It runs in the family

Chapter 13 - trouble time at the ice cream shop

David was in pure heaven, seeing his massive waddling towards the beach in a waaay to tight bikini was one of the sexiest thing he had ever seeing, watching how her entire body jiggle and move like if it was made of pure jello, hearing her grunting and her heavy breathing from the short walk, watching her starting to sweat, every single sign of her pampered and spoiled lifestyle that her turn her into such a whale, all was such a turn on form him.
"What is it my little pie? Tired already? I told you we should've drove here" David couldn't resist the temptation of teasing her wife for her lack of stamina, nor the idea of slapping her humongous derrier, his hand sinking deeply into her expanding flesh as her whole body queaked in response
"I'm just *huff* *puff* a bit out of practice... besides *wheeze* I need to keep my figure"
David couldn't agree more with that statement.
David was never someone into big girls, he didn't hate or anything, he just didn't care about weight, it was never important to him, he was searching for a girl to just spend time together, have a happy life and just stay in the couch watching movies, that's why he felt in love with Gloria, she was sweet, kind, funny and enjoyed just spending time with him. But with the recent weight gain of Gloria he couldn't help but think of how she would look bigger, even now that she was rapidly approaching the 400 pounds mark, he still thought of what she look even bigger, the idea was just to hot for him for some reason... maybe he could try something, they were going to be at the beach around a month, he could try and give Gloria some incentives, just to see how big she gets at the end of the trip.
"*sigh* What am I thinking?"
"We're finally here" Gloria didn't even finish her sentence before dropping right into the ground, her legs were burning, she had never felt that tired before
"What took you so long?"
"Mom and I decided to go walking, how did you guys get here so fast?
"Susan's friend... ammm... Michael! Michael, he got us a taxi and we got here in like two minutes.
"Two minutes *wheeze* but we walked around *wheeze* 20 minutes"
"They must have taking a shortcut, honey" David knew that wasn't true, they took so long because Gloria was walking to the pace of a snail and taking constant breaks in between, the should've get there in 10 minutes
"By the way, where is Susan, sweety?"
"She's with Michael getting some ice cream"

&qu ot;So, ummm, here we are, they say this is the best ice cream shop around"
"Who says that?"
"Everyone, well, mostly because is the only ice cream place in miles, aside from that ice cream buffet"
"Wait! An ice cream buffet?!"
"Yeah, it's like, 30 minutes from here, why? Do you wanna go?"
"N-no, I just got curious" Susan was a terrible liar and she knew it, the truth was that she would give everything to just go there and stuff her face with handfuls of ice cream, but couldn't make a pig out of herself in front of Michael, yes he had seeing her stuff herself from time to time, but this time it would be worst because it was a buffet, she could literally eat as much as she could, and she knew that her willpower was nonexistent and her greedy gut always wanted more.
"Are you sure? I mean, we can go there if you want"
"No no, I just want a cone, hahaha"
"Ok Su, then I'll... I'll go get them"
Susan had never never been more embarrassed, not only was she in a bikini in a public ice cream shop with all her fat sticking out, she and Michael were the only ones in such outfits, so everyone was looking at them. To make things worst, the sides of the chair were digging deeply into her gut, speaking of which, her stomach hadn't stop making sounds the whole trip. Susan just wanted earth to eat her at that moment.
"Hey Su, what's wrong? You are blushing"
"It's nothing I'm just *gurgle* kind of hungry"
"Well say no more, I bought you a triple Alaska paradise, it's like a banana split, but instead of the banana it's one of those cookies filled with cream, with 5 jumbo size balls of cream with chocolate syrup on top"
"Wow, thanks mike, but it's too much and it must have cost you a lot"
"I know that you're uncomfortable her, hell, you don't even take of your jacket on campus, so I decided to buy you something to cheer you up"
"Awww, Mike, thanks, it really means a lot to me, you're the best" Susan gave Michael a kiss on the cheek, he turned redder than she was, and that's saying a lot.
"I-I-I'll go get my cone, enjoy hahahaha"
"He's such a dork" Susan said to herself as she unconsciously started eating, Michael might be shy and sometimes really dumb, but that's something that she really like about him, it was completely different to what she was, she was always stressed and in her own mind, every time she was feeling down or self-conscious about herself and/or her body he came in and tell her how awesome she was, he always brought courage to himself when it came to cheering her up, that's something that made her heart skip a beat, even if she didn't wanted to fully admitted
"Wow, you... ammm... really were hungry, I already paid the bill, so, we can go if you want" Susan didn't realised, but while she was daydreaming about Michael she had eating the whole thing in a matter of seconds
"S-sorry, I should waited for you" Susan was starting to panic, she tried to get up from the chair but her fatty hips were stuck to the sides of chair, and to make things worst, her belly had expanded enough to crash against the table, she was completely stuck "nonono, please not again" Susan whispered to herself as she tried over and over to get up from her seat.
"Ummm, Su, do-do you need some help"
"No no, I'm fine" Now she really was starting to panic, she didn't to show Michael just how stuck she was. She gathered all the strength from her flabby arms and pushed herself up, she got up from her seat with a pop, pushing the table enough to hit make and almost dropping his cone.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry mike"
"Hey, don't worry, you I'm a magnet to this type of stuff, here, take my ice cream, I'm sure you need it now more than I do"
"Thanks Mike... and sorry again, let's head back to the others"

"I can't believe that mom is still sleeping, she's been doing that since she ate that whole pie, those muffins and half that pizza"
"You're one to talk, you ate the other half of that pizza and the entire cookie jar hahaha"
"I was really hungry"
"I know sweety, don't worry... Hey Vick, we hadn't gotten a moment to talk just you and me, how are your studies? Are you making friends? I want to know how's my little champ"
"I've been getting great grades, the teachers have said that I've become one of the best students on campus and I've made two new friends: Vincent and Amanda, they seem like good guys *munch* *munch* Vincent its hilarious but sometimes he does really dumb things *munch* this one time *munch* he wanted to prove Amanda that he could get into the group of athleticism if he wanted *munch* *munch* so he started running everywhere all day, he didn't even lasted before the first class, hahaha, Amanda had to take notes for him because he was so tired"
"They seem like really good people, I'm glad you have good people taking care of you while I'm gone princess... and what about that Rose? Is she still bullying you?
"Yeah, sadly she is, but it's less than before and Vincent and Amanda help me out with that, I try to not let her get to me"
"I'm glad you are handling it, that's my little warrior" David started to pat her head, it was a habit that he had since she was a little girl.
"Dad... I've missed you"
"I've missed you too Vick, every single day at work, I think about you and your mother and how much I wish that I could be there with you, but now here I am, a whole month with the two of you... and Susan... and her friend"
"Come on that, she has become my best friend"
"I'm just joking, I know she's a good girl, honestly, she reminded me of you, that's part of the reason as to why I help her, I saw a lot of you in her, so I knew that the two of you would get along"
"Really? Honestly, she's being really nice and kind to mom and I, she has helped me with a lot of things"
"Awww, you're so sweet"
"Su, how long have you being hearing"
"Just long enough to know that I'm your best friend, come here, give me a hug"
"Uh... what... how long have I been sleep?"
"Around two hours Glory, you look really cute when you sleep"
"Awww David"
"Hey now that we're all here, how about we go to the ice cream buffet nearby, I've heard it's the best ice cream around here, how about we go now?"
"What do you say Su? Are you ready for round two"
"I don't know... I've already eating too much"
"Ohhh come on, don't tell me you are going to waste this opportunity"
"Mmmm, fine, just because you are begging me"
"Yeah right"
"So what are we waiting for, I haven't eating anything all day"
"Should we tell mom about the pizza and that stuff?
"Nah, let her be"


Hi guys!... sorry for keep you waiting, I had a lot of things going in my life, but I'm here with a new chapter I hope you enjoy.

Now, I need your help, I've been thinking about making the girls waaaay bigger during this holiday (the time that they're going to be at the beach) but I want you to decide, I still want to keep things in the order that they are (Gloria the heaviest, Susan the second heavier and Vicky the "lighter" one) so here are the options

A) Gloria gets way ahead of the two of them (like 200 pounds ahead instead of 100, but if you choose this option you can also tell me how far ahead do you thing she should be)

B) Gloria and Susan get way ahead of Vicky (200 ahead for Gloria and 100 for Susan, but again, you can tell how far ahead doyou think they should be)

C) keep the same difference of weight but have the three gain a lot (you can tell me how much you think they should gain)

I'll be waiting yo
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 4 years
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Adoragordas124 7 years
BBWShara really? I'm sorry I'm not good at sizes (that's why I don't give their measurements) what size would you say fits?
Adoragordas124 7 years
QuebecFA, the chapter 4 is alredy out
QuebecFA 7 years
I really love this story! I can't wait for Chapter 4! ;-)
Adoragordas124 7 years
A longer chapter to thank all of you guys for giving my story a chance nwn

(I had to write this chapter 3 times because I ended up erasing it by accident, it's so dumb that it just eliminates the chapter without asking if you really wanted to do that e
Adoragordas124 7 years
Thanks shavip! Don't worry about it, I'm going to continue, I'm actually writing the next chapter right now
Shavip 7 years
Nice. Good descriptions, and an interesting story so far. I hope you continue!
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