
Tioga, Wv, United States  
Nl54 14 years
I'm full of alcohol! Just turned 29 at midnight! Don't know whether to be happy or depressed.
Nl54 14 years
Yeah, I don't like work but it is part of life.
Nl54 14 years
Love your pics SoftCurves. They certainly look soft and you have a sexy face smiley
Nl54 14 years
Andrew Zimmerman's Bizzare World premieres in 20 min! I can't wait.
Nl54 14 years
A limit on posting replies to your post? That shouldn't apply to good standing memebers. What is that crap?
Nl54 14 years
Oh yes, Fatgirl. German Chocolate ftw!! Deja Vu from the other night smiley
Nl54 14 years
Yeah, I can drink a virgin tea without the sugar, but I always prefer it if it's available.
Nl54 14 years
Nice pics, Houston
Nl54 14 years
Hell yeah, Angie. Alll good food. But we sotuherners need a sweet tea too wash down our food smiley
Nl54 14 years
Little caeasar's Pizza is intoducing a large two topping stuffed crust for 7.99. I'm stoked!
Nl54 14 years
Indded, Miss Angie. I can already feel it in my stomach. Btw...Anyone tried corndogs dipped in Heinz 57 sauce? They are fantastic!
Nl54 14 years
Chocolate beers + corndogs and chips? Someone say a prayer for my *** I have to work will be fun until though smiley
Nl54 14 years
Brb...corndogs and chips are calling my drunken mind...
Nl54 14 years
Wh oever doubted your womanhood Angie? I've had many women your sixe plus some smiley
Nl54 14 years
I'm drunk before midnight on a Sunday...someone get me an AA refferal lol
Nl54 14 years
Hello people, what's going on?
Nl54 14 years
"I like em big . I like em chunky. I like'em funky" -Madagascar 2
Nl54 14 years
Anyone else believe the hype of James Cameron's Avatar? Or is another flop...
Nl54 14 years
Well, gonna go lay my drunken, stuffed self down. Good night peeps.
Nl54 14 years
You have gorgeous pictures to Angie. Love your body and smile smiley
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