Jennifer looks for something new

chapter 23

On Monday morning, Malcolm got up feeling alive and confident in himself. His first Breakfast was a sugary cereal made up with milk enriched with double cream with lots of sugar, followed by four rounds of hot buttered toast and jam and washed down with standard caffeine rich sugary Coke.
He put on his shirt, tie and suit. He tucked in his shirt to show off his handsome new belly. He admired himself from a few angles in the mirror before he left. Oh, he looked good!
His second breakfast was at a greasy spoon caff on his way to work. He had a full English fry up, with sweetened builder's tea.
On the tube, he swallowed mints. He didn't want his mouth to stink of lard! That would be a definite to put off the ladies!
He had to wait for the lift, but no way was he using the stairs to get up to the third floor where his office was! No he was not going to arrive hot, sweaty and breathless like he'd just cycled in. No he was going to arrive cool, full and fat!
He walked through the office boldly where everyone could see him. He saw people looking up at him. They saw them watch him as he took off his jacket and settled himself at his desk. He saw their stares as admiration for his newly acquired sexiness. The reality was they could not stop looking because they could not believe how much weight he'd put on on recently. Just look at how his gut stuck out! He had a double chin, chubby cheeks and an egg stain on his tie! Ugh! How could he! He'd been such a handsome young chap before. Now he looked like a middle aged heart attack as he sat down, poured himself a Coke from a can and took the wrapper off a chocolate buiscuit he'd found in his drawer.
One chocolate biscuit was not enough for him. He had five and paused, considering whether he was being too greedy. Then he decided there was no such thing and ate another three with a second glass of Coke.
Actually tackling his in-tray was far from his mind today. He found some photocopying he needed to do. He sauntered up to the machine. He pressed the buttons and waited, knowing he had an audience and shamelessly flaunting his body like a glamour model. Had they noticed his newly rounded backside? Wouldn't they like to give him a slap! He straightened his shirt. What about his new moobs? Weren't they a sight to behold?
Then he laid a hand on the dome of his belly. The Coke made him belch loudly. He didn't try to hide it. The second burp was highly exaggerated to try to get even more attention than he was getting already.
Then he walked back to his desk with his photocopies in his hands, walking like he was on a catwalk.
He spent an hour shuffling around his photocopies, sorting them out, stapling them. By that time it was time for coffee. He bought two cheese scones and a slice of cake from the tea trolley. He cut the scones in two and smeared them with a thick layer of butter. He ate both scones at his desk, thinking people were watching him. He followed it up by the slice of cake, Coke and four more chocolate bars. He was a growing boy. He has to keep up his strength!
He spent the rest of his morning, ignoring his emails and his in-tray, apparently reading up about the company's new line as he digested his two breakfasts and subsequent snacks.
He spent two hours at lunchtime in the staff canteen stocking his belly up with seconds and thirds of battered cod and chips followed by cherry pie and custard. Ooh, he loved a bit of cherry pie!

He finished early, after a day of looking busy but accomplishing nothing very much. He stopped off at a burger restaurant and made his way through meals designed for three persons. Then, he decided he couldn't be bothered to get the tube. It meant catching the escalator down to the platform and all that standing around, waiting. Instead, he ordered a taxi, then headed back into the restaurant for another portion of fries, while he waited for his cab to arrive.

His evening was spent cooking with a frying pan and lots of lard and the, eating the greasy fat produce he made. He looked forward to eating his away through the rest of the week.

By Friday, he did not need to step on the scales to see if he had put weight on on not. He knew he had. His work suit and work shirts were getting tight and more difficult to put on. His leisure clothes were a size larger, but where they had been loose before, they now fit.
Malcolm admired his body in the mirror. He was bigger all over. He now had distinct love handles and pronounced, drooping breasts. Even his empty belly was drooping, creating a distinct crease between it and his groin.
He adored his belly, but he liked it to be full most of all. He liked the way it stuck out in front if him. He liked how sensitive and sensual it became. His sexual appetite had diminished significantly in the last weeks because he just had to rub his distended belly a few times to get off.
Having sex with Jennifer while he had a full belly was good, but he didn't need her any more. He could do it himself .

Malcolm had not thought too much of food before. Now he was obsessed with it! He watched the cooking programmes, he listened to people talk about it. He read on the internet about the newest and most expensive programmes.
Yet, for him, taste was not the most important thing about food. What was important was how quickly it could make him fat!
He knew Jennifer had the formula right with her enriched shake. It was easily digestible, yet calorie dense. It was packed with dairy fats and sugars and had a bit of protein in it too. Maybe there were other things in it, but he didn't care about those.
He was hoping it was going to be a shake weekend. He'd got it into his head that it could be and now he would be sorely disappointed if it wasn't!

He beamed when Jennifer brought him his first shake.
She warned him. She expected his capacity to have increased since his last shake weekend. He would be severely punished if it wasn't.
Malcolm was tempted to pretend he was not able to drink so much. He wanted to know what the punishment was! He enjoyed her little slaps on the rare occasions he received one from her.
But he couldn't help himself, just drinking shake after shake until he was stuffed full and his belly was standing out proud in front of him.
His capacity was up to over three litres. By the end of the weekend, as it was stretched every hour of every waking day, jennifer expected his capacity would be nearer four litres.
Extra capacity would mean more food during the week. More food equally more calories which led to more delicious fat and more weight gain!

When he walked into work the next day, all his clothes were too tight. His belly was overflowing his trousers and trying to ooze it's way through his shirt buttons.
Yet Malcolm felt sexy and confident. He saw the women's eyes upon him as he entered the office. He swished his jacket open so that they could see him better. He saw adoration on their faces. Yet the reality was horror and disgust. How could Malcolm have let himself go so much? Oh wait, he had not just let himself go. He hadn't just allowed it to happen. He had gluttonously eaten himself into this state! They'd seen him stuffing his face. Some days he barely got any work done he was that busy snacking, or going off for extended canteen lunches... or somewhere or other. He deserved everything he got... diabetes, heart disease... how could anybody be that greedy?

Bill was waiting for him coming out of work. He took him for a 'snack' which was really a full three course meal. Once Malcolm was satisfied, but not too full, they went shopping together.
Malcolm did not exersise on the whole. He had put weight on at a phenomenal rate and had not developed the muscles strength or the collateral circulation that he needed to manage such weight gain. He needed to rest often and even the shortest work was strenuous for him. The walk from the car park to the shopping mall was the furthest he'd walked recently.
With Bill's funding he'd been getting taxis to and from work when he found getting the tube was too much for him.

In the shop, Bill bought him yet another suit, more work shirts and some leisure wear. He made Malcolm sit and wait while he fetched a shopping centre buggy for Malcolm to ride back to the car in.
Bill has surprised at how little he could do. He wasn't even that big yet! Maybe they ought to slow down. He didn't want him to get too big. Too big, Bill though would be the inability to look after himself. Developing major health issues such as type two diabetes, heart disease, lymphoedema, debicutous ulcers, incontinence. Oh there was a whole raft of illnesses he did not want to have to tolerate.
Jennifer's ideas were just to make him as big as possible as fast as possible and not think of the consequences.
Well, unfortunately, Bill was losing interest in Jennifer and her ideas. Bill's attention was wandering and it did not mean he was seeing anyone else from the club. No, he'd stopped doing that kind of thing so much recently. He was more interested in Malcolm and the changes that had occurred.
Despite all the psychological tricks Jennifer had played on him, Bill still liked him. But there were still issues going on in his head.
Surely Malcolm knew what was going on. Surely he knew how much he was eating and how much weight he was putting on. And if he did know what was happening, why did he not object, even a little bit.
Bill asked him straight out if he was satisfied with the state of his body.
"Of course I am" he smiled, giving his belly a jolly good slap that sent ripples over his flabbiness. "Just look how gloriously fat I am!" He picked up a chicken drumstick and took a big bite.
Bill remained unconvinced.
24 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 5 years
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Aquarius64 4 years
I can’t remember this story... I’ve moved on and written 20 million others since then... well maybe not quite that many, but you get the picture...🧁🧁🧁🍰🍰🍰
Bbman30 4 years
Am I the only one that wants Mike to have his own story? He just left...I wanted to see him get to Simons size
Aquarius64 7 years
Whoops! Chapter 20 accidentally deleted! Apologies! I don't have a back up so a new chapter 20 might lead us down a very different path!
Aquarius64 7 years
Thanks wayTooThin. Computer saved same chapter twice... don't know why. Offending item deleted. New chapter 15 will be posted very shortly.
WayTooThin 7 years
I liked chapter 14, nice twist. Chapter 14 and 15 are the same
WayTooThin 7 years
Bill the Viking is a good addition. Many possibilities there.
WayTooThin 7 years
At least where I come from passing is a more polite way to say someone died. I am curious to see how simons experiences will effect Jennifer as the story goes onward. I look forward to reading more!
Aquarius64 7 years
Be patient wayTooThin, the story isn't finished yet.
Aquarius64 7 years
Simon did not pass anywhere. He died!
WayTooThin 7 years
In the beginning, Jennifer talked about her bills related to simons passing.

Now she has a new submissive feedee who is ready to quit his job and move in with her to hopefully become very very fat. I am just wondering where Jennifer will get the mone
Aquarius64 7 years
Ch 8 had to be curtailed because it was time for work. I'm just about to complete it now!
WayTooThin 7 years
It's a very cool story. Chapter 8 is cut off just as the feedee is getting dressed for the party
Badhansel 7 years
Lovely. Do hope you keep going!
Chrysophase2003 7 years
The last story of yours ended somewhat abruptly. I'm happy to see a longer narrative was kept in mind. And I don't think I've read anything about a woman who has already fed one man to death and is working on number 2.