Highschool revenge emma

chapter 17

„Okay alright, let´s start slowly with some jumping jacks“, Lili exclaimed. She showed Emma how to do it and Emma thought that it looked easy. She kind of still thought that Lili was a fat girl and if Lili was able to do it, it couldn´t be too hard to do. But as she was trying, she realised that her heavy body kept her on the ground. It was extremely tiring to jump just a couple of inches above the floor.

All the mass of fat she stored in her body made it more or less impossible to do the sport the way she was used to it. Her big wobbly arms were heavy. It felt like she wore some 30 pounds dumb-bells in each hand but she didn´t. Her big fat gut clapped each time she did one jumping jack. Her big legs rubbed even when she spreaded her legs the best she could. And her grown tits made it hard for Emma to focus on her respiration as she really had to concentrate to not lose her balance with her new framed body. All in all, the exercise took 30 seconds. She just couldn´t do it. She was red-headed after not even a minute and breathing heavily.

Emma heard all the noises her fattened neighbor made while the exercise and felt aroused by it. As she realised that Emma stopped working out, she continued with her jumping-jacks for three whole minutes and 70 repetitions, just to demotivate her and to show her what a fat and unfit piggy she has become. Emma just stood there and observed her friend and especially the fit body and compared it to her own wobbly body. This training was just depressing to her.

„Okay fine. Now let´s continue with some jogging. Unluckily, I only got one tread-mill, that´s why I would say that you are gonna start Emma. I don´t think that it´s gonna be a long wait for me ahaha“, Lili said and touching again Emmas big belly.
Emma didn´t like the touching of her body but she lost her self-confidence in the last days and just answered quietly: „Okay, I will try my best“, without having eye-contact.

Remembering the days where Emma ran 7 mph, she started with 4 mph. She thought that 4 mph wasn´t a big deal in general but after the first exercise she wasn´t too sure either. Lili was in awe how Emmas body wobbled all over. She really had to fight the urge to touch the fattened body. This massive body while being super soft made her crazy.
As the fifth minute passed by, Emma was sweating extremely. Her lungs were hurting from all this sport. Her body wasn´t used to all these movements. She trained for 10 minutes. „Okay Emma, I would call it a day! I think you did your best today. Just get yourself showered and put yourself on the couch, I prepared some food for you and there is even some weed on the table.“

Emma wanted to protest in the first place that she just trained for just a couple of minutes but in the end she really wasn´t motivated to continue. She would do it an other day. „Okay, cool, thank you!“

When Emma had finished showering she mindlessly rolled a joint for herself and put herself naked in front of the TV. When the weed did its job, her cravings for food appeared and she warmed up the feast Lili had prepared for her. She acted as if nothing had happened, as if her boyfriend hadn´t made fun of her because she has gotten fat. She automatically lived the life she had passed with Lili the last few months and devoured another slice of the family sized pizza while drinking a good amount of cacao.
29 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 1 year
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Mikeboi1994 1 year
Hey man. Just saying this now. I love this story. The whole reason I got into writing stories is in part because of this masterpiece! ❤ Mad respect.
Guykju 1 year
Daaamn, that´s nice to hear!! Thanks a lot!
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I love your story man! Every chapter is so enchanting! 🤗
Karenjenk 1 year
dark.... okay with me!
500 lbs.... maybe she doesnt need to be restrained if she is too big to get up
or... make the doorways smaller so she wont fit through
AndiFive 1 year
the last few chapters were amazing
AndiFive 2 years
Growingsofter 2 years
More please
Guykju 2 years
Thanks a lot!! I appreciate your words and it keeps me motivated!
Guykju 3 years
I'm glad you found it and even more happy that you are enjoying it!
Karenjenk 3 years
I love the revenge angle.
Not sure how i missed this one but glad i found it.
Aquarius64 6 years
Glancing at this title for the first time, I read ‘high school revenge enema’😂 instead of ‘high school revenge Emma’
I bet this slant would change the entire story!