Gadget of plenty

chapter 8

23rd of May, 2012, Sacramento, California, Flame Club

"I don't have a ***ing bigger size, you crazy fat bitch! I'm done looking at the freak show you've become. Now get lost and don't come back. In case your brains have gotten as bloated as your body, that means you're fired!" shouted Mike, the Flame Club owner.

In front of him stood Angie leaning on the bar desk. She didn't want to support all of her weight by herself a moment longer than necessary. And no wonder. She had literally blown up. She was wearing the biggest size t-shirt the club had and it looked outrageous on her. The sleeves dug in her flabby, thick arms and showed a few stretch marks she had gotten lately there as well. Her DD cup breasts were contained by the shirt, but everyone could see how lumps as big as skinny women's breasts flooded over the cups of her too small bra. Further down things got really bad. The hem of the shirt barely covered Angie's upper belly and only when she kept pulling it down constantly. Her size 16 pants were fastened under her belly where it was still barely possible. What was on plain view was a massive globe of pale jiggly fat that was now so crisscrossed with stretch marks in different stages that looking a from a small distance, her belly looked pink.

Angie was surprised Mike had waited this long to fire her. She had been getting more and more comments from the customers about what a fat pig or beached what she was. She was also getting slower and slower dealing the drinks as her thighs began to rub more and her weight simply made it impossible to move quickly. Not to mention she was out of breath and sweaty all the time.

"Whatever Mike. I'm done with this shithole anyway. I hope it burns down!" Angie shouted and waddled to the changing room.

"*** it, I was hungry anyway. Good thing I took Herbie with me tonight." Angie muttered as she walked towards an amazing Thai restaurant she had found a week earlier. Her size 18 black dress was already like painted on her though she had gotten it only two weeks ago.

She ordered a family sized portion and settled her fat on the booth noticing how small it was getting. If she got much bigger, she couldn't fit her belly in there. Angie told Herbie to feed her two mouthfuls for every one she ate herself from her dish. This way she would look like she was just eating her food thoroughly. Something she had to do because the restaurant wasn't very big.

Three family sized portions was a big meal even for Angie and she wondered if anyone in the restaurant noticed how she had expanded visibly bigger during the hour she had spent eating there. She herself certainly did when the side seam of her dress started to rip slowly while she crammed in the last bits of her meal that would have left a whole family holding their bellies.

"Dessert, miss?" the smiling thai waitress asked politely almost as soon as Angie had pushed away her empty plate.

"I'd love to but I don't think I'd be able to fit out of here if I did." Angie said causing the waitress to laugh. Only Angie hadn't joked.

With Herbie's help, Angie had gotten herself a taxi card for free. It came in handy. The mere thought of having to waddle the three blocks to her apartment didn't seem possible as she slowly rolled outside, trying to keep all the food inside her from sloshing too much.

As soon as she got home, Angie peeled off the ruined dress and threw it in the garbage. Next to go was her too small bra and she sighed with relief as her big, fat breasts flopped free and rested on her belly. Even her panties were getting so tight she decided to take those off as well as soon as she got in bed where she wouldn't have to bend so much to do it.

Then, as most evenings, she went to the bathroom and stepped on the scale. Seeing the number was getting tricky, but turning sideways a bit she managed. 246. Impossible.

"Angie, may I remind you that you have 7.67 pounds of undigested food inside you." interrupted a voice Angie had learned to like so much.

"Thanks Herbie, but it doesn't change the fact I'm getting huge. What do you think I should do Herbie?" she chuckled.

"Well I have done some research on what you would call diets. In essence they work by having yourself reduce calorie intake and possible add calorie consumption and thus lose body mass..." Herbie began.

"Who said I want to lose weight? No Herbie, I think I want to get even fatter. Much fatter.." Angie spoke and waddled to her bedroom while holding her belly.

"Let's see. Today is peanut butter, chocolate chip vanilla day if I remember right. My favorite!" she thought as settled herself on the bed.

In the beginning Herbie had said he was able to learn and he had. As soon as Angie was ready, her mouth filled with ice cream. It was peanut butter, chocolate chip, vanilla. Even with the load of thai food, it took a long while for Angie to get her fill. She was panting and whimpering and groaning, but too tired of swallowing. She felt so amazing and her whole body tingled from the intense pleasure. But she wanted more. Somehow, someway, Angie wanted more food inside her. It was all she could think of. She felt ready to pop, but she'd been here so many times already.

"Perhaps I could help Angie."

"How? I know you can read my mind. I want more so badly, but I need help." she whispered, still unable to communicate by thinking.

"By my model, you're 95.6% full. Its simple Angie. Remember that one time when I told you I could teleport the food directly inside you? Would you like me to fill you up to 100%?"

"Oh god. Yes. Please. I need more so bad. But not in one go. I want to fill slowly." Angie moaned and tried to rub the sides of her throbbing belly.

After that things got hazy. When Angie returned somewhat to her senses, she felt so wildly beyond any fullness she had felt before that she felt herself cramp violently as she climaxed. Only then did she realize she had been doing it for some time already. She had never actually climaxed before in her life and had been certain she wasn't capable of it.

"Welcome back Angie. You seem to be...enjoying yourself. It took a bit more effort than I estimated originally but here we are. There's now 1.25 gallons of ice cream inside you on top of what you had earlier. That's 11355 calories since your late dinner." Herbie explained gleefully.

"How is that even...possible?" Angie whispered riding her constant wave of pleasure.

"Well. Time is the key component here. I kept filling you up for 3 hours Angie. I could have stopped earlier because reaching 100% isn't really possible as you keep slowly stretching. But you seemed to enjoy it quite a lot so I took the liberty to continue."

"Ooh. Will you do this again whenever I ask Herbie?" Angie asked and shuddered again.

"I think I know what you imply, Angie. But I'm not programmed to care whether you end up unnaturally fat or not." Herbie said. And then did something he had never done before. He laughed.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 8 years
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PrivateXimmy 1 year
Was hard to find this story again, since it has no tags. Regardless, glad to find this again, it’s really clever how the MC’s character transitions over time. From grazing more to intense overeating!
Severino 8 years
Thanks! I was a bit unsure about this story since I'm not a huge fan of wg stories with sci-fi settings. But the idea and conecpt of Herbie was so funny I had to write it out.
Noarthereonl... 8 years
Very hot, bravo!