Highschool revenge emma

chapter 6

"Hey Emma, the training has a real effect on your body, soon I can´t call you piggy anymore, but there is a long way to go to be 110lbs like me!", Emma told her neighbour.

Lili now prepared all the food for Emma before she trained to make sure that Emma eats a lot and to be able to buy more food this way.

"I bet, you can´t eat all this stuff in 30 min while I´m jogging. There is nothing that fits in your little tummy." On the table were to Pizzas,300g of chocolate and 3 bottles of beer à 500ml.
"My tummy may look small, but I ate all your food for weeks now, I can do that."
"It doesn´t even look small, piggy!", Emma thought.

Lili went jogging and Emma started eating, the pizzas were gone within the first 10 min., the chocolate made her feel like in pure ecstasy, so sweet, so delicous, but in the beer were much gaz, her belly started to bloat, but she drank, drank, drank.

When Lili came back, Emma lay on the sofa, totally bloated. "Oh, you are better in this competition than I thought!", Lili said, giggling awfully.
Emma underestimated the power of beer and was pretty tipsy. Lili helped her in the bed and massaged her swollen belly. When Emma fell asleep, Lili compared their bodies and touched Emma´s fat roles, took photos and was just super happy.

As the days passed by and the weight of Emma climbed, I got another plan to make her feel thin, I started taking photos of our life, Emma and Lili doing sport, Emma at the pool, in a restaurant. I just used photosop and made her look like the thin girl she used to be with her toned abs and her defined body. She just couldn´t stop saying things like:"You both look so fat next to me, maybe it is my fault you feel so flabby", she teased us proudly.

The days flew by and as I gave her most of my food to keep her in shape, her weight gain increased a lotin the last 4 weeks, she put on another 20 pounds.
With 170 lbs her entire body shakes now, her arms are fat now, her muscles have disappeared when she greets Lili in the morning, her arms are just wobbling slightly. Her double chin is visible for anyone who sees her, her face got rounder and belly became wobbly too.
The cellulite came with the last 20 lbs and her legs will soon be touching each other. The best part is her breasts, they are just sooo smooth now, while sex I can´t get enough of it. Those are my new anti-stress balls.

Lili is now officialy the happiest girl in the city, now where she reached her goal of being thinner than Emma. With the gym and the sport with Emma, she lost another 20 lbs and looks pretty fit, as her body is more defined now. Seeing Emma being fatter and fatter every morning keeps her motivated. At 165lbs she isn´t as thin as a model but she is happy, even if she still wanna lose a lot of weight.

Lili could convince her 175 lbs fat neighbour to accompany her to the public pool in the city. Lili wanted to show her new body in public and even if Emma became really lazy with her new weight, she also wanted to show her "model body" to other jealous people.

In the bikini Emma looked enormous, her belly roles are visible well, her belly shakes with every movement, Lili could soon hide herself behind her obese friend,if it continued like this.
Lili directly ran into the water, while Emma struggled a bit with her bikini, it was a bit tight. "Maybe Lili got another bikini in her bag, even if she is so much fatter than me". She found another one and tried it on, but it wasn´t too big, but too small. "How is that even possible?" When Emma put on her tight bikini she walked slowly into the water and looked for Lili. "I just tried on your bikini, but it doesn´t fit!". Lili was totally stunned by her statement but also by the fact that Emma doesn´t fit into her bikini anymore. She already knew that she was thinner but to hear it by her, was just overwhelming.
"Yeah,ohh,ahh,ahh, that is the swimsuit of my little cousin, she is......11 years old, don´t worry!", she said. " I didn´t worry, it was obvious that it could impossibilyhad been yours, I mean look at your belly.", Emma teased her friend, who was so mucher fitter than her now. "But this bikini is really tight, I shouldn´t move too much in it."
29 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 1 year
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Mikeboi1994 1 year
Hey man. Just saying this now. I love this story. The whole reason I got into writing stories is in part because of this masterpiece! ❤ Mad respect.
Guykju 1 year
Daaamn, that´s nice to hear!! Thanks a lot!
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I love your story man! Every chapter is so enchanting! 🤗
Karenjenk 1 year
dark.... okay with me!
500 lbs.... maybe she doesnt need to be restrained if she is too big to get up
or... make the doorways smaller so she wont fit through
AndiFive 1 year
the last few chapters were amazing
AndiFive 2 years
Growingsofter 2 years
More please
Guykju 2 years
Thanks a lot!! I appreciate your words and it keeps me motivated!
Guykju 3 years
I'm glad you found it and even more happy that you are enjoying it!
Karenjenk 3 years
I love the revenge angle.
Not sure how i missed this one but glad i found it.
Aquarius64 6 years
Glancing at this title for the first time, I read ‘high school revenge enema’😂 instead of ‘high school revenge Emma’
I bet this slant would change the entire story!