The new neighbor

Chapter 2

“Oh, hi Julie! Please come in and have a seat; make yourself comfortable! I didn’t remember to ask you what you liked to eat, so I decided to cook a whole bunch of different foods. I hope you like it!”

Julie thought to herself, “Oh my god, I can’t refuse any of the food he’s made… that would be so rude…”

Seeing a look of worry upon her face Ryan says, “Is anything the matter?”

”Oh no… it’s just that…well this will sound silly, but actually I’m worried that I won’t be hungry enough to eat all of the food you’ve prepared… I don’t want to offend you! Wow that sounds so stupid...”

Ryan thought for a second, not wanting to come across as creepy, “Oh no, that’s not a problem. I’ll serve this meal in many different courses, so we can go one by one and if you’re full, you’re full. If not, we’ll keep going. I want you to have a nice and relaxed evening my dear.”

Julie was flattered as this weight was lifted off her shoulder. She was worrying for nothing. With that, Ryan called her to the dining room table, pulled out her chair for her to sit, and poured a glass of wine. “First up for appetizers, I’ve made bacon-wrapped shrimp with a sweet and spicy dipping sauce and mini ham and spinach quiches.” He put 2 of each on his plate, while filling Julie’s plate with the rest. Her eyes widened, but as she took bites of each, she couldn’t believe how good they were. She polished off the dozen hors d’oeuvres she was served.

Ryan smiled, “Did you enjoy those? My mother used to make those for all her house parties when I was younger… I just love them.”

“Yes, they were very good! You must give me that recipe sometime.”

He winked at Julie,”If I keep it a secret though, you’ll have to come over anytime you want them…”

Julie felt her heart flutter with excitement. “He’s such a great guy… I can’t believe he’s flirting with me so much…”

Ryan brought out the next course, spinach salad with goat cheese, and candied walnuts in a large salad bowl. Every time Julie was about to finish her already giant portion, Ryan would refill it. Soon the large bowl was gone. Julie enjoyed it very much, but was starting to feel a little stuffed. “This is only the salad… I can’t stop now… but he’s serving me too much… oh well, the food’s so yummy, I can handle it.”

The next course was a tomato cream soup topped with cheddar cheese and fresh baked bread and honey butter. Ryan watched as his new neighbor took very lady-like spoonfuls to her mouth. He had barely touched his food. He was so charmed by her beauty. Julie noticed Ryan staring at her and started to blush. Ryan noticed and asked, “What’s the matter? Is something wrong with the soup?”

”No… it’s just, I don’t want to seem like a pig for eating so much in front of you… I haven’t told you this, but I moved to this town because my ex-fiancé and I broke up. He was cheating on me with his tiny secretary… I gained weight during our engagement… it’s all my fault…”

Ryan took her hand from across the table, “Oh no, don’t feel that way. I know we’ve only just met, but I can tell you that you are one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. Your fiancé was crazy to let you go. With time you could even become more beautiful you know. Don’t worry. Let me pour you another glass of wine, I’ll go get the main course.”

Julie was so relieved that Ryan wasn’t disgusted…then again, why would he be? He’s the one serving her! But what did he mean ‘with time you could even become more beautiful’…?

“I hope you really enjoy this. It’s a chicken breast stuffed with ham, spinach, and mozzarella in a garlic butter sauce, a fully loaded baked potato, broccoli and cheese, and candied yams. And remember, you’re a beautiful woman. Don’t worry about what an old loser guy said to hurt you. I want you to feel happy and comfortable when you’re with me.”

Julie was so pleased, she dug right in. She savored every bite of the large stuffed chicken breast. Ryan was enamored as Julie finished the rest of her main course with gusto. She went so far as to take her finger and wipe up some of the garlic butter sauce for one last taste. Julie soon felt her little black dress tighten around her swollen belly. She couldn’t help but rest her hands on it and start to rub… she didn’t even care as Ryan watched.

Ryan couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Every other girl he had brought home and cooked for was offended that he would try and feed them so much. Was Julie really enjoying the way he was stuffing her?

Julie asked coyly, “So what’s for dessert?”

With that, Ryan invited her to the couch. “It’s a surprise. You just rest and I’ll be right back.” She reclined in the loveseat, not shy about letting her full belly show. She didn't have to worry about sucking it in.

Ryan comes back with a full tray of desserts. Her mouth couldn't help but start to water. On the tray were a thick slice of triple chocolate cake with tons of icing, a couple of slices of cheesecake with raspberry sauce, a big piece of pecan pie with heaping spoonfuls of vanilla ice cream, and dozens of chocolate covered strawberries.

Julie was so into this now, “Wow, you really know how to feed a hungry girl. I might start to get fat after all of this you know...”

Ryan added, “I guess my secret’s out. You’re gorgeous Julie… I want to take care of you… you could never get too big for me.” He stuck a chocolate covered strawberry in her eager mouth.

“I’ll all yours…” she kissed him passionately.

He forced big bites of cheesecake in her mouth, raspberry sauce dripping from the sides of her lips. He fed her more chocolate covered strawberries, pecan pie and vanilla ice cream. He watched as her little black dress grew tighter and tighter.

Things were starting to heat up as he caressed her from the tips of her mouth, down her chin, lingering at her breasts, moving down to the bottom of her dress. He lifted up the thin fabric to expose her bursting belly. He massaged her stomach as they kissed and touched. Ryan’s kisses moved further south, leading to her wet lips.

He flicked and swirled his tongue around her clit while thrusting two fingers in her pussy as she stuffed the chocolate cake in her mouth. Ryan brought her to orgasm as she swallowed the last bite.

“Wow! This has honestly been the best night of my life Ryan.”

”Please say that you’ll stay my dear. We could live this way forever. This is only the beginning.”

She wondered how far this could go... Ryan really cared about her. She finally found someone who would love her no matter what.
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