Highschool revenge emma

chapter 19

Emma really indulged in this offer the following days. She considered this last two weeks as vacations before she would become the sexy, thin girl again. She didn´t think about the consequences that every bite into the fat burger, every swallow of sugared cacao and every puff on the joint would take her away from her goal to be skinny ever again. But it would be just two weeks, that couldn´t cause such a damage on her figure, right?

Lili took advantage of this situation and fed her a lot more than the last weeks. She wanted Emma to cry out loudly and losing all hope the next time she waddles on the scale. She increased the amount of food enhancer and went food shopping everyday, often even two times a day if Emma asked for something specific. Lili could see Emma growing right in front of her eyes, as Emma really was devouring food every moment of the day if she wasn´t sleeping.

Two weeks later…

„Lili, could you get me the nachos from the oven? I am kind of lazy there.“, Emma asked her room-mate. Lili did as she was told and laughed at the amount of nachos on the plate with all that cheese on top of it as she served it. „Thank you darling!“, Emma started eating the food, while her fat belly touched the table in the sitting position. „Did my, *munch *munch, new clothes arrive? I think, my vacation has to stop now. I am not sure but I eventually put on some more weight.“ Emma said, cheese dip smeared all over her face and tits. „No, unluckily I got no response until now. But I wouldn´t be too sad that your vacation just got extended ahah“, Lili answered. „I will contact the manufactury today.“

„Oh, okay thank you. I think that I can wait for a couple of days. I enjoy it here to spend time with you!“, Emma responded all focused on her food.

„Yeah, I like it that you are here around with me. You are kind of motivating me to stay in a good shape ahah. But obviously, you are having the time of your life there“, Lili poked the swollen belly of Emma. „Oh, come on. I am just enjoying the last days before dieting. I mean, if you knew how to buy clothes online, I would already be losing weight now!“ Emma told her.
„Yeah, ahaha, that´s for sure. It´s all my fault that you can´t see your toes anymore“, Lili laughed while preparing a weight gain shake for Emma.

Another two weeks passed by and Emma was gaining weight at an alarming rate. Today, Emma felt extremly dirty and went upstairs to take a shower. Taking the stairs was so tiring for Emma, she had to catch her breath. „Oh boy, that shouldn´t be so exhausting. But that must be the food in my belly that weighs me down.“ Emma played it off. When she stood in the shower she massaged her big breasts. „Damn, how am I gonna find a brat hat big? I don´t know how I can balance my body with those two big boobs.“

Emma stood in the cabine and wanted to grab the shampoo when she accidently kicked of the shampoo of the edge with her big belly. She wondered how this happened and mindlessly wanted to pick it up from the ground of the small shower. But she kind of wasn´t able to. She reached down but her tits and especially her big gut hindered her.

First of all she couldn´t see where exactly the shampoo was as her body was too big to see the ground under her. Besides, the big body features of her got in her way and in every direction she bumped her body in the wall. In the end she opened the shower door, got out, got down on all fours and reached out for the shampoo. „This shouldn´t this hard“, Emma told herself.

This shower experience made Emma self-conscious once again. „I need my new clothes Lili, I really need to lose weight now.“
„What´s wrong, Emma? Did something happen to you? Normaly, taking a shower is relaxing to most people.“, Lili answered.
„Emma got red-faced: „No, nothing happened, I…I, I just wanna lose all this weight, you know, it´s not healthy to be…this big. Emma was too ashamed to tell what happened.

„I do absolutely get your point. Everybody knows that being as fat as you are isn´t healthy at all. I can´t even tell if you are wearing underwears at this moment ahah. You look like you are buried in fat and your face looks sooo swollen, I mean, that doesn´t look healthy at all.“ Lili teased Emma who started weeping. „Ah don´t you cry piggy, actually your clothes arrived today. Tomorrow your new life will begin! In a couple of months you will be unrecognizable!

"For today, let´s spend and enjoy the last day together before you will start your new journey, alright?", Lili said. „Okay, that sounds good“, Emma responded and stopped crying. She looked forwards to it.
29 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 1 year
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Mikeboi1994 1 year
Hey man. Just saying this now. I love this story. The whole reason I got into writing stories is in part because of this masterpiece! ❤ Mad respect.
Guykju 1 year
Daaamn, that´s nice to hear!! Thanks a lot!
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I love your story man! Every chapter is so enchanting! 🤗
Karenjenk 1 year
dark.... okay with me!
500 lbs.... maybe she doesnt need to be restrained if she is too big to get up
or... make the doorways smaller so she wont fit through
AndiFive 1 year
the last few chapters were amazing
AndiFive 2 years
Growingsofter 2 years
More please
Guykju 2 years
Thanks a lot!! I appreciate your words and it keeps me motivated!
Guykju 3 years
I'm glad you found it and even more happy that you are enjoying it!
Karenjenk 3 years
I love the revenge angle.
Not sure how i missed this one but glad i found it.
Aquarius64 6 years
Glancing at this title for the first time, I read ‘high school revenge enema’😂 instead of ‘high school revenge Emma’
I bet this slant would change the entire story!