Jennifer looks for something new

chapter 20 - a new version!

Jennifer kept feeding and encouraging Malcolm to eat more all weekend.
She wanted the new Malcolm to realise that the wanted to be a fatty. Fat was sexy. The only way to get fat was to eat more and exersise less. Not only that, he was going to have to change his eating habits, change his shopping habits and change his kitchen storecupboard.
This coming week he would embark upon those changes and he would do it joyfully and excitedly, pleased to be making some positive changes in his life! Hey! Being slim had not found him a girl that he loved that he wanted to walk into the sunset with. Maybe as a fatty he could do it!

Malcolm saw Bill about that weekend, too. He saw him snog Jennifer a few times as they both watched him stuff his face. Somehow it did not bother him that they were together. It didn't strike him as being strange that he was their plaything to do whatever they liked with. It didn't matter as long as there was plenty to eat!
But then after eating, when he was well and truly stuffed full, he had two pairs of hands to stroke and massage his aching belly, and neither of them were his own.

Malcolm was too tired and too full to think about rearranging his kitchen cupboards, when he got home. It was Sunday. The shops wouldn't be open until tomorrow anyway. Instead, he sat down in front of the telly with a few cans and a bag of crisps.

Monday morning. Oh the (sarcastic) joy of it! Malcolm ate his usual breakfast and went out at his usual time, but on his way to the tube station, he noticed the smell of pastry coming from the bakery. He stopped a moment to look in the window. Oh those cakes with the cream oozing out of them looked lovely! It was the wrong time of day to eat cake though. Nevertheless, he found himself going in and buying half a dozen buttery croissants - for his colleagues at work, he told the woman on the till.
Who was he kidding? Every single one was gone by the time he got off the train. He left a flaky crumby mess behind him as proof!
Malcolm didn't understand. He could not concentrate properly on work. He was just too peckish. If he was a woman he would have said it was his hormones. That gave him the excuse to raid the snack machine.
He did it anyway. He bought three chocolate bars and two cans of Coke. They were all gone by lunchtime.
He sat with his colleagues in the staff room and ate his usual packed lunch. It did nothing to satisfy him. Normally he. Would have just made do anyway, but he thought he would get no work done at all, if he was still hungry.
He found himself in the staff canteen loading his tray up with stodge, otherwise known as corned beef pie and chips with carrots and gravy, followed by Bakewell tart and custard.
Now with a decent amount of food in him, he felt better, but he was still seen back at the snack machine later on.
His colleagues did notice his change in behaviour, but didn't think much of it. They all had bad days once in a while. One or two noticed his clothes were slightly tighter, but disregarded the fact. Everyone's weight was not consistent. It would often go up and down by two or three pounds, depending on how much fluid they had on board or whether or not they had been able to go to the toilet.

He called in to the supermarket after work. Well, after stopping off at the nearby burger bar and eating a large quarter pounder, with large fries and a large shake... oh and a hot apple pie!
He selected the largest trolley. Bill had assured him he did not have to scrimp on food. He would make sure he was all right.
Usually, Malcolm would spend a bit of time amongst three fresh fruit and veg. Today he passed them by entirely.
The fresh meat aisle was first. He did not think about it too much, he added three packs of streaky bacon and 2 x 12 packs of sausages. He was not sure how to cook anything else there. Fresh fish? No he wasn't a fan.
An aisle of convenience meals came next. Hmm he could get an Indian bargain box or a Chinese bargain box. Both had four complete meals inside them, plus rice and side dishes. Each box served four. Would that be enough? He added a couple more single dishes just to make sure. Nor could he decide which to have, so he put both in his trolley.
The next aisle had cheese and cooked meats. Mmm. He was starting to feel hungry and the thought! He chose sausage rolls, scotch eggs, pork pies, corned beef, salami, and several varieties of cheese.
Next came the dairy aisle. First of all, he was whole milk, none of that tasteless semiskimmed rubbish, oh but what was this? Extra creamy, extra rich jersey milk. That was even better than whole!
Yoghurt? No that was a diet food, but he wanted plenty cream, different varieties. Several preprepared desserts found their way into his trolley too. Of course, it had to be real butter, not low fat sludge!
He picked his way through the world foods section, the tins, the spices and sauces. Tuna had to be canned in oil didn't it. And you didn't drain the oil when you were preparing it. Oh he was going to need a big bottle of frying oil, and plenty eggs.
Bread. He put a loaf in his trolley without thinking. He was drawn to the cakes. Oh they all looked so good! A chocolate cake was a definite must. How about a ginger cake as well! He would have loaded the lot up if he was not mindful of dates. He didn't want to open an eagerly anticipated cake only to find it was mouldy!
Oh! Fresh Cream cakes! He'd forgotten about them! He pretended he was stocking up for a party and had a box of six made up for him. Was six enough? Best get another six, just in case!
He loaded up with chocolate bars, biscuits, crisps, nuts, fizzy pop and beer, then realised his trolley was nearly full and he had not been to the frozen section yet!
He decided to leave that for another day. The sight of all this food was making him ravenous!

He made a few remarks at the till about having to cater for visitors coming for a party. Even he thought there was far too much for one. He just wanted the assistant to think he was THAT greedy!

Loading and unloading the car was a chore. He didn't like to leave his open car unattended for long, so he put all his bags through the front door first. Then he'd lock the car, close the front door and carry the groceries up the stairs to the kitchen.
At least that was what he normally did! Today, he couldn't be bothered to lumber everything up the stairs straight away. Then it occurred to him, it was nice and cool at the bottom of the stairs, no radiators. His food would be fine there for an hour or two while he had something to eat! He selected a snack for himself out of the bags and made his way up the stairs.
He put the telly on and took a long swig from a two litre bottle of Coke. He couldn't be bothered to get a glass, it would only want washing later anyway. Oh he had not realised how thirsty he was!
He opened the box of cream cakes next. Mmmm which one would he eat first? It did not really matter. They whole box of six was emptied in less than five minutes.
He had another drink, then opened a large "sharing" bag of crisps. He had no intention of sharing them. He dipped them into a 'Mexican dips selection' before scoffing the lot!
That had satisfied his hunger, for now, but before he lugged those heavy bags up the stairs, he deserved a little nap.

When he woke up, he reluctantly brought the shopping bags up the stairs and put everything away. Hmm... the cream in those cakes would go off if he left them another day.
He sat back down and scoffed the rest of the cakes. He felt full, but he'd not yet had his dinner. (He'd conveniently forgot about the main meal he'd eaten and lunchtime). He heated up his Chinese bargain box. There was a lot! It was supposed to feed four! One person didn't have a cat in hell's chance of finishing it! He didn't care. He was going to have a bloody good try!
He ate until he was bloated, then put his fork down. He wasn't even halfway through! He blamed the cakes. Maybe he shouldn't have eaten all of them.
He put his plate down next to him while he lay back on the sofa and tried to make himself more comfortable. He still couldn't help picking out the most delectable morsels out of his meal.
24 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 5 years
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Aquarius64 4 years
I can’t remember this story... I’ve moved on and written 20 million others since then... well maybe not quite that many, but you get the picture...🧁🧁🧁🍰🍰🍰
Bbman30 4 years
Am I the only one that wants Mike to have his own story? He just left...I wanted to see him get to Simons size
Aquarius64 7 years
Whoops! Chapter 20 accidentally deleted! Apologies! I don't have a back up so a new chapter 20 might lead us down a very different path!
Aquarius64 7 years
Thanks wayTooThin. Computer saved same chapter twice... don't know why. Offending item deleted. New chapter 15 will be posted very shortly.
WayTooThin 7 years
I liked chapter 14, nice twist. Chapter 14 and 15 are the same
WayTooThin 7 years
Bill the Viking is a good addition. Many possibilities there.
WayTooThin 7 years
At least where I come from passing is a more polite way to say someone died. I am curious to see how simons experiences will effect Jennifer as the story goes onward. I look forward to reading more!
Aquarius64 7 years
Be patient wayTooThin, the story isn't finished yet.
Aquarius64 7 years
Simon did not pass anywhere. He died!
WayTooThin 7 years
In the beginning, Jennifer talked about her bills related to simons passing.

Now she has a new submissive feedee who is ready to quit his job and move in with her to hopefully become very very fat. I am just wondering where Jennifer will get the mone
Aquarius64 7 years
Ch 8 had to be curtailed because it was time for work. I'm just about to complete it now!
WayTooThin 7 years
It's a very cool story. Chapter 8 is cut off just as the feedee is getting dressed for the party
Badhansel 7 years
Lovely. Do hope you keep going!
Chrysophase2003 7 years
The last story of yours ended somewhat abruptly. I'm happy to see a longer narrative was kept in mind. And I don't think I've read anything about a woman who has already fed one man to death and is working on number 2.