
Northampton, England, United Kingdom  
GainingGreg 6 days
GainingGreg 3 weeks
GainingGreg 1 month
Slight overhang...
GainingGreg 2 months
Summer shirt a tad tight this year...
GainingGreg 3 months
new gainer entry created
15 stone target hit!
GainingGreg 3 months
GainingGreg 5 months
GainingGreg 5 months
GainingGreg 7 months
Fatter than ever!
GainingGreg 10 months
new gainer entry created
gaining unexpectedly continues!
Another 3 pounds and these are all so satisfying! The past month, I have returned to work after 6 weeks off and this is usually a time when I inadvertently lose weight, purely from being more activ...
GainingGreg 10 months
GainingGreg 10 months
GainingGreg 11 months
GainingGreg 11 months
So full after a day of non-stop eating!
GainingGreg 11 months
As round as I've ever been!
GainingGreg 11 months
new gainer entry created
finally hit the big 200!
Yes! Finally officially over 200lbs! But more than the number itself, I'm loving the affect on my ever roundening belly. I'm also finding I'm always hungry & always thinking of food, resulting in m...
GainingGreg 11 months
Yes - finally hit the 'legitimate' 200lb mark (1st thing in the morning with an empty stomach)!!! Next stop - 210...
Mrsr1250 11 months
Big boy x
GainingGreg 11 months
Trying on work clothes after a summer of gluttony
GainingGreg 11 months
Eventful afternoon having a tyre blow out on the A45. Managed to limp along to the next safest location...which just happens to be a McDonalds! Well, would be rude not to pop in whilst waiting!
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