Jennifer looks for something new

chapter 19

The next weekend, neither Bill nor Jennifer had expected it, but, their plan worked. Or rather Jennifer's hypnotism worked and Malcolm returned on the Friday evening, just as she had asked him to. What was more, he was hungry. He had starved himself all day. He was ready for whatever she had in store for him.
Jennifer couldn't help but smile as she led him down to the basement. They were not completely taken by surprise because they had a veritable feast laid out for him. Bill had helped her prepare it.

Malcolm stood gazing at the whole array of foods in front of him. This could not all be for one person! He was so hungry! His stomach complained at it's emptiness. He hardly knew where to start. He waited for Jennifer to tell him when he could begin eating. His mouth was salivating.
Jennifer watched him. He was like a sprinter on the blocks waiting for the starting gun. She made a mental note for the future to incorporate this waiting period into her training regime. She could elongate the suspense, like they did in those tv competitions before they announced who was going and who was staying.
As soon as she gave him the go ahead, he sat down and started gorging himself. Tradition and manners meant nothing. It was not even about taste. It was all about speed and volume. Sweet got mixed with savoury. All the usual dining cutlery was unused as he picked up the food with his hands and shovelled it into his mouth. All that mattered was to get as much food in his mouth as quicly as possible and satisfy his aching belly.
Fifteen minutes later, he was still going, but he was noticeably slower. His face was covered in food stains, his hands and arms were covered, as was his shirt sleeves and the front of his shirt. Yet he kept eating.
Half an hour after starting to eat he had slowed almost to a halt.
Jennifer stood sternly beside him and ordered him to loosen his trousers. As he did do, his sticky hands transferred the food stains to his trousers. She watched as his grateful little round paunch lurched forward, glad of the extra space. He reached forwards for more food, but Jennifer stopped him. She drew his attention to the half litre glass of Coke she was pouring him. He was to drink it all in one go, immediately.
Malcolm took the glass willingly, transferring more food stains to the outside if the glass. He gulped the whole lot down in one go, gasping for breath as he put the empty glass down.
The extra liquid allowed the contents of his belly to settle somewhat. He felt more comfortable, but only until the Coke started giving off it's gas! Oh he was so full! He had definitely overdone it! Why had he not been able to stop himself? Then he burped. A big noisy gaseous release. Oh that felt better! There was another one, and another! He was such a pig! He could not believe he had eaten so much. Jennifer clearly knew that he wanted more as she held a laden spoon to his mouth. He accepted it willingly.
He had not understood what had happened in the last week. Since had left Jennifer last Sunday, food had taken over. When he woke up in the morning, he was hungry and he could hardly wait for his breakfast. He made himself a double portion of cereal with milk and added sugar and ate every bit of it, yet he still found himself stopping for a coffee on the way to work and getting through a couple if muffins.
Halfway through the morning he went looking for a snack chocolate bar. At lunchtime, he would eat his meagre packed lunch and still feeling hungry, he would get through a canteen dinner as well... and a pudding! There were more snacks in the afternoon, then on the way home he would stop off and eat a burger before having his dinner. Then by bedtime he was hungry again and ready for a night time snack.
After two days of eating like this, he told himself he was being ridiculous! It had to stop! He could feel his stomach bulge out. He felt so bloated most if the time, but he simply could not stop himself. He was completely out of control.
In one way, he was glad of the rest from eating on Friday. He must have put on half a stone in just a week! He resigned himself to purge himself all weekend. He would cleanse himself of all the rubbishy food inside him. Yet here he was, back at Jennifer's, with a full, satisfied belly and still accepting more food.
She helped him off with his trousers and his shirt. His tight stuffed belly made him feel like a pregnant woman. He lay his cool hands on either side of it, gently rubbing and soothing the skin as he accepted even more food.
Eventually she allowed him to rest on the sofa. The pressure on his new week old belly was so much he felt like he had to hold onto it when he stood up, before gravity took over. He moaned as he walked across the room. He was so full, every movement seemed to pull on his belly. He couldn't just sit on the sofa. The weight of the food inside him was too much. He couldn't even lie down. The most comfortable position was on his side.
He rested. He dozed off. Three hours later he was ready for another assault on that table!

No one was forcing him to eat this much. But he simply felt compelled to do it. And he loved his new hobby! Why had he never thought of eating like this before? He'd gone twenty three years thinking as food as a sustenance thing. An occasional indulgence on special occasions. To indulge himself so completely, aroused him so much! It was better than the best sex he'd ever had. Indeed he was to learn that it was possible to take things up another notch and have sex with Jennifer while he was stuffed full with food. It was the most satisfying, thing! He was just so greedy, he wanted more of it. He chastised himself for being so gluttonous, yet he was already looking forward to his next meal.

Bill watched the cctv from the comfort of the upstairs living room, with the sun streaming through the window. The dark basement was a stark contrast.
Malcolm had only been on the new regime for a week, but Bill could already see some changes in him. When he'd arrived, his trousers were a little tighter than was proper. His shirt last week had been smartly tucked in his trousers. Now, he worse it untucked and it looked a bit tighter too, especially around the middle.
Bill watched as he tucked into his feast. Malcolm tucked in like a greedy animal. Seeing him covered in the detritus of his binge really turned him on. He couldn't look away when he took off his shirt and trousers. Oh yes! He had a proper little bot belly settling in there! Last week he had not been skinny, but the bottom of his ribs had still been visible from some angles. Six pounds and one week later all signs of any bones sticking out were gone. The thought of how much they could make him gain had Bob reaching into his own trousers to feel his hard on.
He imagined Malcolm with his clothes so tight that they ripped apart at the seams as he reached out for a cream filled meringue. As he bit into it the crisp meringue broke into pieces all over him. He saw Malcolm ignoring the mess and eating what was left in his hand, then reaching out for a cream filled chocolate eclair.
He watched and masterbated as Jennifer fed him until he was completely stuffed. He watched as he struggled to walk with his engorged belly and then tried to find a comfortable place to lie.
He watched as Jennifer rubbed his tight belly to aid his digestion, then eventually she had him roll onto his back and mounted him. This felt as good as if she had mounted Bill in person. He brought himself to a climax just as Jennifer brought Malcolm to a climax. Oh yes! That felt good! All the while, he was thinking of how they could tweak Malcolm's new regime and push him even harder.
24 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 5 years
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Aquarius64 4 years
I can’t remember this story... I’ve moved on and written 20 million others since then... well maybe not quite that many, but you get the picture...🧁🧁🧁🍰🍰🍰
Bbman30 4 years
Am I the only one that wants Mike to have his own story? He just left...I wanted to see him get to Simons size
Aquarius64 7 years
Whoops! Chapter 20 accidentally deleted! Apologies! I don't have a back up so a new chapter 20 might lead us down a very different path!
Aquarius64 7 years
Thanks wayTooThin. Computer saved same chapter twice... don't know why. Offending item deleted. New chapter 15 will be posted very shortly.
WayTooThin 7 years
I liked chapter 14, nice twist. Chapter 14 and 15 are the same
WayTooThin 7 years
Bill the Viking is a good addition. Many possibilities there.
WayTooThin 7 years
At least where I come from passing is a more polite way to say someone died. I am curious to see how simons experiences will effect Jennifer as the story goes onward. I look forward to reading more!
Aquarius64 7 years
Be patient wayTooThin, the story isn't finished yet.
Aquarius64 7 years
Simon did not pass anywhere. He died!
WayTooThin 7 years
In the beginning, Jennifer talked about her bills related to simons passing.

Now she has a new submissive feedee who is ready to quit his job and move in with her to hopefully become very very fat. I am just wondering where Jennifer will get the mone
Aquarius64 7 years
Ch 8 had to be curtailed because it was time for work. I'm just about to complete it now!
WayTooThin 7 years
It's a very cool story. Chapter 8 is cut off just as the feedee is getting dressed for the party
Badhansel 7 years
Lovely. Do hope you keep going!
Chrysophase2003 7 years
The last story of yours ended somewhat abruptly. I'm happy to see a longer narrative was kept in mind. And I don't think I've read anything about a woman who has already fed one man to death and is working on number 2.