Highschool revenge emma

Chapter 27

Emma has been tied up once again to the couch. She tried everything but there was no way. „What are you doing, Lili? The party begins in a couple of minutes!“
Lili laughed: „Oh yeah, I know that the party begins soon, it will be the best party ever. And you will also have a great party but not upstairs but here!“

Lili turned on the TV and there was seen Lilis appartement. She had installed some cameras apparently and continued: „Fatty, I think that you can understand that I just can´t let you go upstairs and tell the world what happened to you. But I wanted to give you the opportunity to participate a bit and at least to be able to see my guests on TV. There are some people from high school too and even JD is coming!“

„No,no,no Lili please let me go!“, she started crying, „you had your fun fattening me up, god damn it, I will never be able to lose all this blubber on me anyway, congrats, you destroyed my life, just let me fcking goooo!“.
„Oh poor piggy, you are right. You will never lose all this heavy weight ever again. You are by far the fattest thing I have ever seen in my life and I thought that it would be helpful for you to know how fat you have gotten. I even prepared a video of your weight gain progression, let´s watch it:

The video began and there was a young and beautiful girl. A super toned body with abs and a slightly brown teint which demonstrated her active and sporty life. Her face ressembled an angel with a bright smile on her face. She was stunningly beautiful. The next photo showed some loss in definition but still she was perfect for all human beings. The next photo came and with each new picture of Emma there was a bit more of Emma. The double chin began to grow, her belly ballooned and her arms became wobblier and wider.

„How didn´t I see this coming?“, Emma asked herself as she watched the video. Her beautiful body got fatter and fatter, she didn´t want to see that but she kind of couldn´t look away. The last picture was made weeks ago, Lili explained: „And I can see that you even put on some more fat since then, fatty!“

Emma wanted to cry but instead she got mad at Lili: „Why the fuck have you given me the dress if nobody is ever gonna see me? I am just a fat mass, nobody would ever want to see me in such a dress anyway!“
„Oh girl, I agree that most of the people would be disgusted by your looks, every human that looses self-control in such a way that she balloons to such dimensions is a disgrace for our society. How could you let youself go Emma?“, Lili laughed. „Nobody would believe that you used to be one of the hottest and most popular girls in highschool. But you are wrong if you are believing that nobody would ever want to see your fat body. Actually you even have a lot of fans, piggy!“

„Wait what?“, Emma got confused, „What do you mean, fans?“
„Ahaha yeah, there is a community that loves to see you gaining weight and loosing all self-control. Every pound you gain is a turn on for those people. They love to see that you are eating and building your own personal prison made out of fat.
„Wait, you posted photos from me online? What is your problem? How could you do that? That´s the most embarassing shit anyone has ever done!“, she started crying.

„Oh come on piggy. Isn´t it nice that there are a few people that are turned on by your ugly body? They are even paying to see your fat ass getting wider and wider haha. You remember all the food you had to eat on all-fourth? They paid me money to make you look and act like a pig. That´s fascinating, isn´t it?“ Lili pinched Emma in her cheeks.

„And to answer your question why you are in a dress…I don´t know if you recognized it but it´s the exact same dress you wore at the prom, just some sizes bigger than then. If you remember I haven´t been at our prom as I would have been terrorized by you if I had appeared there. You know what I did instead? I stuffed myself with food to forget about it. I thought it would be nice to change the roles today. My party upstairs will be the prom and here downstairs you will stuff yourself with A LOT of food.

I will record your stuffing with my camera and the video will be called „The alternative prom“. In the last days I posted the weight gain progression videos online and the community loved it. Now, I wanna do them some good and let them see the former hot girl bursting out of her prom dress. Your dress is already tight now and I want it to explode infront of the online community. I prepared a whole bathtub of weight gain shake just for you and it will be funnel-fed to you automatically. Every 30 minuntes you will be served some until every ounce is in your cute fat gut.“
Emma was scared to hell: „No, you can´t do that…!“
Lili ignored her and remembered: Oh yeah, your current weight…You really put on some more weight, I can tell…you are weighing 386 pounds now and by the end of the night I want you to cross the magic line of 400 fcking pounds. I will activate the feeding and camera as soon as all the guests arrived, have fun piggy!“
29 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 1 year
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Mikeboi1994 1 year
Hey man. Just saying this now. I love this story. The whole reason I got into writing stories is in part because of this masterpiece! ❤ Mad respect.
Guykju 1 year
Daaamn, that´s nice to hear!! Thanks a lot!
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I love your story man! Every chapter is so enchanting! 🤗
Karenjenk 1 year
dark.... okay with me!
500 lbs.... maybe she doesnt need to be restrained if she is too big to get up
or... make the doorways smaller so she wont fit through
AndiFive 1 year
the last few chapters were amazing
AndiFive 2 years
Growingsofter 2 years
More please
Guykju 2 years
Thanks a lot!! I appreciate your words and it keeps me motivated!
Guykju 3 years
I'm glad you found it and even more happy that you are enjoying it!
Karenjenk 3 years
I love the revenge angle.
Not sure how i missed this one but glad i found it.
Aquarius64 6 years
Glancing at this title for the first time, I read ‘high school revenge enema’😂 instead of ‘high school revenge Emma’
I bet this slant would change the entire story!