
Indianapolis, Indiana, United States  
Morgan03 1 month
Get me so high that I can barely get up and then feed me so much that I definitely can't get up
KingFeeder 1 month
Morgan03 1 month
Kinda want someone who will gently offer me food throughout the day, who will ask me to try out this new recipe they just made, to try some cookies they just baked

Someone who will start making another meal while knowing full well that I just finished the last

And I'll have no choice but to accept. Not because they force me or anything, but because who could refuse food from a loved one?

We'll be months in living together and my belly will strain against and spill over every wasitband, even of my pajama pants, and all of my shirts will leave a gap of soft doughy belly on display to wobble as I walk to the kitchen table to try out their latest dish

But I'll hardly notice, because I'll just assume I'm merely helplessly bloated from the loving meals and snacks my gut is constantly filled with. Once I'm no longer stuffed these pants will button. But that time never comes, I'll never not be gorging myself on their love filled food.
J Money 1 month
I love the picture you paint!
You should dm me I like cooking a lot:b
Morgan03 1 month
getting fat is hot and fun i don’t make the rules i just stay soft and look cute smiley
Morgan03 1 month
new gainer entry created
I'm starting to gain again! My heaviest ever was around 260, so I'd love to get back there. As a short term goal I'd like to get to 240ish by late May. So we'll see how things go.