It runs in the family

Chapter 5 - might need some help

2 months have passed and things don't seem to slow down in the house of the Montoya's

Vicky weight has gone up to a big 160 pounds, her breast have gone up to a DD cup, her belly is starting to hang quite a bit, she hips have gotten a bit wider, her arms are flabbier and more chunky, her thighs rubbed together when she walks, whenever she looks does a very prominent double chin appears, her butt wasn't that affected but it still swelled up a little.
Vicky is starting to get a little worried right now, sure she loves eating but by no means she loves the idea of getting fat, the thing is that it's something that she doesn't want to give up, she doesn't want to stop overeating or lazing around, it feels so good to just go back home, change into her yoga pants (she realised that they are way comfier when it came to eating) and just stuff herself silly, then just lean back, grab her phone and laze around until she wants to do something else, it's the perfect life! That's why she can't give it up, there most be a way to stop gaining weight while still eating a lot of food... right? I mean, she could excessive, but that would only make her stress go up and it wasn't something that she wanted to do... She needed to think of something, anything, or else she would end up as fat as her mother; speaking of which, she hadn't change her habits in the slightest, and that only means one thing.
She has gone up to a huge 250 pounds, she has officially acquire some bingowings under her flabby arms, her belly has become a double belly really lose to her knees, her boobs have stayed mostly the same, her tree trunks have completely erase the gap between them, her hips are starting to brush against some doorways and her butt officially takes two seats.

It's 8 a.m at this moment in time, Vicky was already at the table when suddenly everything began to shake, it was like an earthquake but not that strong.
"Okeeeeeey? That was weird" Vicky was rather confused, what had been that?
"*huff* *puff* *huff* Good *puff* morning sweetie"
"Mom, are you ok?" Gloria was a complete mess, her face was red like a tomato, sweat was dripping from her forehead, she was breathing heavily and I looked like she was about to pass out
"I'm fine it's just *puff* remember me to stop exer-*huff* exercising before eating breakfast"
"Mom, you were doing exercise?!" Vicky couldn't believe it, maybe there was still hope that her mother might not end up the size of a mammoth.
"Of course I was, first I did some crunches, then I did some jumpings and then I went down and up the stairs a couple of times"
"Mom, I-i can't believe it, I'm so proud of you"
"I didn't get this body from lazing around" Gloria smacked her gelatinous butt, sending waves through all her body and making her jiggle for a while.
Her mother may be in a strong denial, but at least she was exercising again, or at least that's what Vicky thought, in actually the crunches that Gloria was referring to were her failed attempts at getting up from her bed, her "jumpings" where just her trying to get her new pants (Vicky had finally convinced her to go shopping after she spend an entire week pantless) over her gargantuos lower half and going up and down the stairs, well, she went down one step then remembered that she hadn't brushed her brushed her hair, so she went up that step, brushed her hair and went down, going down the stairs was a nightmare she was considering stopping for a moment just to catch her breath, but in the she just keep going.

Today it's finally the day, today David came home, Gloria had been waiting for months to the return of her husband.
David is an electronic designer, he has sold thousands of devices for phones,for cars, houses, etc... money it's just not a problem, so much so that David asked Gloria to quit her job and just spend time with Vicky, after all she was gonna need it more than ever, he was going to a business trip for over two years, but today he was coming back for a weekend.
*Knock knock*
That was definitely him! Gloria heave herself from the sofa and waddled as far as her legs would aloud her (which wasn't a lot) and open the door
There he was, he look as good as she remembered him if not better
David is a 6'4" tall man, the dream of any woman, he is a well defined man, he has a very prominent six pack with muscular arms and legs and with the heart of an angel, Gloria can't help but melt at the sight of him
"David, you're back!!" Gloria didn't even let him enter the house before she hugged him with all her blueberry body.
"Oh Glory, you can't imagine how much I've missed you and Vicky, this months have been a complete hell"
They hugged and the kissed each other, he had to crouch because of their difference in height. While they were hugging David noticed just how softer and overall bigger Gloria was, but when they were done and they were walking towards the living room he noticed just how much she had changed, she was enormous, her thighs were as big as his waist and her arms just as big (if not bigger) as his arms, and her butt... wow. David was not a judgemental guy, he didn't care about Gloria's weight or height or anything like that, he just loved her cheerfully and easygoing personality and her love to help others, she was an amazing woman, now, it isn't that he isn't attracted to her anymore or anything like that, is just that he is worried about her.

"Dad?! Oh my God, dad!!!" Vicky was the happiest girl in the world, she had missed her dad so much, it was a part of why she had gone into a deep depression.
"Oh Vicky, I've missed you so much. And look at you, you look amazing" Vicky was wearing her best clothes for this occasion, she had even put make-up on "You think so? I've put so weight so-"
"I think you look like the most gorgeous woman in the world, well, after your mother of course"
"Oh stop David, you're just saying stuff"
"I mean it Gloria"
They both stared at each others eyes, it had been so long since they had seeing, but they still loved each other like it was the first day.
"Ahem" Vicky wasn't against her parents showing affection to each other, the complete opposite, she thought it was very romantic, but she also wanted to spend some time with her dad.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry, *clap* Ok, it's been to long since I have eating and I'm starving, how about we eat something.

~after dinner~
David was shocked, he has always been a big eater, Gloria always made fun of him for that, and he was ok with it, he was a big man who needed a lot of food, but today Gloria had beaten him eating, well, Vicky barely did it, but Gloria had won by a long shot, he had never seen either of them (or anyone actually) that could stuff so much food that fast, it was impressive
"Wow, you girls have been practicing while I was gone uh? Hahaha, I will need to step up my game"
Vicky couldn't help but blush, had she really beaten her father? She really had eaten a lot, her belly felt like it could explode
"You've lost some practice my sweet Adonis" Gloria said as she rubbed her overstuffed body "and how is your *buuurp* Oh excuse me, how your project going"
"Oh! Ammmm... where do I begin"
The spend the rest of night talking about what the have been doing during all this time and how David was so close to finishing his latest project.
"I'm so proud of you Dad"
"Thanks honey, I'm proud of you too. Well dinner was delicious as always, you have the hands of a goddess my sweet pie"
"Oh David stop hahaha, how about we go to sleep?"
"Sounds fantastic *kiss* Good night Vicky, I'm really happy to see you again"
"Me too, good night"
Gloria and David went upstairs to their bedroom, David was practically running to it.
"Honey *huff* *puff* wait for me *huff* *puff*" Gloria was struggling to go up the stairs, all those months of just sitting in the couch eating had reduced her stamina, resistance and overall muscle mass in a big way, she stopped almost at the top to catch her breath.
Once they finally got to their room David laid there in just his underwear while Gloria was trying to strip sexually, emphasis on trying, her shirt got stuck on her pillowy arms, she could reach the her back so she couldn't take out her bra, she had to ask David to help her, her jeans wouldn't go past her butt, they were stuck, she needed to laid in bed while David grabbed them and pull as hard as he could and her panties almost snapped when she tried to get off; once she was finally naked she made a sexy walk from their bathroom to her bed, her humongous hips going from side to side jiggling at each step, David was hypnotized by it. The sex was heavenly, David was in paradise every time he grab her bulbous butt, how his hands sunk in piles of flabby cellulitic cheeks, how good it felt to grab her massive love handles and play with her belly. It didn't was very long because of Glora's stamina, but it didn't matter, that was the best sex that he ever had
"I'm so sorry honey, I don't know what's wrong with me, I'm getting tired so easily and-and"
"Are you kidding me? That was the best sex I've ever had... ever"
"Absolut ely"
"Oh honey *kiss* I love you"
" I love you more"

The next day went much like the other one, the three of them had an amazing time and couldn't be happier, but all things must come to an end, David needed to go back to work
"It was the most beautiful thing to be with you two again"
Gloria and Vicky watched with tears in their eyes, Vicky went running to her dad and hugged him with all her might
"I love you too pumpkin" David kissed her forehead before opening the door.
"Before I go, Glory, I know doing all the things in the house it's making you tired, and, well, I wanted you girls to meet a new friend" in came a 20-something years old girl, with blonde hair, the start of a belly hang and a kind smile "this is Susan, she is going to work here as a maid here from now on"
"Its a pleasure to meet both of you"
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 4 years
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FAbrony 4 years
going off what i said earlier i think Vicky should get notacibly ahead of Susan too, just make it so each member is in a diffrent place
FAbrony 4 years
I think gloira should get really far ahead like 250+, it would make sense with what’s happened in the story so far and it would give a sense of diffrence between group members. As i feel if they are all relatively equal it might be more limiting then if
Adoragordas124 6 years
Hmmm a gain of 200 in a month is kind of hard, but maybe they can stay for two months instead of one
Ulvrik 6 years
hmm i do really like the option C ^^ their weight? hmm how about 400-500 for the girls and 500-600 for gloria? just a suggestion ^^
Loco123 6 years
I think it would be good if suddenly Susan would eat in the night too
Adoragordas124 6 years
Hey guys, I kind of want to commission an artist to make a drawing of Gloria, Susan and Vicky, and put it as the cover picture, so if any of you know (or are) an artist that can make that at a reasonable price, let me know
Adoragordas124 6 years
Heck, uhhhhh I really like that idea, the kids making there mother really fat, I really like that
Heck 6 years
For a sequel, I think it would be good if Vicky or maybe one of her friends, became a mother, but was purposefully fattened by their kids
Adoragordas124 6 years
Heck, I like the idea of Susan and Vicky being really obese caretakers, I love to hear your idea for the sequel
Adoragordas124 6 years
FA guy, thanks dude!
Adoragordas124 6 years
Tunker, I appreciate the idea, but I'm not into male weight gain, sorry
Heck 6 years
I really like this story, simply because there aren't enough Mother and Daughter weight gain stories. That being said, I think I'd be great if Gloria ended up immobile, with Susan and Vicky as her caretakers. As for a sequel, I think I'd be great if Vicky
FA Guy 6 years
I love this story and would like to see it keep going
Adoragordas124 7 years
Dolphinsoccergirl, sadly I can give you an answer, I'm still waiting to see if more people answer the questions that I left and after that I need to think how to continue, but hopefully soon
Adoragordas124 7 years
Ulvrik thanks you for your feedback, i really aprecciated nwn
Adoragordas124 7 years
Thank you plaidnok ^^
Nok 7 years
I like your descriptions
Ulvrik 7 years
1. I thonk a combo with both smiley

2. oh! gain defineltly! hmm i would say a bit faster, with the thought that there are allready two overeater ^^
Adoragordas124 7 years
2 would you like to see Susan gain weight to or would you prefer if it stayed just Gloria and Vicky?
If you choose for her to gain, would you like to see her gain at a fast speed or a lower speed?
Adoragordas124 7 years
Hey guys, today's chapter was reeeeeealy long so I hope you enjoy it
Another thing, I need your feedback on some things
1 would you like to see things go slower (the girls no gaining as fast, no that many jumpcuts and not so long ones where I make them)
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