It runs in the family

Chapter 12 - beach day for three beached whales

It's been a month since the day that the new bakery opened nearby, it's finally summer and Susan and Vicky are on vacations, and obviously the combination of absolute gluttony, laziness and nearby fattening food can have some impressive effects.
Vicky went up to 210, she didn't suffer a lot of changes, mainly her double chin became more prominent
Susan went up to 235 pounds, the combination of all the pastries in home and the fact that Michael was bringing her far more treats than he had in the past, made her balloon up in just a month, her belly hanged even lower, now when she walked her thighs move her belly up a bit, her love handles were impossible to ignore, her hips and butt had grew so fast that she actually knocked things off of tables without realizing it and, for her horror, her milky white thighs started to develop a hint of cellulite
Gloria topped them with an incredible 340 pounds, Gloria had been eating non-stop literally, every where she went she brought some food, her enormous behind didn't even looked like a built now, her shapeless blobs of fat and her mighty gelatinous hips were starting to approach the point where they were as wide as she was tall, her thighs had grown to a point where it wasn't even possible to achieve a gap between even if someone wanted to, her arms had reached the a point where they could have been mistaken for thick legs, incredibly, her belly hadn't been affected or if it did it was unnoticeable.
The trio of fatties where enjoying some chinese takeouts when the phone of house started to ring.
"Don't worry my sweethearts, I'll *burrp* answer" thankfully for everyone (specifically Vicky and Susan because they would've to help her up), the phone was next to Gloria's couch.
"Who else calls you that?"
"Oh my sweet gummy bear, who is it that you're calling us? I thought that they didn't let you use the phone for personal calls"
"Yeah, but I'm not in my work anymore!" David kicked the door wide open (as he liked to do when surprising people) to reveal himself.
"Guess who won some vacations!!"
"Daddy!" Vicky jumped up from her seat as she tackled her dad for a hug.
"Wow, careful, you almost pushed me to the ground hahaha... I've missed you too Vicks" David tried to hold back his tears as she hugged her back. While it hadn't been so long since he had visited, and he had gone longer without seeing them, after he saw how much happier she look last time, he felt really sad and guilty for not being able to be there with her and Gloria.
"Welcome back home, my wild mountain goat, just let me-"
"Don't get up my queen, it is the job of a knight to help the royalty in all of their needs"
"Oh well, my fearsome warrior, your queen has gone a long time without hearing of you and your crusades, and as such, you shall be punished later"
"Oh my queen, any punishment feels like a pleasure when it comes from your hands, you-"
"Dad, cut it off"
"Sorry sorry, I've missed you too honey"
As he hugged her, David felt how much softer Gloria had become, how many more rolls there were to play with and how big her ads had gotten, he started to drool just thinking about it.
"Hi David"
"Susan? Susan! How are you doing?"
"I'm doing great"
"I can tell- amm, by the look of happiness on your face" Was that really Susan? She was huge! Well, not as huge as Gloria but still, she was a little pudgy when he meet but now she was downright fat. And now that he look a her, Vicky was also getting really big; what had they all being doing?
"Yeeeah... so, what was that about a vacation?"
"Yeah Davy, what's that all about?"
"Oh yeah, right, so it turns out that one of the clients for the company that we are working with, had some extra tickets do a a vacation in a private beach, and because we were getting close to summer, they gave them to us, so, the company made a secret competition, none of us knew anything about it, and one day they came into my office and told me that I had won!"
"That's awesome Dad! How many tickets are there?"
"They gave me five, I told them that we were only three people, but they insisted, I guess that's good news for you Susan"
"I can't believe you forgot about me!"
"I didn't expect that you'll stay here all the time!"
"What do you take for? A liar?"
"Maybe I did a-at the time, but know I know you're a responsible girl who I can trust!"
"'Thanks for the confidence'"
"You're welcome"
"I was been sarcastic"
"Shut up! Stop you two, who are going to invite? We still have one extra ticket"
"I was hoping that maybe you were going to invite one of your friends"
"Amanda and Vincent are visiting Amanda's grandma in Texas"
"And what about another friend?" Suddenly silence took over the room, David knew that Vicky wasn't exactly a social girl, but he thought that maybe with the change of attitude she would've gotten some friends, and he wasn't wrong, but only two? Three if we count Susan... She must have a really tough time; and now he felt guilty for bringing it up
"Hey Susie, what about that boy that asked you for a date a while ago?" Finally the silence was broken, Gloria knew that bringing a boy (who obviously liked Susan) to a private beach, where they could be together for a long time, wasn't a good idea, but she hated to see Vicky sad, she needed to say something to change the atmosphere, and that was the first thing that popped into her mind.
"Michael? I don't know if he'll like to, he isn't that much of a beach type guy"
"You'll never know until you try"
"I'll send him a message"
"Great, so we have everything done, make your baggage girls, we're going to the beach!"

*The next day*
"I don't know if this a good idea anymore"
"What do you mean?"
"I can't wear this bikini, Vick! I already look like an elephant in my normal clothes"
"Don't be that way, Susie. It's only going to be us"
"I know! But I don't want Michael seeing me like this"
"Susan, are you blushing? I thought you have broke up with him"
"I did, but that was because I didn't want to risk anything going wrong and that he would've stopped talking to me"
"Awww, that's so cute! I knew you had an adorable side"
"I look ridiculous"
"I don't think he's going to mind and we are going to look ridiculous together, this bikini doesn't make me look thin by any means"
"Then why are you wearing it?"
"I already told you, we're in a private beach... and also because it was the only thing that I had"
"*sigh* Fine... let's go"

"Girls, are you ready yet"
"I don't know why they take so long"
"Yeah yeah... here we are"
"Susan! You look... wow"
Michael was in a paradise, Susan's bikini was a size too short, letting every single roll of fat exposed, her breast where spilling from the sides, her gigantic belly jiggled freely, Michael finally saw who big it was and how soft it look, he just wanted to throw himself, face first, into it, her thighs looked like fluffy pillows, her arms were bigger than his legs (granted, his legs aren't that big, but they aren't small), and from what he saw from the mirror behind her, her mass was even better that what he expected, two globs of jello were the sexiest thing that he ever saw, if it wasn't for the fact that he knew that Susan was ashamed of her weight he would've thought that she wasn't wearing anything aside from a bra, all of her pale adipose were making him crazy.
"I know, I look like an overstuffed pig"
"You look amazing"
"You don't think that, you're just saying it to be nice"
"You can think that if you want, but I do mean it"
"Vicky, sweetie, isn't that bikini a bit too... reveling"
Vicky's bikini was as bad as the one from Susan, if not worst, her breast where barely contained, one small wrong move and she would've flashed everyone around, it barely covered the "important parts", her belly made a good of protection her intimacy, even if just barely, her butt it's straining the lower point of her bikini to a point were its actually digging into her fleshy fat, her thighs look like the ones for a fattened up turkey and her fleshy wobble with every move
"I know dad, but this is a private place, nobody it's here"
"I know that, but I'm still concerned, anyway, where it's your mother?"
"*huff* Here "puff" I come" The earth began to shake a little as Gloria made her way out of her room, everyone was shocked by the mass that was in front of them. If the bikinis from Susan and Vicky were small, then the one from Gloria was just comical, her breast escaped from every single part of her bra, oozing everywhere, her jumbo bingo-wings dropped as far as her breast when she hold them up, her stomach made itself noticed in all its flabby glory, it dropped like dough all the way to her knees, wobbling uncontrollably from just her breathing, her thighs where monstrous, they look more like pillars of fat than legs.
"How do I look?" As she turned around, everyone was speechless at the sheer size of her butt, if her gut made itself known, then her mass was shouting at everyone to see it, her pale orbs of mass lacked any definition, her wobbling alone looked heavy and lazy, her cellulitic mass was something to be remembered.
"So, are going to go to the beach or what?


Hey guys, I want to give a shot out to afk-gilly, she made the picture for the preview, check her page in deviantart to see the full image (including Susan and Vicky) with better resolution nwn
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 4 years
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Adoragordas124 7 years
BBWShara really? I'm sorry I'm not good at sizes (that's why I don't give their measurements) what size would you say fits?
Adoragordas124 7 years
QuebecFA, the chapter 4 is alredy out
QuebecFA 7 years
I really love this story! I can't wait for Chapter 4! ;-)
Adoragordas124 7 years
A longer chapter to thank all of you guys for giving my story a chance nwn

(I had to write this chapter 3 times because I ended up erasing it by accident, it's so dumb that it just eliminates the chapter without asking if you really wanted to do that e
Adoragordas124 7 years
Thanks shavip! Don't worry about it, I'm going to continue, I'm actually writing the next chapter right now
Shavip 7 years
Nice. Good descriptions, and an interesting story so far. I hope you continue!
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