Nancy and dean

Chapter 4

She lay on the bed, feeling stuffed to the brim, passing out, trying to block out what was happening to her. Several weeks passed, as Dean worked on her resolve, altering how much of the drug he'd give

her with each meal. She tried to resist every time the table popped up with more fattening McDonalds, but her resolve was melting, mostly due to the increasing dosage's Dean would spike her food with, as well as realizing she simply did not have the will power to hold out long. She could feel it now, see it. The clothes he had given her we're now almost form fitting, a form he was making. Her breasts were heavier now, straining against the bra he had provided, and her stomach had formed a small pot belly now. She couldn't see her face, not even in the reflection of the TV, but her cheeks -felt- fuller. Her legs were plumping up nicely, an inch or two extra on them.

One day, between feedings, as Dean watched, she had the gall to try and exercise. Maybe it was the boredom, or frustration, she must know by now she couldn't get out of this, yet still she tried, an hour after her fourth feeding of the day, she managed a hand full of sit ups, and jumping jacks, sweating profusely. She quickly tossed her clothes into the corner of the room, and went to shower. When she came out, a new, larger bra, blouse and panties and casual pants was waiting for her, her first set of new clothes gone. She quickly slipped into them, not exactly fond of being naked, or seeing herself naked anymore. And then she waited.

The food didn't come. An hour passed, and she was absolutely ravenous. More time passed, she didn't know how long, she thought it must've been at least a day, but Dean knew, it had only been a couple of hours, by which time she was contemplating eating the toilet paper in the bathroom, with how hungry she was. He let it go on another hour, just to see her shake nervously, rub her tummy, listen to it growl before sending up the next meal.

She was actually drooling just a bit as she heard the damn familiar sliding noise as the top of the table slid off, bringing up food. And even in her hungry state, she paused, staring wide eyed for a moment. But only for a moment, before Nancy unwrapped the first BigMac, first of thirty or so she guessed. She was eating them, trying to fill the hole in her stomach, pausing between every four or five, to tag a large gulp from one of the multiple large pepsis he had brought.

Dean smiled, letting his voice into the room, but Nancy didn't even bother stopping this time, chewing while he spoke in a mocking voice "Aw, is my little pig hungry? You're going to be hungry for a long time, Nancy. Silly fatty, trying to excersize. I won't know how much you weigh til I'm through with you, but you've at least doubled your weight since you got here. And you know what else has doubled, Miss Piggy? I upped your dosage again, almost double for today, after your little exersizing stunt." and flipping off his microphone.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 15 years , updated 54 years
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Champ 6 years
great story!
Karenjenk 7 years
being sub by nature.... I loved this. totally.
Laser 14 years!
Mtlfan 15 years
For those of you looking for more, i'll have something new up later tonight, several hours from now.
Mtlfan 15 years
Like I said, I don't know if I'll continue this or write something else in the same style, it really depends on my mood.

As for the unhappy comment: It's a fantasy. I like control and humiliation, and guessing from the view count, so do quiet a few others. I could go on for hours on the how/why of it, but I doubt this is the place for that.

And for those of you liked it, in comments or in private message, thank you. Comments are always useful.

And yes, I have RP'd occasionally, again something that depends on my mood, i'll probably post an MSN or AIM name in my profile.
BS Writer 15 years
That would be great. I really want to see more of this.
Mtlfan 15 years
I don't know if I'll write more on this, the first thing I'd do is correct some of the formatting later. I thought of it as a start to end thing, though I could go on with how life is "after", instead of writing something else.
15 years
is there more coming?
BS Writer 15 years
This might be the best story I've read on this site, though I can't help but want a chapter with people reacting to her.
Fatlilboy 15 years
I LOVE revenge stories. It was hot!
Maximum 15 years