It runs in the family

Chapter 11 - a day in the life of two fatties and a blob: gloria

Today is Gloria's alone time, every two weeks on Monday, Tuesday and Friday both Susan and Vicky go to the university, so Gloria can just stay in the sofa all day in her underwear and snack as much as she wants (Well, she still does that when the girls are in the house, but these days she doesn't have to wear pants).
It was 1:00p.m and Gloria felt kind of picky, she desperately wanted some cake, a triple chocolate cake to be precise, just thinking about it made Gloria's gut roar in need, she hadn't had one since her weeding; that was one of the happiest days of her life, she even remembered when she had met David while they were both in collage, at the time he wanted to become a journalist while she wanted to become an art teacher, they met in the club of photography, they've went everywhere with that club, from the mountains to some old temples in Mexico. David was an exchange student from the U.S. he had gone to Mexico because of the beautiful places that it had and it's vast history; Gloria was the first person to take him to a mountain full of wildlife, they never forgot how they stayed all night, watching the moon and the stars while surrounded by the sounds of animals, it was so exciting and relaxing at the same time, there they found a lot about each other, how David's father worked in a pastry shop and how they would spend entire evenings cooking, or how Gloria's mother was blind most of her life but still founded every single thing to be beautiful, she taught her how to find enjoyment in the little things.
After Gloria got pregnant with Vicky, David propose to her, he took her to the same mountain where they opened up to each other, he bought a toy snake and put the ring right in it's tail, he then pretended it was real and fought it in front of her, it was pretty dumb, but also really cute. After a while they went to live in the U.S; David's mother passed away just after they both graduated from the university (David in electronics and Gloria as a journalist), she had left him her house as heritage. After a couple of years David became a well known name in the area of electronics, to the point where he had founded his own company, meanwhile Gloria wasn't doing so good, she barely got any jobs and the ones that she got didn't gave her any money, seeing this and adding the fact that Vicky was becoming a teenager, David told her to quit her job and just stay around the house taking care of Vicky; Gloria obviously didn't wanted to accept at first, but eventually she accepted the offer. 4 years later, David signed a contract with a company for an absurd amount of money, the downside was that he had to leave the country for 6 years, he could only take vacations twice every 2 years, it wasn't something that he wanted to do, but it was an opportunity that he couldn't refuse, specifically after Gloria insisted that he should accept the money.
"Oh my little honeybear, you don't know how much I miss you, if you could see how things are going here, Vicky is putting so much effort into everything, her and Susan seem to be really good friends too... I just wish you were here to see how much she has matured"

At around 3:00 p.m Gloria woke up from her "little" nap, she felt like she hadn't eating in days, and the fact that she still wanted some cake wasn't helping; she tried with all her might to heave out of the couch, but it was useless, her weak and unused muscles couldn't handle all the the amounts of adipose that she had accumulated, she tried a couple more times but only manage to get herself out of breath
"Man *puff* I shouldn't try to *huff* get up after just *puff* *huff* waking up, my body is still half asleep"
Gloria's belly let out a mighty rumble, demanding to be feed.
"Oh God, I'm wasting away in here, I need some food *sniff* what's that delicious aroma? *sniff* Ohhh it smells so good!!"
Powered by her intense hunger and greed, Gloria made one last effort to try and get up, with one powerful push she heaved herself up from the couch, her entire body jiggling everywhere, there wasn't a single part of her body that was firm anymore.
She stated to made a slow waddle towards the enticing aroma, she looked through the window to find a new bakery across the street, Gloria unconsciously started to salivate by the mere fact of thinking about all the delicious pastries, her belly made another sound, as if it was telling her that she need to there.
"I could really good for that cake... and some donuts... uhhhh and an apple pie... I need my purse"
Sadly for her, no the her purse and her clothes were both upstairs; she had a really hard time going up and down the stairs when she was 200 pounds, now at 310 pounds it was a complete nightmare, she couldn't even get halfway through them without having to stop to catch her breath, also her lard hips brushed against each side of the wall, making her struggle even bigger, but she was wasn't going to stay there dying of hunger. It took her half an hour to get up the flight of stairs, she got stuck a couple of times, but thanks to the fact that she was completely sweaty she manage to get through.

Now it came the real problem, getting dressed, normally Vicky help her pick her pants off the ground and get them over her bulbous ass, but now she needed to do it alone.
"Ok, where are those green pants that Vicky bought me some weeks ago?... wait what are this doing here? Are this Susan's shorts? I haven't used shorts in a while and we're kind of the same size, I doubt that she'll get mad if I wear them a little bit"
Gloria tried to get one leg inside the "small" shorts, but they wouldn't even go past her knee, she tried and tried but it was useless, the was no way that the shorts would fit her, defeated, Gloria throw the shorts back into Susan's room.
"I guess I've put a few pounds, well, it was to be expected, hopefully I can burn those pounds quickly, how much could I've put? Maximum 10, oh here they are, why where my pants in Susan's room? I guess her clothes don't fit her, she's been getting kind of heavy lately"
Gloria managed to her pants up her monster thighs with a little bit of struggle, but she managed it, now her butt was another story, it stuck out so far this she couldn't actually reach far enough to get them up
"Man, they make this things worse every year, now everything it's about quantity instead of quality, I guess I'll to use the 'the get on the floor'"
Gloria rested her flabby body on the ground, she grabbed the sides of her pants and started to wiggle around trying to get them up her quivering ass, against all odds, she managed to do it, but now came a problem that she hadn't accounted for, getting up; it was hard enough for her to get up from a sitting position, she started to wiggle from side to side like a turtle upside down, her belly rocking back and forth like the waves from the ocean, her entire body jiggled in unison like on big blobby mass of fat; she finally managed to turn to the point where she could grab the side of Susan's bed and pushed herself upwards.
"That *wheeze* the worst *wheeze* work out *wheeze* that I've had *wheeze* in my life *wheeze* *huff* *puff* Now *huff* *puff* it's time for the shirt"
The shirt wasn't as much as problem as her pants, but it was really "fitting", her bingo-wings were stretching the sleeves to their limits and her second belly roll was completely exposed, but Gloria was so tired and hungry that she didn't even cared, she didn't even put shoes and just went with some sandals.

It was finally there, the promised land, the pastry shop, Gloria waddle as fast as her humongous thighs would let her. Inside the shop everyone looked in awe as Gloria made her way through the shop, her thighs rubbing together constantly, her hips swaying side to side with a force strong enough to push a person to the ground, her cellulitic butt going everywhere, moving like jello on a bus, her belly going up and down in a hypnotic way, nobody could looked away from the titanic lady wheezing at every single step.

Finally Gloria had everything that she wanted, she grabbed a three floor triple chocolate cake, two boxes of donuts, one apple pie, four cinnamon rolls, five biscuits and two cherry pies; She was exhausted, she hadn't walked that much in months, her legs couldn't handle all that weight for that long amount of time, she needed to rest. She spotted a table near the croissants, she knew that nobody was supposed to sit on those chairs, but right know all she wanted to do was to rest a little, she slowly lowered her massive bulk on top the poor chair, it creaked ominously has if it knew that it's time had ended, Gloria took one of the biscuits and devoured it in seconds, it felt like heaven, she quickly took another, and another, and another, until they were all gone, she then took a bite of of the cheery pie
That was all it, the chair couldn't hold Gloria's enormity anymore, it broke down to pieces, sending Gloria straight to the ground, the entire establishment shakes and Gloria's colossal butt reached the floor
"Ma'am, are you ok?"
"Y-yeah, those chairs aren't really meant for people to sit on them *munch* I'll pay for it, don't worry"
"Ma'am you can't eat the products before- *sigh* forget it"

After that "experience" Gloria was finally at home, she didn't even bother to take of anything, she went straight for the food, she finished the pies instantly, and went for the donuts, one in each hand, bite after bite the were all disappearing inside of her, the cinnamon rolls suffered the same fate, and for the end, the cake, she didn't even bothered with spoons or knifes, she grabbed handful faster handful, stuffing herself silly, she barely even stopped to catch her breath, she was an unstoppable eating machine. She let herself fall into the couch, her bulging stomach red from all the food that it was packing
"*buuurp* that was good... I could really go for a pizza right now"
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 4 years
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FAbrony 4 years
going off what i said earlier i think Vicky should get notacibly ahead of Susan too, just make it so each member is in a diffrent place
FAbrony 4 years
I think gloira should get really far ahead like 250+, it would make sense with what’s happened in the story so far and it would give a sense of diffrence between group members. As i feel if they are all relatively equal it might be more limiting then if
Adoragordas124 6 years
Hmmm a gain of 200 in a month is kind of hard, but maybe they can stay for two months instead of one
Ulvrik 6 years
hmm i do really like the option C ^^ their weight? hmm how about 400-500 for the girls and 500-600 for gloria? just a suggestion ^^
Loco123 6 years
I think it would be good if suddenly Susan would eat in the night too
Adoragordas124 6 years
Hey guys, I kind of want to commission an artist to make a drawing of Gloria, Susan and Vicky, and put it as the cover picture, so if any of you know (or are) an artist that can make that at a reasonable price, let me know
Adoragordas124 6 years
Heck, uhhhhh I really like that idea, the kids making there mother really fat, I really like that
Heck 6 years
For a sequel, I think it would be good if Vicky or maybe one of her friends, became a mother, but was purposefully fattened by their kids
Adoragordas124 7 years
Heck, I like the idea of Susan and Vicky being really obese caretakers, I love to hear your idea for the sequel
Adoragordas124 7 years
FA guy, thanks dude!
Adoragordas124 7 years
Tunker, I appreciate the idea, but I'm not into male weight gain, sorry
Heck 7 years
I really like this story, simply because there aren't enough Mother and Daughter weight gain stories. That being said, I think I'd be great if Gloria ended up immobile, with Susan and Vicky as her caretakers. As for a sequel, I think I'd be great if Vicky
FA Guy 7 years
I love this story and would like to see it keep going
Adoragordas124 7 years
Dolphinsoccergirl, sadly I can give you an answer, I'm still waiting to see if more people answer the questions that I left and after that I need to think how to continue, but hopefully soon
Adoragordas124 7 years
Ulvrik thanks you for your feedback, i really aprecciated nwn
Adoragordas124 7 years
Thank you plaidnok ^^
Nok 7 years
I like your descriptions
Ulvrik 7 years
1. I thonk a combo with both smiley

2. oh! gain defineltly! hmm i would say a bit faster, with the thought that there are allready two overeater ^^
Adoragordas124 7 years
2 would you like to see Susan gain weight to or would you prefer if it stayed just Gloria and Vicky?
If you choose for her to gain, would you like to see her gain at a fast speed or a lower speed?
Adoragordas124 7 years
Hey guys, today's chapter was reeeeeealy long so I hope you enjoy it
Another thing, I need your feedback on some things
1 would you like to see things go slower (the girls no gaining as fast, no that many jumpcuts and not so long ones where I make them)
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