
Lexington, Ky, United States  
HedgieBoy 12 years
Uploaded another pic. =]
HedgieBoy 12 years
Now I remember why I took a break from here, the lack of replies. @_@
HedgieBoy 12 years
Sorry for my hiatus, but I put up a new pic. =]
HedgieBoy 12 years
I'd love to get a reply to my messages every now and then. =x
HedgieBoy 12 years
HedgieBoy 12 years
Happy 21st Birthday to meeee!
HedgieBoy 12 years
Pretty sure the day I get a reply message, hell WILL freeze over. xD
HedgieBoy 12 years
Would love to get some comments or actual PM's for once, lol
HedgieBoy 12 years
New pic =p
HedgieBoy 12 years
Anyone have any picture requests for me? PM them to me =]
HedgieBoy 12 years
Just uploaded 2 pics for you all. =]
HedgieBoy 12 years
I just uploaded a new pic. Woo
HedgieBoy 12 years
Dunno why I never get responses. >_>;
HedgieBoy 12 years
I don't think bellies throb...Might wanna go see a doctor petroon. xD
HedgieBoy 12 years
Anyone wanna chat? @_@
HedgieBoy 12 years
I understand some girls don't wanna chat with me but...It'd be kinda nice getting a message back saying so instead of just ignoring it. xD
HedgieBoy 12 years
$3000 AND a bumper sticker. Woooohoo.
HedgieBoy 12 years
It shouldn't be 100 degrees at Noon in Kentucky. Damn you Al Gore. >8I
HedgieBoy 12 years
It shouldn't be 100 degrees at Noon in Kentucky. Damn you Al Gore. >8I
HedgieBoy 12 years
This isn't CSI. >8I
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