
Phoenix, Arizona, United States  
Kaliorexi 4 years
delivery food plus shelter-at-home equals more of you to love...
Kaliorexi 4 years
Is anyone else using the quarantine as a free "get out jail" card to explain why your clothes no longer fit?
Kaliorexi 4 years
Kaliorexi 4 years
fortunately my pj bottoms have an elastic waistband to resist the results of the Quarantine Diet...
Kaliorexi 4 years
Kaliorexi 4 years
Kaliorexi 4 years
Kaliorexi 4 years
Kaliorexi 4 years
the only thing that still fits is a necklace...
Kaliorexi 4 years
Kaliorexi 4 years
Kaliorexi 4 years
It looks I only have one shirt to wear...
Kaliorexi 4 years
Kaliorexi 4 years
Kaliorexi 4 years
I look wider...
Kaliorexi 4 years
Sweets will always stick by you--or rather, to you...
Kaliorexi 4 years
Kaliorexi 4 years
I guess if you just sit you get wider...
Kaliorexi 4 years
Kaliorexi 4 years