Hungry Boi

Onalaska, Wisconsin, United States  

About me

I'm here to meet the man or woman who will feed me to make me bigger. Just a hungry Boi looking to be fed, teased, poked and prodded. Just went to he someone’s big fatty. Chat me up~

Gender: male
Age: 23yrs
Weight: 310lbs
Height: 5’ 9" (176 cms)
Sexual orientation: pansexual
Fetish: feedee
Online 1 week
Visits website: monthly
Joined 1 year


Food: yes
Movies: 300, The Irshmen, Goddfellas, star wars, harry potter, boondock saints, Lord of the Rings, star wars
Music: Rock, some pop, Heavy metal.
TV shows: FReinds, how i met your mother, avatar the last airbender. simpsons, south park,futurama
Cars: none
Books: The Hobbit, Hairy Potter, Maximum Ride, The Great gatsby,Norse Mythology
Fashions: Sweat pants, shorts..or nothing

Followers (4)

Premium pics (1)