Nancy and dean

Chapter 3

Dean smiled. She had absolutely no clue. He started simply by playing with her sense of time, turning the lighting in the room on and off for hours at a time, at strange intervals. He'd programmed the TV to show popular evening shows, news at early hours in the morning, and morning shows in the evening. With his control over the lighting, and her hunger, she had no sense of time what so ever. He spent the first 3 weeks playing with various doses of the drug to make her hungry at odd times, sometimes letting her go a day or two without food, then upping the dosage, sometimes she ate 4 meals in 6 hours, it -felt- right, since she was hungry every time the food showed up on the table. The results were small, but showing, she must have gained ten to fifteen pounds he estimated, but his real goal was met: Dean had managed to slow her metabolism out of whack.

He had started to enjoy the embarasment she felt every time she had to go to the bathroom. She must've known he was watching, but she could only keep it in so long. She discovered to her dismay that the small section in the corner of the bathroom was where she had to shit. She had to prop herself against the corner of the wall while she did, and once she left the bathroom, and came back, it was always gone.

He'd been waiting long enough, and during the 4th week, he finally started to up the hunger drug a bit. In response, he had to give her more food, and for now, it was always McDonalds. Fattening BigMacs, McNuggets, fries became what she thought of as her dinners and lunches, her breakfasts made up of sausages, bacon, and eggs, in slightly growing quantities.

Even with her sense of time taken from her, she could still see the effects on her body, she had to be at least thirty pounds or so heavier than when she got her. She couldn't tell at first, after her first

shower, she had come back into the room to find new clothes on the table, all in her size according to the labels, but at least two sizes too big. Still, the food came, more of it in fact, but she ate it still, because she was hungry every time it came, and it seemed time had passed enough that she should be hungry.

Dean could see she was becoming more reluctant, in the shower she would touch parts of her body, feeling them get softer. So, in the sixth week, instead of upping her dosage a bit, he doubled it. He kept her waiting longer for her meals, making them larger, but by the time they came she was dying to eat. She was eagerly plowing through them, 6 or 7 BigMacs, four servings of greasy fries, and the the McNuggets, twenty, thirty, forty, she didn't know, but she washed it all down with several large pepsis, before lying down, her tummy feeling hard to the touch.

Dean kept this pace up for a bout a week, giving her just a bit more each time, trying to stretch her stomach out for what was to come. Where she had been skinny a month and a half ago, she was now definetly plump. Her thighs were a bit wider, her face rounding just a bit, her stomach poking out, she was definetly fattening up, but no where near what he had planned for her. She was definetly aware of it at this point, and one day half way through her breakfast, which now included pancakes with syrup, he flipped on the camera from his end, and the TV came on.

"Enjoying your breakfast, Nancy?" he asked politely as she was chewing on some bacon. she stopped, wallowing, looking at her captor, pancake in hand, as she had no utensils. "Please, listen. I'm sorry, I know I treated you like crap. I was young, I liked being popular, it was-" and again he cut her off.

"You liked being the center of attention, that was all it took to turn you from a decent person into a shallow, skinny bitch. We'll, you can keep being a bitch, but i'm afraid the skinnny part has to go."

he said, smiling. He knew how much she hated the old her, plump little Nancy. "I know you've got a strong will. You treat your body like a temple, without it you'd be just like you were before, an insecure girl who thought she was ugly, so i'm going to match your outside to your inside" he sneered, watching her veins buldge.

"You fucking bastard, you can't force me to eat, i'll starve before I let you keep doing this to me." she raged, staring into the TV screen, tossing the pancake in her hand onto the table.

"Like I said, I know you have a strong will. I've been drugging you for the past little while, with a very potent hunger enhancer, why do you think you've been eating so much, you dumb bitch?" he shouted at her. Regaining his composure, he smiled "Today though, was special. I quadrupled the amount I gave you yesterday. We'll see, how long you can hold out. I'll leave you to your breakfast then, dear." and with that, Dean shut the monitor again.

Nancy threw herself on the bed, vowing not to herself not to eat another bite. She hadn't half finished before Dean had interrupted her, she left the food right where it was. Not ten minutes later, her stomach feeling like she was starving, she managed to keep herself from eating. Ten minutes stretched into thirty, and an hour later she had convinced herself she could eat just a bit, she felt like she hadn't eaten in a few days. She started eating the cold breakfast, starting with the sausages, intending to have just two, that turned into four, that turned into just a few McMuffins, and of course the milkshake to wash it down with. She balked at the pancakes, now cold, but another half hour was all she could take before she crammed them into her mouth, to soothe her hunger.
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Champ 7 years
great story!
Karenjenk 7 years
being sub by nature.... I loved this. totally.
Laser 14 years!
Mtlfan 15 years
For those of you looking for more, i'll have something new up later tonight, several hours from now.
Mtlfan 15 years
Like I said, I don't know if I'll continue this or write something else in the same style, it really depends on my mood.

As for the unhappy comment: It's a fantasy. I like control and humiliation, and guessing from the view count, so do quiet a few others. I could go on for hours on the how/why of it, but I doubt this is the place for that.

And for those of you liked it, in comments or in private message, thank you. Comments are always useful.

And yes, I have RP'd occasionally, again something that depends on my mood, i'll probably post an MSN or AIM name in my profile.
BS Writer 15 years
That would be great. I really want to see more of this.
Mtlfan 15 years
I don't know if I'll write more on this, the first thing I'd do is correct some of the formatting later. I thought of it as a start to end thing, though I could go on with how life is "after", instead of writing something else.
15 years
is there more coming?
BS Writer 15 years
This might be the best story I've read on this site, though I can't help but want a chapter with people reacting to her.
Fatlilboy 15 years
I LOVE revenge stories. It was hot!
Maximum 15 years