
Naperville, Illinois, United States  

About me

Looking for a feeder to help me quench my kink

Gender: male
Age: 25yrs
Weight: 265lbs
Height: 5’ 10" (178 cms)
Sexual orientation: bisexual
Fetish: feedee
Online 6 months
Visits website: rarely
Joined 4 years


Food: Honestly anything that tastes great I love but I’m willing to give anything a try
Movies: If it has a great vision and a clear and concise story I’ll love it
Music: Video game soundtracks mostly
TV shows: N/A
Cars: Willing to learn about them but I don’t have a preference
Books: I mostly read manga😅
Fashions: I don’t have a sense of style, I should probably learn to eventually

Followers (1)