It runs in the family

Chapter 9 - a day in the life of two fatties and a blob: vicky

It's been a week since Vicky and Susan decided to let go of themselves and they have done that indeed.
Before Vicky was the most "elegant" eater out of three, she would still caught a few states if she was in the restaurant, but that would be for the amount and not the way she ate; but now she is a complete glutton in the table, she stuffs piece after piece of food in her mouth, she greedily grabs a bit of everything that is in sight, then goes for seconds... and thirds... and fourths. She was really her mother's daughter.
Speaking of which, Gloria's eating habits have been the same for a long time, she grabs EVERYTHING and devours it, something getting to the point of grabbing things with her hands instead of forks or spoons. She grabs handfuls of cake, pies, ice cream, etc... and that is just for lunch. Thankfully Gloria is a housewife, if she wasn't she would probably spend her day in the cafeteria without doing anything; which is practically what she does everyday but in her house.
As for Susan, well, even though she said she was going to try and relax it hasn't been easy, at the table she still gets second thoughts when it comes to fill her plate, she starts of with a "small" portion and tries to leave it there, but her willpower has been reduce to nothing over the course of months full of gluttony without restrain, when she finish she goes for another, then some dessert, the again to the main course, and this goes on until the point where she can't even move because of how full she is.
The house of the Montoya's has turn into a paradise of hedonism, full of greedy pigs who can't control themselves.

Today it's Tuesday and Vicky has to go to the university, while she does love to stay in her house, she wants to pursuit her own career, right now she is taking classes in graphic design, she is actually pretty good a it, she always scores 10, 9 or 8 at her lowest, she is pretty much a teachers pet with all the teachers, but sadly she doesn't get along that well with the other students, it isn't like they are bullying her or anything, it's just that she doesn't talk to anybody, you see, Vicky has always been an overachiever, if she has something in her mind that she really wants, she gets it, but when it comes to socialize it's another story, she it's the stereotypical shy, nerdy (now fat) girl who loves doing things but doesn't get along with normal people.
Today she had some trouble putting on her uniform, her ever growing bust was making the act of buttoning them a nightmare, right know the look like they are about to explode, on top of that the fact that she definitely didn't skip her three plate breakfast, made it so she got late to class; normally that wouldn't be a problem, if it wasn't for the fact the every single seat was taking except for the one right next to Rose.
As I said before, nobody ever bullied Vicky, but Rose was a girl that really pushed the line, she is a pretty brunette, with beautiful blue eyes, a cute face and curves that made guys go wild, definitely a bad combination, she was literally a demon that looked like an angel.
Vicky just sighted and sat next to her, wishing that today she was in a good mood.
"Psss, boobs MacLatina, you got a bit late today, what happened? Couldn't get out of the front door or was it that you couldn't come without your quadruple cheeseburger? Hahaha *snort* Hahaha"
Oh God she hated her with all of her heart, and that laugh, in some people it's really cute and adorable, but in her it just made Vicky even angrier, and the worst part was that she wasn't completely wrong, she did had a huge breakfast and that was the reason why she got late
"Hi Rose, no It was just that I overslept"
"Yeah, I don't doubt that, that's probably the only thing that you do apart from eating hahahaha *snort*"
"Come on Rose, leave alone, I really want to pay attention"
"I bet even if I wasn't talking you couldn't pay attention because you're too busy thinking about stuffing your face like a pig!"
"I least I don't laugh like a pig!"
That was it, Vicky couldn't take it anymore, that girl had been messing with her ever since she started gaining weight.
"You two back there! I won't tolerate that you say bad things about each other in my class! I was expecting a lot more from you misses Montoya, I already give up hope for misses Vandelware a long time ago, but I can't believe you lowered yourself to that level"
~Later after class~
It was finally lunch, the time that made Vicky feel alive again, there wasn't anything that she wanted more, she grabbed her plate and started eating with reckless abandon, she needed it after what had happened earlier.
"Hi, ummm... Vicky! Right?"
"Uhh, yeah, and you are?"
"Oh sorry, my name is Vincent and- where is she?... there you are! This is my girlfriend Amanda"
"Hi? And what do you guys want?"
"We sit behind Rose and-"
"We heard all the awful things that she said you"
"And how you actually fought back, it was actually pretty funny the look on her face hahahaha, either way, we wanted to see if you were ok, it was mostly Amanda's idea"
"Don't say that!"
"Hahaha, don't worry, it's actually really nice and very sweet"
"We thought you looked a little lonely here, so we decided to have lunch with you!"
"Vincent! We wanted to have lunch together, obviously if you don't mind"
"Of course not! But I have to warn you, I'm a really big eater"
"You can be a bigger eater than me, the basketball team they call me 'the buffet'"
"I still don't know why you wear that title with such pride"
"Amm, because it sounds awesome? I really does! What do you think Vicky?"
"Uh what?"
"You already ate two entire plates?!"
"I told you I'm a really big eater"
"Looks like mister buffet just lost his title"
"Hahahaha *ping* *ping* *ping*"
The mixture of laughter and a full stomach prove too much for the buttons in Vicky shirt, the things went flying like bullets straight to the head of Vincet. Vicky just sat there, her face completely red, with her shirt wide opened showing her great boobs in her (a little small) bra
"Oh God, quickly put this on before anyone notice and follow me" Amanda took off her sweater and gave it to Vicky, then they went running straight to Amanda's locker
"I'm so sorry, really, I didn't- God, I am a pig"
"Here, try this"
"What? This is another uniform, why do you have this? This looks way too big for you"
"My sister is also a big eater, she's always busting her shirts, this things are really bad quality, either way, she's always destroying her shirts so I always have some extra shirts for those occasions"
"Again, I'm really-"
"Don't apologize! I'm used to this type of stuff, it's ok"
"Yeah, I'm also used to it to"
"Vincet! I'm really sorry"
"Don't sweat it, it's not the first time that buttons have hit my face"
"Vince!! That's private!"
"Hahahaha... thanks guys, really"
"Hey cheer up, how about after classes we go to have some pizza? I'm going to get a new title 'the second buffet that isn't as good as the first one but it's still pretty good', how does that sound?"
"Why do I date you again?
"Am! Come on, don't be that way!"
Amanda and Vincent really seemed to have chemistry between them, it made Vicky feel kind of jealous, but in a good way, she really hoped that one day she would fine a guy that made her feel that way
"Well, well, well, if it isn't boobs, enjoyed your meal? Who I'm I kidding? Even if you didn't you would eat 50 plates, hahaha *snort*"
"Actually I did enjoyed it, I feel sorry for you, you can't enjoy any of that delicious food"
"That's because I don't to turn into a huge cow like you, I have a figure that I need to maintain, boys go crazy for it"
"And still you are single"
"Look who is talking ***, as far as I know, your boyfriend dump you because you were getting as big as a house"
"And was it's your excuse for not having one"
"I can get any boy that I want!"
"Yeah, the desperate ones, but I guess things that are similar tend to attract each other"
"Uggg, why don't you go and stuff your face fatso"
Rose walked away angrily, Vicky was just joyful, it felt so good to clean the floor with her.
The rest of the day went as usual, thankfully Vicky didn't had to sit next to Rose again. At the end of the day Vincent, Amanda and her went to Pablo's pizzeria, one of the best places in the entire city
"Ohh I haven't had pizza in forever"
"Vince, we had pizza yesterday"
"But it feels like forever"
They waiter showed them they seats (Vicky had some trouble squeezing her blueberry body into her seat, but she eventually manage to do it) and took their order; Vincent choose a Hawaiian pizza, Amanda got a normal cheese and pepperoni (just because she was skinny didn't mean that she didn't enjoy food) and Vicky got an extra large mixture, which is a pizza with cheese, pepperoni, peppers, meat, extra cheese and cheese in the crust
"Are you sure you can eat all of that?"
"Compare to what we eat at home this is just a snack *munch* *munch* man, these bread sticks are really good, you guys want some?"
"Yeah sure *munch* Oh man! This are awesome, my sister told me this were good but I wasn't expecting this *munch*"
"I told you! Pablo's has the best pizza"
"Oh there was something that I wanted to ask you, how did you met?"
"Oh that is easy, I was the star shooter of the school team of basketball (and I'm still the star) and Amanda was the helper of the team, so we just decide to hang out one day and we liked spending time with each other, eventually I ask her out after the final game of the season"
"It was far more romantic than that, but in short yes, that's how it happened, after that I left the team so that I could focus just in studying, but I still go to all of Vincent's games, and because I was part of the team, they let me watch from the bench"
"Awww that's adorable, and how much time do you have together?"
"Around a year, and it has been the best year of my
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 4 years
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Adoragordas124 7 years
BBWShara really? I'm sorry I'm not good at sizes (that's why I don't give their measurements) what size would you say fits?
Adoragordas124 7 years
QuebecFA, the chapter 4 is alredy out
QuebecFA 7 years
I really love this story! I can't wait for Chapter 4! ;-)
Adoragordas124 7 years
A longer chapter to thank all of you guys for giving my story a chance nwn

(I had to write this chapter 3 times because I ended up erasing it by accident, it's so dumb that it just eliminates the chapter without asking if you really wanted to do that e
Adoragordas124 7 years
Thanks shavip! Don't worry about it, I'm going to continue, I'm actually writing the next chapter right now
Shavip 7 years
Nice. Good descriptions, and an interesting story so far. I hope you continue!
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