It runs in the family

Chapter 4 - becoming lazy has consequences

Another 4 months have passed in the house of the Montoya's and obviously waistline have expanded.

Vicky's weight has gone up to 146 pounds, no longer is she the anorexic little girl, now she is a downright chubby girl, unlike her mother most of her weight went to her boobs and, the most affected, her belly, she is now a cup D and her belly makes a muffintop with every single thing that she wears, her arms that were once pure bone, now are big and fluffy, her hips are considerably wider and her butt is a lot bigger, she already had to change her jeans twice because they won't go over her butt, the gap between her thighs is in danger of despairing forever as they grow bigger and bigger.
Vicky isn't a dumb girl, she knows that she is putting weight but she doesn't sees it as that much of a problem, yeah she may not be as fit as she was and having to buy clothes frequently is a pain, but overall is much better than having to worry about every single calorie and what people think of her, on top of that, it isn't like she is fat, she just has some more developed womanly curves.

"*burp* Vicky, honey could you bring me another slice of pizza, actually make it tw- no, three"

Gloria has changed a lot in the past months, most of all, she has gotten lazy, like really lazy, she doesn't even want to get up from the sofa to get food, most of the time she made Vicky do it

Ever since Gloria believed the lie that she was losing weight, she has been gaining beyond belief, yes she does stuff herself all day and practically doesn't leave the sofa, but still, a gain of 60 pounds in 4 months it's not normal.
Gloria it's around 210 pounds at this point, her arms are starting to become some well developed wings, her belly rests in her thighs halfway to her knees, she some serious love handles too, her chin is starting to develop into a double chin, her thighs are huge, but definitely the "winners" are her hips and butt, her childbirthing hips are extremely wide, when she stands in a doorway there is no way for anyone to pass unless they turn sideways, her butt is gigantic, it covers almost two seats of her sofa, her boobs are the ones that received the least damage going up to a D cup

Now, most people will assume that someone of that size must realise what they look like, I mean, the have to see themselves in mirrors and fell their body every time they take a bath, but somehow Gloria escapes that rule, in her eyes she is the same woman that she was 6 months ago, actually she believes she is slimmer than then!. She hasn't even change her wardrobe, she still wears the same pants, except that they can't even go all the way up her thighs, her panties are completely invisible between her belly covering the front part and her butt devouring the other, her shirts look like bras more than anything, which is probably a good thing considering that stopped wearing bras a while ago, ever since they keep falling off because she couldn't get them to close with her newly expanded boobs, obviously she didn't saw it that way, for her they extremely loose because she gone down a cup!

When it came to breakfast, lunch and dinner Gloria was a vacuum, she ate plate after plate after plate, it was a complete mystery, it was like some sort of special talent that she didn't knew she had until now, and she was really abusing it
At this point Gloria has forgotten all about her plan to fatten Vicky up, well maybe not completely, somewhere deep in her mind she still remembers it, this is obvious when you see her smile mischievously every time Vicky eats something, but overall, she has forgotten the most important part of the plan, give Vicky the food. She was become such a slave of her extremely greedy gut that she eats almost all the food that makes or buys.

But that raises the question, why is Vicky still gaining then? Well, because she loves food, she loves the taste and felling of being full and a good meal, I guess it just runs in the family.

~At midnight~
Vicky is going down the stairs after she was woken up by some strange noises. While she is going down she starts to feel tired and out of breath, she needs to start exercising again.
Once she gets downstairs she hears some noises coming from the kitchen, it sounds like someone it's grunting and groaning in there. Vicky quickly grabs something to defend herself and walks slowly to the get kitchen, once she is there she leans over the corner of the wall to try and see something, what she sees leaves her dumbfounded.
Her mother was sitting there, in front of the fridge, eating everything that she had on front. Vicky walk towards her to try and ask her some questions when she realised her eyes were closed! She was sleep-eating, that's how she gained all that weight!
Vicky knew that she wasn't suppose to wake up a sleepwalker (or sleepeater in this case), so she tried to move the plates away from her but once she got close to one she was slapped away, she tried again and again she failed, her mother just wouldn't let her get close. Vicky didn't knew what to do, she couldn't just let her stuff her face with everything.

*rip* *riiiiiip*
"You gotta be kidding me" her mother pants had, literally, rip to shreds, there were holes everywhere with fat just oozing out of each one of them and after one last bite her pants exploded, ripping into multiple pieces and falling to the ground, letting her massive thighs exposed

Vicky just couldn't look away, it was like a train crash


And there it was again, her mother had broken another piece of clothing in front of her, this times it was her panties, the elastic couldn't competed against her humongous hips, they stood no chance

That was it, she had eaten everything in the fridge, Gloria just got up (after two or three tries) and waddled back to her room, Vicky could only watch as her mother's fat jiggled in unison, she was so fat!
Vicky just stood there for a few seconds, trying to figure out if what she just saw was real or if it was just a dream, she couldn't believed it, she started to walk back to her room, she was too tired to think about those things, but if it was real she needed to find a way to stop her mother before she became as big as a house.
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 4 years
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Adoragordas124 7 years
BBWShara really? I'm sorry I'm not good at sizes (that's why I don't give their measurements) what size would you say fits?
Adoragordas124 7 years
QuebecFA, the chapter 4 is alredy out
QuebecFA 7 years
I really love this story! I can't wait for Chapter 4! ;-)
Adoragordas124 7 years
A longer chapter to thank all of you guys for giving my story a chance nwn

(I had to write this chapter 3 times because I ended up erasing it by accident, it's so dumb that it just eliminates the chapter without asking if you really wanted to do that e
Adoragordas124 7 years
Thanks shavip! Don't worry about it, I'm going to continue, I'm actually writing the next chapter right now
Shavip 7 years
Nice. Good descriptions, and an interesting story so far. I hope you continue!
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