
Scranton, Pennsylvania, United States  
RyanH1984 1 month
To those that may have drank half & half before, whats it like? I want to try it but I’m scared to…
RyanH1984 1 month
I decided to throw it out since it smells nasty
RyanH1984 1 month
Ive been persuaded to try it so ill get it again
RyanH1984 1 month
I am not fat enough yet, I need to be at least 500lbs or 550lbs before I am happy
RyanH1984 1 month
Wish i could hang out with fat loving/admiring people. Heck maybe even eat with them (at a restaurant of course)….sigh i can only dream i suppose
RyanH1984 1 month
Jigglin’ like Jello
RyanH1984 1 month
RyanH1984 2 months
Why do some people message me and then delete their account afterwards? That drives me crazy
Ljgammage 2 months
At least I don't do that
Imalwayshungry 2 months
Same thing happens to me a lot
RyanH1984 3 months
RyanH1984 3 months
RyanH1984 3 months
RyanH1984 3 months
RyanH1984 3 months
RyanH1984 4 months
What was your "i can't believe i ate the whole thing" moment?
Mine was stress eating a whole medium pizza in one sitting
New forum post
RyanH1984 4 months
RyanH1984 4 months
RyanH1984 4 months
RyanH1984 4 months
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