It runs in the family

Chapter 7 - desperate measures

"*buuurp* Oh God, I can't believe I manage to eat that much, why do you hate me?" Susan said as she looked at overstretched gut.
It's been 3 months since Susan joined the Montoya's as their "maid", even though, her job is mostly helping to make the food, and this lifestyle has it's consequences. Susan has gone up to a impressive 210 pounds, her arms are becoming flaccid and wobble, her thighs have erase half of the gap between them, her butt has grown to overflows chairs, her boobs have gone to a DD cup, but her belly is the most impressive one, it drops to the point were nobody could realize if she was underwear or not, her gut it's divided in two very prominent folds that can be seen through most shirts, meanwhile her face is still the same as always, it seems like her immunity has maintained.
"*ping ping ping* Ahhhh!!!!" A high pitched can be heard Vicky looks with horror at her own shirt "M-m-my buttons popped!!" Vicky was starting to cry as she realised what happened. Vicky has not been untouched by these months of indulgence, she has broke the mark of the 200 pounds, most of which have gone to her giant boobs, her breast have gone to a DDD cup and even that cup size seems to be tight, her belly finally has gotten to point of resting in her thighs, speaking of with the haven't gotten that much bigger, barely enough to make her waddle from time to time, her butt has practically been untouched by the gain, her arms are like bags of pudin attached to her body, and her face has developed a permanent double chin.
"I-i can't believe this happens to me, this *sniff* this *sniff*..."
"Don't *burp* don't worry dear, there must be an explanation for-"
It finally happened, Gloria's chair finally gave up, breaking apart underneath her, sending to the ground with a rump that made the entire house and the body of the behemoth-housewife shake.
"Mrs. Gloria! Are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine, the fall did hurt at all, it's just... I never realised this chairs were in such bad conditions"
Gloria's denial was something to be amazed at, the whale of a lady still believed she hadn't gained a single pound during this entire time, but truth couldn't be farther away.
Gloria has gone up to a unbelievable 300 pounds, everything in her is massive and covered in layers and layers of fat, her face has a permanent and very prominent second chin, her bingo-wings are the size of muscular man bicep except that made of jello, her boobs have also gone to a DD cup, her stomach drops just barely above her knees, her love handles are huge; even if two people grab them at the same time there would be still son flab free, her backfat rolls are bigger than some girls boobs, her hips brush against the doorways to the point where she actually slows down because of the friction between her doughy sides and the walls, her butt it's something monumental, it sticks out to the point that it could hold a plate without a problem if it wasn't for the fact that it wobbled like jello, her celullitic butt takes 2 entire seats and then some. Gloria tries to get up but has no luck, after her second try she starts to breath heavily and sweat a little, she is is the embodiment of what a life of complete greed and unawareness does to anyone, she's stuck in the ground, a ball of pure fat without a single trace of muscle in her entire body and in just her underwear, she gave up trying to wear clothes as they always seem to be really tight and uncomfortable, even her underwear was getting to small to her, her breast were really constricted in the D size bra and her panties were nonexistent because her ass engulfed them as always
"let me help yo- *riiiiip*" when Susan tried to bend down to help Gloria she put a lot more pressure in her poor pants, there was too much fat to handle and they couldn't take it, her pants rip straight in the middle of her butt reveling her pink panties to the world.
"Mom, this too much! We are becoming whales! We need to start making some changes"
"I don't know what you're talking about, you girls look like the embodiment of health"
"You can be this oblivious mom! The buttons from my shirt literally rocketed across the from, Susan's pants just ripped, and it wasn't a small rip, and you just broke a fucking chair!
"Look Victoria, I don't like at all how you are talking to me, I may act very casual and carefree with you, but I'm still your mother above everything else"
"I-I... I'm sorry mom"
"But I guess that if you really want us to start exercising we could give it a try, I still don't think is necessary, but I'll try nonetheless"
"Thanks mom! I swear it's the right thing to do" Vicky got up from her chair and hugged her mother.
"Ok ok, now can you too girls help me up? I may have overdone it again"

~later that day~
"Ok I'm ready!"
"Emm, mom? Since when do you have does clothes?"
"Since I tried to loss weight after having you, why?"
"Because they look a little... tight"
And tight they were, very very tight, Gloria looked like a stuffed sausage, her yoga pants looked like skin tight jeans, leaving nothing to the imagination, and her shirt couldn't even cover her belly completely, leaving her lower roll completely free.
"Yeah, I guess I've put some weight since then"
"Here, l-let me help you" Vicky grabbed Gloria's roll and tried to stuffed in her pants, it was an impossible mission, it was barely possible to stretch does pants, let alone put Gloria massive gut there, but somehow after 20 minutes of pushing they did it, but know her pants were painted on her, one small move and the hold thing would explode
"Vicky, sweetie, I don't know what you did, but this thing is know killing me"
"Don't worry mom, as soon as we get there I would buy new ones"
"Oh thank honey, but don't have to do that"
"Don't worry mom, I want to do it" and needed to, Gloria looked absolutely ridiculous, even though Vicky wasn't one to talk. Vicky wasn't as oblivious as her mom when it came to their weight gain, so she constantly bought new clothes, but the thing that she hadn't renewed was her gym clothing, her yoga pants pressed tightly against her, making her butt look way bigger than it was, not a bad thing if it wasn't for the fact that it did that to everything else, her sporty jacket was even worst, it show every single bulge and curve of her growing belly and she couldn't even get the zipper past her boobs, leaving her melons practically exposed.
"*sigh* I guess non of us is doing ok, where is Susan now that I about it?"
"Come on!! Why do you have to keep growing?!" Susan shouted at the top of her lungs, her gym clothing was giving her some troubles, unlike Vicky and Gloria who used stretchy pants, Susan used shorts, and because they didn't have that much stretch they couldn't get over her bulging ass, it only got halfway through it before it got stuck, leaving her espoused, and her shirt didn't work so well either. Susan's wardrobe mostly consists in tight clothes that show a lot of skin, why? Because she's too stubborn with the idea that she will manage to lose all the extra weight she gained and go back to her sexy summer body, ideal that is causing her a lot of troubles in the present, her shirt hugs all the bulges of her massive belly, well at least the ones that can reach, part of her second roll hangs below it, exposing her pale skin
"Why does this happen to me?"
*knock* *knock*
"Hey Susan, it's everything ok?"
"Ye-yeah Vicks, don't worry about it"
"Ooookey... I'll see you down stairs"
"*sigh* I guess you win this round"

~at the gym~
"Wow, it's been to long since I've been" Gloria said as she waddled straight to the clothing shop, those pants were really hurting
"Try this ones mom"
"Ok sweetie, I won't take long"
Gloria went to the changing, she really didn't care how the pants looked, she only wanted to let her bulbous body free. She sat on a bench to get rid of her shoes when suddenly
Gloria's pants exploded, literally, it wasn't a rip down the side or behind her, her pants literally exploded to pieces because of the immense pressure, Gloria just sighted in relieve as her gut was finally free from it's prison, she put the first pants that she saw, grabbed the scraps of her yoga pants and put the in the trashcan, she just wanted to get out of there, her massive lower roll jiggling free for everyone to see

As for the exercise itself, well, let's just say that months of complete laziness and being a couch potato can make your stamina go down a little bit
Vicky choose to use the bike, her zipper was constantly going down no matter how far she put it up, she only lasted 12 minutes before giving up, she was sweating a sea and couldn't talk because of how out of breath she was.
Susan wasn't doing better, the complete opposite actually, she choose to use the treadmill, terrible idea, with each step that she took her shirt ride up, exposing more and more of her flabby gut, she only lasted 15 minutes before giving up
Gloria choose to do some push ups and sit ups, what happens it very obvious, the sit ups were a complete failure, she could barely get her head of the ground, let alone the rest of her, and sit ups were worst, her belly spilled to ground wherever she was in position, and whenever she drop her weight on her arms she went straight to ground. She call it quits after 5 attempts of each, managing to do 0 of both.
Defeated, the three growing girls went back to home

~at midnight~
"You know... I've been thinking about what happens today" Susan and Vicky were again in the kitchen watching as the sleep-eater Gloria devoured everything, it was know a common thing for them
"Yeah, and?"
"How about we just... give up on the idea of losing weight? I know it seems crazy, but, exercising was the worst thing I've done in a while, it brought back al the awful memories about my ex, and eating... eating makes me happy, what do you say?
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 4 years
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FAbrony 4 years
going off what i said earlier i think Vicky should get notacibly ahead of Susan too, just make it so each member is in a diffrent place
FAbrony 4 years
I think gloira should get really far ahead like 250+, it would make sense with what’s happened in the story so far and it would give a sense of diffrence between group members. As i feel if they are all relatively equal it might be more limiting then if
Adoragordas124 6 years
Hmmm a gain of 200 in a month is kind of hard, but maybe they can stay for two months instead of one
Ulvrik 6 years
hmm i do really like the option C ^^ their weight? hmm how about 400-500 for the girls and 500-600 for gloria? just a suggestion ^^
Loco123 6 years
I think it would be good if suddenly Susan would eat in the night too
Adoragordas124 6 years
Hey guys, I kind of want to commission an artist to make a drawing of Gloria, Susan and Vicky, and put it as the cover picture, so if any of you know (or are) an artist that can make that at a reasonable price, let me know
Adoragordas124 6 years
Heck, uhhhhh I really like that idea, the kids making there mother really fat, I really like that
Heck 6 years
For a sequel, I think it would be good if Vicky or maybe one of her friends, became a mother, but was purposefully fattened by their kids
Adoragordas124 7 years
Heck, I like the idea of Susan and Vicky being really obese caretakers, I love to hear your idea for the sequel
Adoragordas124 7 years
FA guy, thanks dude!
Adoragordas124 7 years
Tunker, I appreciate the idea, but I'm not into male weight gain, sorry
Heck 7 years
I really like this story, simply because there aren't enough Mother and Daughter weight gain stories. That being said, I think I'd be great if Gloria ended up immobile, with Susan and Vicky as her caretakers. As for a sequel, I think I'd be great if Vicky
FA Guy 7 years
I love this story and would like to see it keep going
Adoragordas124 7 years
Dolphinsoccergirl, sadly I can give you an answer, I'm still waiting to see if more people answer the questions that I left and after that I need to think how to continue, but hopefully soon
Adoragordas124 7 years
Ulvrik thanks you for your feedback, i really aprecciated nwn
Adoragordas124 7 years
Thank you plaidnok ^^
Nok 7 years
I like your descriptions
Ulvrik 7 years
1. I thonk a combo with both smiley

2. oh! gain defineltly! hmm i would say a bit faster, with the thought that there are allready two overeater ^^
Adoragordas124 7 years
2 would you like to see Susan gain weight to or would you prefer if it stayed just Gloria and Vicky?
If you choose for her to gain, would you like to see her gain at a fast speed or a lower speed?
Adoragordas124 7 years
Hey guys, today's chapter was reeeeeealy long so I hope you enjoy it
Another thing, I need your feedback on some things
1 would you like to see things go slower (the girls no gaining as fast, no that many jumpcuts and not so long ones where I make them)
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