
Orange, California, United States  
Lilgameboy 3 months
new gainer entry created
not as fast as i want
Is there anyone interested in expediting the process? lol
Lilgameboy 3 months
Lilgameboy 3 months
Lilgameboy 3 months
new gainer entry created
been awhile
It’s been too long and I gotta get bigger
Lilgameboy 7 months
new gainer entry created
1 month!
In a month I put on 20 lbs. Fast food is so easily accessible and being on medical leave means plenty of resting. It’s all just turning to fat on my midsection.
Lilgameboy 8 months
Ok y’all. Need gaining recipes for picky eaters. Shake recipes also accepted!
Lilgameboy 8 months
Lilgameboy 8 months
Lilgameboy 8 months
Lilgameboy 1 year
Lilgameboy 1 year
Lilgameboy 1 year