
hahaha i live in australia ! we dont have twinkies !
Layla 12 years
haha thank and noo i dont like oreos to begin with haha I want to try deep frying icecream though but I dont know if my fryer gets hot enough lol
Layla 12 years
haha and thats where I got it from sweet ! Coles!
Layla 12 years
no i bought a new deep fryer ! and of course I got things to put in it haha ! fish and chips!
Layla 12 years
haha is it awesome em ? I got soo much stuff now I just have to wait til tomorow ! lamee
Layla 12 years
I have truly out-lazied myself, having groceries delivered tomorrow hahaaa
Layla 12 years
deep frying food at 4 am ? I think yes
Layla 12 years
just bought a new deep fryer awww yeah
Layla 12 years
hahaa noo im far too young to be queen of anything hahaa
Layla 12 years
thats what i thought !!! hahaa imchubby dont kid yourself !we both know i will win