Horror Feeder

Austin, Minnesota, United States  

About me

I'm a feeder who loves movies, especially horror movies. The smoking bit is not talking about tobacco ;)

Gender: male
Age: 25yrs
Weight: 230lbs
Height: 5’ 11" (181 cms)
Sexual orientation: straight
Fetish: feeder
Online 1 day
Visits website: weekly
Joined 5 years


Food: Sushi and Cabbage in any form tbh
Movies: Fright Night is my favorite horror movie and the graduate is my favorite movie in general.
Music: They Might be Giants and Kishi Bashi
TV shows: The X Files is my favorite, Gravity Falls is another favorite of mine and anything by Mike Flanagan is amazing especially Midnight Mass.
Cars: Idk anything about cars tbh, I like the DeLorean from BTTF and the Mystery Machine from scooby doo.
Books: Lord of the Flies is my favorite, Man in the lifeboat is great and so is Me and Earl and the Dying Girl (love the movie too)