
London, England, United Kingdom  
Foxglove 12 years
Freedombell, I miss you x
Foxglove 12 years
Freedombell, I miss you x
Foxglove 12 years
Wow Sparkle, big step. Good luck & let me know how it goes x
Foxglove 12 years
@vernon: someone did a painting of that pic and posted it in around January I think
Foxglove 12 years
@freedombell: Let's go to the seaside smiley
Foxglove 12 years
But you don't bite... Team Edward!
Foxglove 12 years
Hi to all from me in Thailand... I miss being able to use the chat room when I'm away... Sad signs of addiction!
Foxglove 12 years
humpty that is a really serious issue. Thank you for bringing it to our attention smiley
Foxglove 12 years
Being in Sydney is fabulous... but I miss y'all!
Foxglove 12 years
Cortez, I've just moved everything from my dating ad to the "about me" section, simples
Foxglove 12 years
Go witchy!
Foxglove 12 years
Kaptn. 'sup?
Foxglove 12 years
@Arch Cynic of London: you knows we loves ya really
Foxglove 12 years
@Sir Hogg: you're past your sell-by date?
Foxglove 12 years
bor... oh i can't even be bothered
Foxglove 12 years
double post. doh. damn you, refresh button
Foxglove 12 years
wasn't it Mike Reid on Eastenders?
Foxglove 12 years
wasn't it Mike Reid on Eastenders?
Foxglove 12 years
evening humpty!
Foxglove 12 years
Either way, I think it's the start of a beautiful relationship...
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