
Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada  

About me

I am a kind and generous person. I am interested in having a good time.
I love and dream of the idea of someone feeding me tons of fatty and lard filled food and to make me gain weight as fast as possible and become immobile no matter the consequences, while also using me as their pleasure toy where they fuck and do other stuff with me. The idea of letting go of control and relinquishing full control of your life and body to someone who wants to destroy you with fat is beautiful and awesome. I so badly want to be tied up. Someone please take me and force me to drown in my own fat and lard. Make me 1000lbs!! (This is literally true, so if someone wants to actually do this to me, message me)

I also enjoy inflation and bloating. Inflation by using helium or air to inflate my stomach till I look absolutely huge. Bloating by eating foods that grow and fill me up, making me look and feel absolutely huge and blissful.

I have growler, bigger city, gmail, and fet life.

Gender: male
Age: 25yrs
Weight: 224lbs
Height: 5’ 10" (178 cms)
Sexual orientation: bisexual
Fetish: gainer
Online 11 hours
Visits website: daily
Joined 2 years


Food: Cheeseburgers, soup, pizza, cake, muffins, and cookies
Movies: Star wars and star trek,
Music: Country and rock
TV shows: Doctor who, loki, Picard
Cars: Ford fusion
Books: Enders game, maze runner, divergent
Fashions: Plain

Followers (4)