It runs in the family

Chapter 8 - desperate measures 2

"I personally won't ever accept this... thing" Susan said as she pointed towards her bloated belly "I would give anything to have my svelte body back... but I can't deny that I'm kind of addicted to food... well really addicted to food, but I can't help it, every time I try to go on a diet my belly just gurgles every second, it's like it knew what I was trying to do... I can't last a day without eating something I shouldn't" Susan sat on the floor hugging her legs, she hadn't opened to anyone ever, well at least no about her weight
"I had the opposite problem, well kind of, I was really really skinny around a year ago, I didn't want to eat anything, sometimes I felt so much pain that I actually past out, but one day my mother bought some snacks, that day had been one of the worst in my life, so I took one... it was the best feeling that I had in forever, I remembered how much I enjoyed food and I stopped thinking about my stupid ex"
"So, you just stopped caring about how you looked?"
"Of course not! It's just that decided to relax and enjoy something that I love, and now I want to expand that, I just to stop worrying about how fat I get and just be happy... It's seems to be working for my mom"
And just like she was hearing, Gloria laid on her back rubbing her overstuffed gut and releasing a few belchs
"Ha, she does seem happy... but aren't you worried about what other people might say or heath problems or-"
"Hahaha, Susan look at you, you are worrying far more than I am... of course I'm scared... but that fear worth a life of doing and being someone who I'm not?"
"I-I guess you're right, all my life I've hated being fat because I didn't want to end up alone... but even if I tried accepting being fat I don't think I would like it"
"Me neither, but it's going to be nice relaxing for once"
"*grunt* *belch* m-more... food"
"I guess it's time to get her to bed"
"Hey Vicks... are you just going to let her have this midnight snacks forever?"
"I've realised that there's no way to stop her once she stars haha... and I also like having this conversations with you, I don't have that many friends to be honest"
"Hahahaha, you and your family are such weirdos... but I kind of like it"
Susan and Vicky grabbed both of Gloria's arms and tried to pull, but it was u lseless, neither of them had any condition whatsoever and Gloria is a 300 pound behemoth in addition to an overstuffed stomach
"*huff* *puff* Ok... new plan, Su push her upwards while I try to pull her"
"Wait! Why do I have-"
Vicky pull with all of her strength (which isn't a lot to be fair) managing to get her high enough for Susan to push her up by her bulbous ass, her hands sunk completely in her humongous checks, they were so flabby and jiggly Susan forgot for a moment what she was doing until Gloria was in a standing position
"Great work"
"What? Uh thanks"
Vicky yawned and went straight for her room followed by Gloria and Susan, she was almost ustairs when she heard Susan call her
"Vicky... we might have a problem"
"What do you- ohhhh"
Vicky looked back and realized the problem, her mom was stuck in the doorway, her hips were so wide that she was stuck between both walls
"What are we going to do?"
"Same plan, you push and I pull"
Both girls tried their best to get Gloria out but it was useless, without Gloria helping herself there was no way to get her out
"We can't let her here all night"
"*sigh* I was thinking on eating this when I was in bed, but I guess this might help, catch"
"Is this chocolate?"
"Juts put it in front of her face, like a Bonnie with a carrot, meanwhile I'll push"
"O-ok, here mom, look a the tasty chocolate"
Gloria immediately extended her arms as far as she could, trying desperately to get the bar of chocolate, her immense greed combined with Susan pushing with all her weight manage to get her out
"Good work mom, here's your pric-"
Vicky wasn't even able to finish her sentence before her mom got the bar and devour it in one bite
"I guess that solved that *sigh* now I'm kind of hungry" Vicky said as she grabbed her own chocolate bar

Hi guys, sorry for not writing in such a long time, I had the worst writter block ever, the problem is that I still kind of have it, I don't know where to take this story. That why I ask you for suggestions, what would you like to see? Would you like me to make one last chapter far in the future and then move on to another story? And if not, what would you like to see? Please let me know
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 4 years
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Adoragordas124 7 years
BBWShara really? I'm sorry I'm not good at sizes (that's why I don't give their measurements) what size would you say fits?
Adoragordas124 7 years
QuebecFA, the chapter 4 is alredy out
QuebecFA 7 years
I really love this story! I can't wait for Chapter 4! ;-)
Adoragordas124 7 years
A longer chapter to thank all of you guys for giving my story a chance nwn

(I had to write this chapter 3 times because I ended up erasing it by accident, it's so dumb that it just eliminates the chapter without asking if you really wanted to do that e
Adoragordas124 7 years
Thanks shavip! Don't worry about it, I'm going to continue, I'm actually writing the next chapter right now
Shavip 7 years
Nice. Good descriptions, and an interesting story so far. I hope you continue!
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