Highschool revenge emma

chapter 12

When Emma slowly woke up, her nose noticed a delicious smell of grilled bacon and „ran“ down to the kitchen. Standing there in underwear she directly focused on all the food, but she found a letter from Lili that she would have gone buying some stuff for them two. „I just prepared some food for you, I thought that you may be hungry, I already ate my part, so you can eat the rest.“ As Emma hasn´t done anything else in the last year than eating a high quantity of food, she devoured piece after piece until she collapsed on the couch. Her belly already stretched out at 9am, her mind in a groggy mood and her watching tv, that´s how Lili found her when she came back from shopping.

While Emma relaxed on the couch digesting the food, Lili did her workout session. Two hours later when Lili came out of the shower, she heard Lili opening the fridge as the pills seem to do its job. Lili catched her eating some of the chips she just bought hours ago. As Emmas body told her that she is ready for some new energy, Lili prepared the next meal. She made an enormous quantity of Mac n´cheese and poured twice as much cheese on it than normally done. She served Emma the big plate to the couch where Emma was still sitting since she woke up.

Her body covered in chips crumbs and paprica powder she also didn´t manage it to eat the mac n´cheese in a human way. The melted cheese fell accidently on her big breasts, but Emma didn´t notice as the serie on Netflix was super exciting. When she finished the plate, Lili served her a second meal. Eventhough Emma started having problems finishing the second plate, Lili insisted that she should eat the third and last portion as she didn´t want to waste any kind of food. So Emma did.

As Lili loved seeing her wobbly room-mate in a bikini, she ordered a slide for their little pool, a pool that could make some problems for one of the two girls. This afternoon when both girls were taning in the sun, Lili brought some champagne. Both finished the bottle after a short time and logically the alcohol did its job.
Furthermore Lili rolled a joint that she passed to Emma.

Emma once again absolutely drunk and stoned, was excited when Lili wanted to try the slide. Lili went first and enjoyed showing her body on top of it. She danced a little bit and slided finally in the pool. Emma was motivated to do the same, so she moved her wobbling ass out of the water which took some more time than before and climbed the stairs.
„Puuhhh“, „Puhh“, „this is really hard in a...in a.... druuuuunk state“, Emma exclaimed. Her thighs touching eachother, her belly slamming the stairs in front of her. Such an effort for 6 steps. When she got on top, the stairs creaked under the enormous weight. Emm thought it would be fun to slide fastly so she built up momentum and slided.

„Ahhhhhhhh, damn...that hurts“.

As Lili hoped Emma was stuck in the slide. Her fat thighs pressed like a sausage into the slide. She tried moving to get out but her swinging movement makes it impossible to get her free on her own. Lili surpressed a big laughter and tried to act confused: „What did you do, Em? How is that possible?“

„I don´t know, I just slided and got stuck“.

„Are you alright?“

„Yeah, I...I think so, but I don´t get out of it.“

„Let me try something“. Lili climbed the stairs and used the opportunity to touch all the accumulated fat on her neighbor. She touched it and acted as if she would try to push her out of it. Lili noticed that she got horny herself, touching the fat suit, she was responsable for, a fat suit that stucks with Emma as Emma is stuck with the slide at this moment.

„Okay Emma, here goes nothing. I´m gonna come with a solution for this...this situation, in the meanwhile you will just finish the other bottle of champagne.“ With that, Lili went inside.
Emma did as she was told as she couldn´t do anything being stucked, so she drank in the next several minutes the whole bottle. Lili watched with pleasure out of the window and waited that the alcohol did its job once again.

When Emma finished the bottle, she really was more than tipsy, she was way to intoxicated. That´s what Lili had planned for the next fun. When Lili came back outside, she held nothing in her hands that would solve the problem but she got a camera. When she made sure, that Emma would be way too drunk to remember anything, she made a couple of photos from the stranded whale.
She climbed once again on the slide and did some selfies with the fattened hog. Emma nearly not able to open her eyes watched a few times in the camera.

Now Lili was confident enough that Emma´s mind was gone that she started touching her fat belly and kneading it strongly. She touched her wide hips, touched her double chin and pinched her fat cheeks. After one hour of having touched the young girl, Lili brought some butter to make her slide out.

Lili developped a new passion in photography. In the last weeks she watched a lot of weight gain stories where thin girls got fat and she wanted the society of the internet to be spectator of this big change of a popular girl becoming a fat whale.

So she took a lot of pics of her roommate, either absolutely drunk or innocently smiling in the camera, believing she would still be the cute girl she once was. But all that got perpetuated in the photos was a girl which stuffed belly rested comfortably on her thighs. Thighs which were covered in ever growing fat, cellulite showing all of the unhealthy food that always found its ways in her greedy mouth. Her belly, that used to show strong abs, are just a wobbly mass unless it is stuffed to the brim. Her arms getting bigger by the days, jiggling at the slightest movement. Her once pretty face is getting fatter also, her pretty face is still recognizable, yet storing quiet a bit of the fat she´s feeding herself.

After 4 weeks of living together with Lili, Emma is sitting once again and again on the sofa. The stuffing for all this weeks had a big impact on the pig. On the one hand she has put on a lot of weight. Her belly is sticking out more, the stretch marks are getting more prominent and also her breasts got a size up. All in all she got bigger all over, that´s why she didn´t wear anything, on the other hand Lili made her so comfortable, she really could just let go. Lili was treating her like a queen and Emma loved every minute of it. She asked herself why she didn´t live this way her whole life, what a waste of time her life has been for more than 20 years. And these thoughts really changed her mind obviously.

Over the last weeks she wasn´t interested in anything anymore. Before Lili had to convince her to stay at home or doing anything active. She barely remembered that she used to take a look on the exercising Lili. Lili just did her thing and Emma did her thing.
If Emma hadn´t forgotten why people were exercising, she would have noticed that her lack of exercise had her passing the magical border of 200 pound....by far.

Lili got pretty impatient as she wanted to know exact numbers of the fat that accumulated on the once tiny frame, she once again intoxicated Emma and grabbed a scale, covered in dust, that she hided for the last year.
„Ohh Emma, you are a mess, god damn, your whole body is covered in chocolate, get out of your clothes and take a shower!“, Lili commanded.
„Buuuut I don´t want tooooo, the drunk Emma answered, I like how I look.“

„She is so predestined to be a fat, fed pig“, Lili thought.

„Em, if you do as I say, I will get you a nice big slice of my selfmade chocolate cake and a little message, we have a deal?“

„Absolutely, that sounds gooooood!“

Emma got off of the sofa, so she tried at least. It took her 3 attempts to get up. Her belly looked huge. It shook all way long, but Emma didn´t noticed as she enthusiastically ran up the stairs, focused on her chocolate cake.

When Lili entered the bathroom, Emma was still not in the shower as the dizzy girl had troubles getting out of her underwear. „Lili, cou´d you h´lp me gettin´undressed, the world is moving, I don´t know why ahaha“, Emma giggled.

When both girls got it, Lili put the scale on the floor. „Emma, could you get on the scale, please?“

„I could but I know the result already...I weighed and will always weigh 110 pounds“, she laughed.

She stepped on and if she could have looked past her gut, she could have seen the real number:

„227 pounds“, Lili thought.

„Let´s get you some chocolate cake when you are finished showering!“
29 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 1 year
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Mikeboi1994 1 year
Hey man. Just saying this now. I love this story. The whole reason I got into writing stories is in part because of this masterpiece! ❤ Mad respect.
Guykju 1 year
Daaamn, that´s nice to hear!! Thanks a lot!
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I love your story man! Every chapter is so enchanting! 🤗
Karenjenk 1 year
dark.... okay with me!
500 lbs.... maybe she doesnt need to be restrained if she is too big to get up
or... make the doorways smaller so she wont fit through
AndiFive 1 year
the last few chapters were amazing
AndiFive 2 years
Growingsofter 2 years
More please
Guykju 2 years
Thanks a lot!! I appreciate your words and it keeps me motivated!
Guykju 3 years
I'm glad you found it and even more happy that you are enjoying it!
Karenjenk 3 years
I love the revenge angle.
Not sure how i missed this one but glad i found it.
Aquarius64 6 years
Glancing at this title for the first time, I read ‘high school revenge enema’😂 instead of ‘high school revenge Emma’
I bet this slant would change the entire story!