It runs in the family

Chapter 2 - one bite for you, the rest for me

Gloria needed to think of a way to try to get Vicky to eat more, but how? Then she remembered what her mother used to tell her.

~26 years ago~
"Gloria, dinner will be ready in a few minutes, don't you want something to snack meanwhile, it would help to work your appetite beforehand"

That was it! If she gave Vicky some snacks then she will hungrier, specifically if she hadn't eating anything in a while, getting some food in her stomach while hungry always made her hungrier at dinner, so it must work on her daughter to.

Gloria went to the supermarket with one mission in mind, to try and get as much fattening food as possible. It wasn't as hard as she thought, those things were everywhere and they were also pretty cheap.
"Ok now that I have the food I need to figure out how to get Vicky to eat it, hmmm... I can't think with an empty stomach, I'm sure a bag of chips won't make a difference *munch* *munch*" once the first chip made contact with her mouth Gloria lost all control, the taste was you too good and addictive, she finished the first bag, then moved to the second one, then the third one and so on until there was only one bag left "just... one... more" Gloria was stuffed right now, she had devoured 10 bags of fattening chips and was reaching for the last one.

"Mom, I'm home"
The sound of her daughter made her wake up from her trance, she suddenly remembered her initial plan, those chips were suppose to be for Vicky, not for her, but now that didn't matter, there was still one bag left, that was all that she needed... hopefully.
"How *burp* (Oh God, I'm so full), sorry, how was your day sweetie?"
"Fine I guess, Jimmy is still with Sasha, but at least I passed math"
"Come on honey, you know that it breaks my heart seeing you like that, why don't you try one of these chips, they are delicious"
"I don't fell hungry right now mom, but thanks"
Gloria really wanted to end the conversation there and just eat the last bag herself, but she needed to do this for her daughter
"Common Vicky, doit for me"
Vicky may be a lot of things, but she wasn't a bad person, she couldn't resist the puppy eyes of her mother.
"*sigh* fine, but just this time *munch* wow you weren't lying, this things are awesome" Vicky quickly finished the bag, her mother hadn't seen her enjoy food in such a long time, it almost made her cry
"You can go rest if you want, dinner would be ready in an hour"
"Ok, and mom, thanks, that really helped"

~At dinner~

"Vicky, dinner is ready"
Vicky ran downstairs, her light weight made so she did produce even a sound
"Wow mom, you really outdid yourself" it was true, Gloria had made food to feed an entire army, the idea of her daughter finally being at a normal weight motivated her to keep going
"What can I say, today was a good day"

They both sat a the table and started eating, Vicky had forgotten how good her mother's cuisine was, she ended up cleaning her plate (which wasn't a small success considering that her mother filled it to the maximum), she was felling stuffed now, all the years of starving herself lead to the capacity of her stomach getting reduced, still, she didn't know why today she was so hungry, the only thing that she knew was that it was delicious to just eat without worrying
"That was delicious mom, thank you, I'm going to go rest for a while in my room" Vicky manage to get up (with a bit of struggle and pain) and walked to her room.
Meanwhile Gloria was finishing her third plate, she was extremely full, but she felt really hungry, with one last bite she finished her meal, she leaned back on her chair and started rubbing her belly
"I might have gotten a bit *burp* to much food, but who cares, today I deserved it after my plan went so well and it isn't like I'm going to eat like this every day, but I do need to remember that the food is for Vicky and not for me, today I almost screwed it up, wait, it's that a chocolate bar? Well I already ate a lot, it would a shame let this go to waste"

(I accidentally deleted the chapter ^^Uu I took this as an opportunity and made a few changes)
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FAbrony 4 years
going off what i said earlier i think Vicky should get notacibly ahead of Susan too, just make it so each member is in a diffrent place
FAbrony 4 years
I think gloira should get really far ahead like 250+, it would make sense with what’s happened in the story so far and it would give a sense of diffrence between group members. As i feel if they are all relatively equal it might be more limiting then if
Adoragordas124 6 years
Hmmm a gain of 200 in a month is kind of hard, but maybe they can stay for two months instead of one
Ulvrik 6 years
hmm i do really like the option C ^^ their weight? hmm how about 400-500 for the girls and 500-600 for gloria? just a suggestion ^^
Loco123 6 years
I think it would be good if suddenly Susan would eat in the night too
Adoragordas124 6 years
Hey guys, I kind of want to commission an artist to make a drawing of Gloria, Susan and Vicky, and put it as the cover picture, so if any of you know (or are) an artist that can make that at a reasonable price, let me know
Adoragordas124 6 years
Heck, uhhhhh I really like that idea, the kids making there mother really fat, I really like that
Heck 6 years
For a sequel, I think it would be good if Vicky or maybe one of her friends, became a mother, but was purposefully fattened by their kids
Adoragordas124 6 years
Heck, I like the idea of Susan and Vicky being really obese caretakers, I love to hear your idea for the sequel
Adoragordas124 6 years
FA guy, thanks dude!
Adoragordas124 6 years
Tunker, I appreciate the idea, but I'm not into male weight gain, sorry
Heck 6 years
I really like this story, simply because there aren't enough Mother and Daughter weight gain stories. That being said, I think I'd be great if Gloria ended up immobile, with Susan and Vicky as her caretakers. As for a sequel, I think I'd be great if Vicky
FA Guy 6 years
I love this story and would like to see it keep going
Adoragordas124 7 years
Dolphinsoccergirl, sadly I can give you an answer, I'm still waiting to see if more people answer the questions that I left and after that I need to think how to continue, but hopefully soon
Adoragordas124 7 years
Ulvrik thanks you for your feedback, i really aprecciated nwn
Adoragordas124 7 years
Thank you plaidnok ^^
Nok 7 years
I like your descriptions
Ulvrik 7 years
1. I thonk a combo with both smiley

2. oh! gain defineltly! hmm i would say a bit faster, with the thought that there are allready two overeater ^^
Adoragordas124 7 years
2 would you like to see Susan gain weight to or would you prefer if it stayed just Gloria and Vicky?
If you choose for her to gain, would you like to see her gain at a fast speed or a lower speed?
Adoragordas124 7 years
Hey guys, today's chapter was reeeeeealy long so I hope you enjoy it
Another thing, I need your feedback on some things
1 would you like to see things go slower (the girls no gaining as fast, no that many jumpcuts and not so long ones where I make them)
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