Highschool revenge emma

chapter 16

Screams came out of the bathroom. „What happened to me?“, Emma cried out loudly. Tears came out of her eyes. The fattened pig tried has just gotten terrified by her own body that used to be the most important feature for her succes in life.

Now that she realised that she has gotten so big and wobbly, it felt to her that all the enormous weight of the added fat was beginning just in this moment to show its heavy impact. She felt fat, ugly, slow and unfit. And she was…

„Do you wanna see the numbers on the scale? I mean, obviously you are beginning to realise how voluptous, what a cute word, you have gotten.“. John activated the scale and pushed Emma in the direction of the meanest tool in each and every househould.

She really didn´t want to do it but she had to know anyway. Besides, she really wasn´t very sure if this wasn´t just a pretty horrible nightmare. Her wide and heavy legs trembled, not sure of exhaustion or fear, but she slowly waddled on the scale….

„286,6 pounds…WOW, that is some impressive body transformation, but unluckily in the wrong direction, at least by the the human society´s standards ahaha“, John exclaimed. Emma couldn´t believe it. She couldn´t take Johns comments anymore. She ran as fast as she could out of the bathroom and packed her clothes. She ran out of the house still with tears in her eyes and automatically knocked on the door of Lili.

„Who we got here?“, Lili smirked when she opened the door and introduced Emma in her house where she told the whole story with John and the realisation that she got super fat. Lili wasn´t surprised by any of that but played it cool while being super excited and aroused.

She comforted Emma with her usual high quantity of fattening snacks and food. This day has been too much for Emma and she didn´t even think that this kind of habit transformed her in this fat, unsexy thing that she has become. She just indulged in the food as usual.

The next morning, Emma got woken up at an unusual time. It was 7am in the morning and Lili wanted to convince her to do a little morning sport. In the last months Emma normaly slept 5 more hours before considering to leave her comfortable bed. She still felt full from her feast the day before but after some time, she thought that she needed to lose all this fat.

When she entered the little room that Lili called „gym“, Lili got excited again. Emma didn´t have anything to wear and forced her body into a sport shirt from Lili that fitted probably 80 pounds ago. Her big arms stretched the poor white shirt to the maximum and her belly wasn´t covered at all.

The leggings were just one step away from ripping, caused by the big fat thighs which were so much more enormous than Lilis legs have ever been. But not only the ridiculous appeareance made Lili excited but for the first time ever, Lili saw the look of shame in Emmas eyes. It was obvious that Emma felt uncomfortable being this exposed in front of Lili especially as she knew that she mocked her neighbor all the time because of her weight.

„Emma, I don´t wanna hurt your feelings but I think that you should just get out of your clothes. They look pretty uncomfortable and you should be able to move freely if you want to do some sport“.
„Yah, okay…I just…don´t feel like I want to be seen in my current state“.
„Nobody is here, it´s just me girl. It´s obvious that you have gotten fat, I mean, look at you. But I have seen you the last months everyday, remember?“, Lili said.
„Yeah, I know“, Emma said while avoiding eye-contact, „it´s just like, I can´t believe that I´m saying that, as if we switched roles. I don´t get it. It´s me Emma, the fat girl now and you are the fit girl now, I just don´t understand when this happened“, Emma admitted sadly. „And I´m not used to be a fat woman unlike you. I´m even scared to show my body to you“, Emma said in tears.

„Emmaaaa, don´t you worry. You have gotten fat, okay? Even way fatter than I have ever been“. Lili started touching Emmas belly, „You have to accept your new role as an overweighed, obese person first of all. All this massive, massive weight is going to stay with you for a while, even for years but if you wanna lose it one day, you have to start doing some sport. So get out of your clothes and we are gonna start with some training!“ Lili told Emma.

As Emma stood there in the gym in just her underwear, Lili was sure that this would be a very funny training…at least for one of them.
29 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 1 year
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Mikeboi1994 1 year
Hey man. Just saying this now. I love this story. The whole reason I got into writing stories is in part because of this masterpiece! ❤ Mad respect.
Guykju 1 year
Daaamn, that´s nice to hear!! Thanks a lot!
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I love your story man! Every chapter is so enchanting! 🤗
Karenjenk 1 year
dark.... okay with me!
500 lbs.... maybe she doesnt need to be restrained if she is too big to get up
or... make the doorways smaller so she wont fit through
AndiFive 1 year
the last few chapters were amazing
AndiFive 2 years
Growingsofter 2 years
More please
Guykju 2 years
Thanks a lot!! I appreciate your words and it keeps me motivated!
Guykju 3 years
I'm glad you found it and even more happy that you are enjoying it!
Karenjenk 3 years
I love the revenge angle.
Not sure how i missed this one but glad i found it.
Aquarius64 6 years
Glancing at this title for the first time, I read ‘high school revenge enema’😂 instead of ‘high school revenge Emma’
I bet this slant would change the entire story!