It runs in the family

Chapter 10 - a day in the life of two fatties and a blob: susan

Susan had made some progress in her university, ever since she moved to the house of the Montoya's she could just spend a large amount of time just studying, and because she didn't had to worry about the payments she just relaxed and when she did work in some place all the money was for her.
Unlike Vicky's uni that is really big, with great professors and (mostly) smart students, Susan's one is pretty small, there are still great professors but they don't care that much about their students and practically anyone who has a decent job can get in. This is partially the reason for Susan's temper, there are a lot of people who just what to see other people fall to the ground and Susan had to develop some temper to try and get them of her back, thankfully as time went on those types of people got expelled, but Susan didn't let her guard down just in case.
Now of course is hard to appear like a girl that people don't wanna mess with, while you look like a big fluffy teddy bear. Susan's weight gain made her loss a lot of her "respect" in campus but it gave her a lot more friends.

Today Susan started the day with history class, she HATED history, well, she hated every single class except for music, ever since she was a little girl she loved music above everything else, you see, Susan's mother left her when she was very young, well she didn't leave, his father made her leave because of how much she abused of him and her. Obviously Susan doesn't have a lot of good memories with her mother, but the ones that she had involved music; the three of them spend hours just listening to music, they sang along and pretended to play an instrument, her mother would always make the great solos. When they finally divorced Susan went to live with her father, most of time she just sang along to songs to try and remember the good moments, eventually she just grew an immense love to music, not only to the memories that it brought her, but also at the passion that she felt while singing or playing an instrument, it was the best feeling in the world
"Hey Susie, you're coming or what?" A voice broke Susan out if her daydream.
"Oh, right, sorry I was just daydreaming, thanks Michael"
Michael has been Susan's best friend since school, they were a couple before, but Susan felt like she preferred him as his friend than as a boyfriend.
"So, how was work? I see that they are treating yo VERY well" Michael said as he playfully slapped Susan's great gut, sending ripples across her entire body.
"Don't do that! And least in public!!" Susan shouted-whispered as she moved Michael's hand out of her flabby stomach
"*sigh* it's fine, I know it's super notorious, my belly it's huge right now, and my ass too. Today I couldn't even put on my pants, so I had to wear this stupid skirt, ugh I'm turning into a pig"
"I think you look cute"
"I don't want to look cute! On top of that I haven't done anything except eating and sleeping, some days back I went to the gym and I only lasted 15 minutes and then I gave up, it wasn't even that I tried my best, when I got tired I gave up, I'm cursed to live the rest of my days as an obese good for nothing couch potato"
"Don't say those things about yourself, you're awesome"
"Of course you think that, I'm your best friend"
"Well ok then, I guess I won't invite you to Raquel's Palace"
"Wait, what? R-Rachel's Palace?"
Rachel's Palace is a really well known buffet know around the country, it's famous for its gourmet food at a fairly low price, also for the atmosphere that it's calm and relaxing, just being there feels like you're on drugs
"Yep, that exact one, but since you're so worried about your weight I guess I'll have to go eat alone"
""I guess I can make an exception for today"
"That's my girl, come on, we're gonna get late to class"
"I hate you for convincing me of this things"

~after class~
"Why do we have to take this class again?"
"Just be glad that it's over"
"For today! Tomorrow we have another one"
"Look, take this and stop complaining"
"Are this... strawberry filled chocolate bars?
"Y-yeah, I saw them in them in a store and I remembered that they're your favorite and you were felling down lately, so I decided to buy them for you"
"Michael, we've gone over this, I also like you, but you're the only person that I can really open myself with, the only one who has seen my soft side"
"I think now all of your sides are your soft said" Michael started laughing softly as he grab one of Susan's belly rolls. He immediately realised the horrible mistake that he had made, but now it was to late
"I-I-I-Im sorry, I was j-just joking, I-I just wanted to make a joke!"
"*sigh* You're lucky that I find your stammer really adorable, if not I would shove this bars up your nose *munch* *munch*" Susan took an angry bite at one of the chocolate bars as she started to walk to the next class, the swaying of her really well padded hips and the jiggling of her bulging butt that was peaking a little to much under her skirt made Michael drool a little bit
"Hey, chocolate boy, hurry up"
"Y-yeah, I'm coming"

~later at lunch~
Michael and Susan sat at the same table as always, they were really inseparable, when they were kids Susan tried to sneak him into her room so they could spend the night together playing games, they didn't do a great job to be honest, her mother quickly realised the fact that he was home and called his mother, thankfully Michael's mom found it really funny and actually let him stay for the night. Who would've thought that they would keep being friends up to this point?

Michael bought some meat along with smashed potatoes, Susan on the other hand brought lunch from the Montoya's house, she had been doing that since she started working there, Gloria thought that "the lunch that they sold at the university wasn't very healthy", and it's pretty obvious to say that her lunch wasn't exactly calorie free; she brought some spaghetti with cheese and sausage, plus some ribcage of pork with barbecue sauce and for dessert some pieces of cake that had lasted from yesterday's meal
"I don't if that would be enough to satisfy you, want me to go and pick some tubes of ice cream and 5 extra big burritos?"
"Ha ha, very funny, why don't you just shut up for lunch? It would be a new record, the longest time that you have passed with saying something dumb *munch* *munch* *slurp*"
"That's a lie, when I'm sleeping I don't say dumb stuff"
"You always talk while you're sleeping and all of it it's dumb nonsense *munch* *munch*"
"What are you talking about? I don't do that! And even if I did, I don't speak in my dreams, so there's no way that I would talk"
"While you were sleeping *slurp* you told me all about your little stuffed Fox *munch* and how you used to make out with it before you had your first date *hiccup*"
"H-hey that's private stuff, what if someone hears you? It would ruin my reputation"
"What reputation? The one for being a complete dork? Believe me, that would only increase it hahaha *buurp* Oh God, I'm so sorry"
"Don't worry, I've heard you burp even louder"
"Oh shut up"
"Wait? Did you already finish all of that? I haven't even finish half of mine"
"I was hungry *munch*" Susan pulled the last of the 5 chocolate bars that Michael had give her and took a big bite out of it. Michael was shocked, he knew that for Susan to gain that amount of weight in such a short amount of time meant that she had to be eating a lot, but he never imagined that it would be at this level, he was kind of concern about how much she would eat at the restaurant.

~later after classes~
Michael decided to take Susan back to the house of the Montoya and wait for her to change her clothes so they could go straight to the restaurant.
After half an hour Susan was finally ready, Michael could barely control himself, she looked outstanding; she chose a ruby red dress that didn't leave a lot to the imagination, her boobs were barely contained by the dress, giving the impression that if she moved to quickly they might jump right into exposure; because the dress didn't had any sleeves Michael could see just how big her arms were, they look even bigger that the ones from the captain of the football team; Michael finally saw just how big Susan's gut really was, her belly rested heavily on top part of her great thighs, it strained the fabric so much that it was a miracle that the dress hadn't rip just yet, it look like a big basketball full of pudding; and when she turned her back to lock the door her great butt stole the spotlight, while not as impressive as her jiggling belly, her butt was definitely her second biggest attribute, earlier in the day Michael got a brief look a it, but now it was right in front of him, all of its bulbous jiggling gloriousness.
"Wow, you look... wow"
"You're just saying stuff again, I look like a stuffed sausage"
"Of course not, you look outstanding- oh God, we are going to lose our reservation"

~at the restaurant~
"Welcome, can I have your name?"
"Michael Understraight"
"Mmmm... yes, mister Understraight, table for two, please follow me"
"Michael, this is so cool, but I don't know if I can control myself with this tasty stuff"
"Don't worry, I won't let you make an spectacle"
Just as Michael expected, Susan completely outdid herself, she ordered five plates, plus an entry, plus two desserts, her belly looked like it was about to explote, the strips from the sides of her dress opened a little bit, letting part of her pale belly exposed. It was finally time to pay the bills and go back home... but there was a little problem
"M-Michael, I'm stuck"
"What do you-oh" Susan had the misfortune to find that the chairs from the restaurant weren't armless, meaning that now her fatty hips were stops her from getting up
"O-ok, I would pull you" Michael did one strong push, thankfully that was enough, but in the process Susan's dress rip right open on the front and in her
14 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 4 years
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FAbrony 4 years
going off what i said earlier i think Vicky should get notacibly ahead of Susan too, just make it so each member is in a diffrent place
FAbrony 4 years
I think gloira should get really far ahead like 250+, it would make sense with what’s happened in the story so far and it would give a sense of diffrence between group members. As i feel if they are all relatively equal it might be more limiting then if
Adoragordas124 6 years
Hmmm a gain of 200 in a month is kind of hard, but maybe they can stay for two months instead of one
Ulvrik 6 years
hmm i do really like the option C ^^ their weight? hmm how about 400-500 for the girls and 500-600 for gloria? just a suggestion ^^
Loco123 6 years
I think it would be good if suddenly Susan would eat in the night too
Adoragordas124 6 years
Hey guys, I kind of want to commission an artist to make a drawing of Gloria, Susan and Vicky, and put it as the cover picture, so if any of you know (or are) an artist that can make that at a reasonable price, let me know
Adoragordas124 6 years
Heck, uhhhhh I really like that idea, the kids making there mother really fat, I really like that
Heck 6 years
For a sequel, I think it would be good if Vicky or maybe one of her friends, became a mother, but was purposefully fattened by their kids
Adoragordas124 6 years
Heck, I like the idea of Susan and Vicky being really obese caretakers, I love to hear your idea for the sequel
Adoragordas124 6 years
FA guy, thanks dude!
Adoragordas124 6 years
Tunker, I appreciate the idea, but I'm not into male weight gain, sorry
Heck 6 years
I really like this story, simply because there aren't enough Mother and Daughter weight gain stories. That being said, I think I'd be great if Gloria ended up immobile, with Susan and Vicky as her caretakers. As for a sequel, I think I'd be great if Vicky
FA Guy 6 years
I love this story and would like to see it keep going
Adoragordas124 7 years
Dolphinsoccergirl, sadly I can give you an answer, I'm still waiting to see if more people answer the questions that I left and after that I need to think how to continue, but hopefully soon
Adoragordas124 7 years
Ulvrik thanks you for your feedback, i really aprecciated nwn
Adoragordas124 7 years
Thank you plaidnok ^^
Nok 7 years
I like your descriptions
Ulvrik 7 years
1. I thonk a combo with both smiley

2. oh! gain defineltly! hmm i would say a bit faster, with the thought that there are allready two overeater ^^
Adoragordas124 7 years
2 would you like to see Susan gain weight to or would you prefer if it stayed just Gloria and Vicky?
If you choose for her to gain, would you like to see her gain at a fast speed or a lower speed?
Adoragordas124 7 years
Hey guys, today's chapter was reeeeeealy long so I hope you enjoy it
Another thing, I need your feedback on some things
1 would you like to see things go slower (the girls no gaining as fast, no that many jumpcuts and not so long ones where I make them)
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