Jennifer looks for something new

chapter 22

Malcolm could not remember anything about Sunday night because he went straight to bed to nurse his aching belly.
He woke very early the next morning, feeling ravenous! He threw some things in a pan with plenty of oil for a greasy, fried concoction and ate it all without abandon! Feeling better with some food inside him, he took a look in his cupboards. What could he eat later? What could he take to work? What would satisfy him, but was still discreet for no one to notice he was eating?
As he looked, he picked on this biscuit and that bit of cheese.
His supplies were getting was time for another grocery run.

Just getting through the day was hard. His stomach had spent all weekend blown up like a balloon and now it was expected to go through periods of rest, followed by a bolus. He was in as much pain on Monday as he had been the day before.
He felt his colleagues were watching him now. It may have been paranoia. Maybe it was just they'd noticed the new(and bigger) suit. He was wary of letting the full extent of his gluttony out.
He stopped off at a restaurant on his way home and ate his way through a 12oz steak, plus vegetables and gravy, followed by a generous pudding.
He felt satisfied, but not stuffed as he headed for the supermarket to see what the frozen section could offer.

Mmm onion rings, curly chips, hash browns, scampi in breadcrumbs. Oh they would be lovely and crisp deep fried. He could do them with the onion rings! Battered calimari, battered prawns, battered sausage, burgers, crinkly chips, chicken nuggets, chicken kievs, pizza, oh more pizza! There didn't look there was much cheese on those. He would add some more. Cheesecake, ice cream, oh luxury ice cream, ice cream with chocolate on the top! He was like a little boy in a sweetie shop. Every item he added to his trolley, he though of cooking it in a different way to add even more fat and calories than was on the packet. He was going to have a feast every day with this lot!

He couldn't leave the frozen stuff at the bottom of the stairs while he had a rest. The frozen stuff had to go in the freezer straight away, or there was a chance he'd go back to half defrosted food, a wet carpet and possible food poisoning.
He couldn't be doing with that! Diarrhoea and sickness would lead to weight loss. Not the ideal when he was looking to gain weight as quickly as possible!

As tempted as he was to start frying some of his frozen food, he had plenty of other foods of poor nutritional value to the house that needed very little cooking. A pot noodle, he realised was delicious with extra butter and a large slab of cheese melted in it.
Cheese was his new best friend. It would go with virtually anything! Scientifically, it was as addictive as chocolate as it released the same endorphins in the brain... happy hormones. One 2 oz portion was no longer enough. Why open a packet it you weren't going to use it all? Chips were so much nicer with cheese and butter melted over the top. A can of Heinz tomato soup was always tasty, a large packet of Brie in it made it so much better... or Stilton.
Mozzarella was good on pizza, but it didn't have much taste. If a generous sprinkling of cheddar was added, it made all the difference.

Jennifer could see Malcolm had made excellent progress again. He was wearing larger clothes, but he was definitely bigger. The scales did not lie. He'd put on a stone and a half! Three stones is as many weeks!
This weekend, she gave him plenty to eat, but did not stuff him quite so much because she did not want him to be semi conscious all the time. She wanted to work on his subconscious mind.
Malcolm had not been himself since she'd first brought him down to her dungeon. She'd hypnotised him with her big bouncy breasts into wanting to eat and get fat. She'd not fully removed that idea from his head. Now she wanted to add more subconscious ideas. She wanted to use subliminal messages and other psychologies techniques to bend him to her will even more than he already was.
She wanted him to appreciate his fatness, love it, flaunt it. She wanted him to see himself as the fat man that he now was, but see that figure as handsome and emminantly fanciable.
She told his unconscious mind that fashions had changed and women no longer wanted hunky beefcakes of muscle. Nor did they want trim athleticly muscular figures. They liked men who were prepared to indulge themselves. They liked men who were not afraid to show it. They liked men to be fat.
He was fat. She got him to look at himself in the mirror. He admired his new pads of fat on his chest. He was developing a few side rolls and of course there was his belly!
This week, she wanted him to be greedier than ever! She wanted him to increase his calorie intake up to 15,000 calories a day. He could do this however he liked, but to have maximum impact on his figure, he would also start to slow down, minimising the effect exersise had on his body.
He was bound to feel full a lot if the time, but full was good wasn't it?
24 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 5 years
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Aquarius64 4 years
I can’t remember this story... I’ve moved on and written 20 million others since then... well maybe not quite that many, but you get the picture...🧁🧁🧁🍰🍰🍰
Bbman30 4 years
Am I the only one that wants Mike to have his own story? He just left...I wanted to see him get to Simons size
Aquarius64 7 years
Whoops! Chapter 20 accidentally deleted! Apologies! I don't have a back up so a new chapter 20 might lead us down a very different path!
Aquarius64 7 years
Thanks wayTooThin. Computer saved same chapter twice... don't know why. Offending item deleted. New chapter 15 will be posted very shortly.
WayTooThin 7 years
I liked chapter 14, nice twist. Chapter 14 and 15 are the same
WayTooThin 7 years
Bill the Viking is a good addition. Many possibilities there.
WayTooThin 7 years
At least where I come from passing is a more polite way to say someone died. I am curious to see how simons experiences will effect Jennifer as the story goes onward. I look forward to reading more!
Aquarius64 7 years
Be patient wayTooThin, the story isn't finished yet.
Aquarius64 7 years
Simon did not pass anywhere. He died!
WayTooThin 7 years
In the beginning, Jennifer talked about her bills related to simons passing.

Now she has a new submissive feedee who is ready to quit his job and move in with her to hopefully become very very fat. I am just wondering where Jennifer will get the mone
Aquarius64 7 years
Ch 8 had to be curtailed because it was time for work. I'm just about to complete it now!
WayTooThin 7 years
It's a very cool story. Chapter 8 is cut off just as the feedee is getting dressed for the party
Badhansel 7 years
Lovely. Do hope you keep going!
Chrysophase2003 7 years
The last story of yours ended somewhat abruptly. I'm happy to see a longer narrative was kept in mind. And I don't think I've read anything about a woman who has already fed one man to death and is working on number 2.