Small town stories

chapter 2

CH2: Small Town Stories: Jen, a Teacher's Story

Jen was a natural hottie her senior year of high school. At 5'11 125 Jen was really slim, but she pulled it off. She had the long slender legs of a model, a nice little but, perky tits and a stunning face. Despite her good looks, she didn't date anyone in high school. She was college bound and felt she was better than most of her class mates and too busy anyway.

After her summer, Jen went off to Clemson University where she studied primary education. Like most college girls, Jen partied a lot and didn't lead a healthy lifestyle. She actually put on 25 lbs during her time at school, but it just made her hotter. Most of the weigh landed in her tits and on her ass. At 5'11 150 she was hardly heavy. She'd just developed curves to go with her stunning face. She'd also developed awful eating habits. On a diet of fried food and baked goods, Jen had only kept her figure through exercise and by limiting her intake.

After graduating, Jen took a job teaching 3rd grade just outside of Louisville. Jen quickly bonded with her co-workers and went out with the women from school for dinner a few times her first week. Jen was a bit wary though and made sure she didn't eat too much. She'd noticed nearly all the ladies were plump, and she didn't want to end up like them. Still, regular girls nights out quickly became the norm. With the responsibilities that came with teaching and her new social life, Jen's exercise career effectively ended. She never even signed up for a gym in Louisville.

Over the next few months, Jen thought she realized why her co-workers were all sporting quite a bit of extra padding. There was food everywhere. Not only would other teachers bring in baked goods and leave them in the lounge, but Jen's students constantly brought her treats that were being sent in by there parents. There was so much food being pushed on her, she felt it was almost impossible to avoid.

By the end of her first academic year, Jen was getting concerned. Nine months she'd put on 30 lbs. Jen knew it was from her constant snacking and lack of exercise, but she didn't think there was much she could do. The pressure to eat was just so high. Plus, at 5'11 180, she kept her weight exactly in the right places. Her ass was thick and juicy and her boobs were getting huge. Her thighs were also starting to grow quite thick, but her stomach had only softened and still appeared quite flat. Jen knew she was thick , but she also knew she was hot. After all, she'd just started fucking Ray, and Ray was quite the catch.

Ray was 35 and a rising star at River City Bank, and was really wealthy and really good looking. He was also married and the father of Ben a first grader at the school. Ray and Jen met at a Parent Teacher event. Ray knew immediately that he needed ask out this thick young hottie. He did after the meeting.

They started dating, and he spent a lot of money really fast taking her out, staying in hotels, and buying her little gifts. Not surprisingly, Ray's wife Alex figured it out very quickly. She didn't say anything though, she liked being rich and Ray had a prenupt. So she decided to wait and hope the affair would end. A thick girl like Jen was sure to get fat right? Then Ray would lose interest, right? After all, Ray didn't start cheating on her with Jen until Alex had grown quite fat herself.

Not surprisingly with the addition of dinners with Ray to the onslaught of food at school, Jen continued to get fat in a hurry. The following June, Jen was 240 lbs. She still had a great shape and looked thick as fuck, but she knew she was starting to get fat too. Her face had begun to soften and her arms had grown soft. She was developing a bit of a pot belly and her thighs had gotten fat. Still though, with her fattened up breasts and huge ass, Ray still loved fucking her so she wasn't too worried.

Alex on the other hand was frustrated. How big did this girl have to get before she went from thick to fat in Ray's eyes? Alex had an idea though to speed the process. Jen was Ben's 3rd grade teacher. Instead saying anything, when school started Alex just started sending in a tray of muffins with Ben every day. At first, Jen ate some of the muffins but gave most of them away. She just assumed they Ray being cute.

About this time, Angela moved into town. Angela and Jen had been good friends in high school and they decided to meet up for coffee. When they met, both girls were relieved that the other had not maintained her high school body. At 5'1, Angela and had gotten huge. She had to be nearly 300 lbs and ate like it. Jen couldn't believe that the Puerto Rican peanut she'd known back in high school had turned into this fat ass, but it was true. Anyway, now that Angela and Jen had reconnected, they started to hang out a lot. Angela's complete disregard for healthy eating quickly dissolved the last bastions of Jen's healthy eating instincts. By October, Jen found herself eating just like Angela all the time. She ate all of the baked goods that her students brought in including the trays of muffins, she'd snack in the teachers lounge, and even started to indulge around Ray.

Jen was blowing up. She kind of knew it, but was ignoring it. By the end of January, Jen cleared 300 lbs. Her thighs were huge, and her ass had grown fat and heavy. Jen's boobs had become enormous but her gut was catching up and was quite fat as well now. Her arms had turned into soft pillows. But she was still fucking Ray, and loved the attention he gave her.

Alex couldn't believe it. Ray was cheating on her with a fattie! Jen was way fatter than Alex for sure now. What was it about her?!

In June Alex had told the school administration about Jen and Ray, and Jen was fired. Jen panicked. She new she could get a job teaching back home in Union, but what was she going to do without Ray? She blown past thick, she was 25 year old 340 lb fattie now! She was almost 3 times the size she'd been in high school! What guy back home was going to ***?

When Jen got back to Union, she reconnected with her old friend Lexi. Lexi'd gotten pretty thick since high school, but she still looked hot. And Jen thought Lexi was a bit too full of herself though. After all, Lexi had blown off the owner of Bat'her Up! Jen thought Lexi was everything she wished she still were: sexy, thick, attractive, and getting attention from hot rich guys. She did spy a little gut though. And Jen decided to develop that gut. If Jen was going to be a fat townie, she didn't want to be the only one.

Jen started haning out with Lexi a lot. It was easy to get Lexi to eat unhealthy food, all Jen had to do was eat it too. This was disastrous for Lexi's waistline, and didn't help Jen's.

After about two years back in Union, Jen heard from Ray again. Ray told her he'd broken up with Alex and was in love with Jen. He wanted her to move back to Louisville. Jen told Ray she wouldn't but he could move out to Union she. Jen also warned that she'd gotten fatter.

Ray arranged to do his banking job remotely, and moved right away. In Union, Ray was greeted by a 360 lb Lexi. She was wildly out of shape and really avoided activity whenever she could, but not that much fatter. They got married in the town hall, and Jen was living like she was rich again.

The following year, Angela moved back into town. She had a big coming home party. Lexi was being weird at the party, and really clingy, but by the end she met that hot guy Mike from Bat'her Up. They started dating. Jen thought it was funny how a muscley guy like Mike was into a fattie like Lexi. After all, Lexi had moved beyond thick well into fat territory now.

With Lexi dating Mike, Jen and Lexi saw less of each other. Jen didn't mind though, she loved hanging out with Angela. Angela, seemed to only have on true love. Food. Angela was much fatter than she'd been the last time Jen had seen her, and she ate like it too. All Angela and Jen did together was eat, and it had a big effect on Jen.

3 years later, at Mike and Lexi's wedding, Jen waddled up the aisle as maid of honor. Jen was 495 lbs now and at 5'11 she looked huge. Her gut big and fat, and her even larger breasts rested on top of it nearly pushing up into her face. Her ass stuck out like a shelf behind her, and her thighs were huge and fattened. Even her calves were bigger than her thighs had been in high school. She was so heavy that walking was exhausting, and she didn't work anymore because teaching made her tired. Jen thought life was great though. She and Ray had great sex, and she got to eat anything she wanted and grow fat without concern knowing Ray would always treat her like a princess. Plus, at least she wasn't as big as Angela.
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