Highschool revenge emma

chapter 8

The process of Emma´s weight gain works perfectly. She is eating every hour of the day. We aren´t really doing a lot of stuff. Lily is taking care of my girl outside to put her on shame with her ever expanding body. I am just enjoying how her body is losing its strenght from day to day. We have a lot of sex and she is just getting lazier and lazier. Before she acted like a fighter in the bed, who wants to be the active part. Nowadays she is just laying there, still trying to be active but after a few minutes she is huffing and puffing and just lays down. She tells me that sex could be the only sort of sport you need to stay fit.

I have to tell the truth that her body begins to turn me off. Her cellulite is very obvious, she gets light stretchmarks and the fact that she is getting tired by a little bit sex is pretty annoying. The only thought that satisfies me is, that I can kind of dominate her. She is getting fatter because of me and Lily. She is becoming a real pig and she has no clue at all. But I have to admit that if she puts on another 30 lbs I´m gonna leave her as it becomes a real torment.
I think I´m gonna need to talk to Lily about my thoughts to make sure that we both are satisfied.

„Jooooohn, could u bring me my food, I´m a little bit tired from all the sport I did with Lily today“, Emma lied. As everyday she ate ate all the food Lily prepared for her. Today both girls did a special bet. Lily had prepared all the morning a special drink for Emma. She bet that while Lily would jog for an hour, Emma wouldn´t be able to drink it all. It has been three litre. This drink contained every fattening thing on earth, chocolate, peanut butter, pure sugar, weight gain powder and an appetite enhancer. All in all this shake alone had 2000 kcal. It was delicious and Emma was really looking forward to the bets they did. She could eat every day delicious food while Lily had to move her fat ass to lose some blubber. Emma was happy that her metabolism worked so well. She finished the shake in 30 min and was even okay. She was full but her stomach wasn´t stretched. It becomes normal for her body to eat such amounts of food. The new appetite enhancer did its job and after finishing her drink when Lily came back she saw Emma waiting in front of the oven, fixing the two pizzas with her eyes.

„Lily, your bets are getting boring, next time double the food intake. I finished it an eternity ago!“
„Oh, I´m sorry. I´m always underestimating your smale body, you just look like you are getting full by a little salad“, Lily answered getting horny, realizing Emma takes it for a real compliment. „Don´t worry girl. Just give me the stuff you are normally eating. I mean you are a pig. Look at your body. You are still so far away from being skinny that you shouldn´t eat anything else than little salads. You could do me a favor and prepare such a shake for me every morning and some real stuff like pizza, noodles Burger. I know its hard to understand that you are allowed to eat only salads and I can eat whatever I want but you have to deal with it“, Emma said confidently.

Lily couldn´t await the moment when she finaly got her revenge but she just had to deal with the whole situation, nevertheless she still could enjoy a little moment of luck: „Emma, I know that you won the bet and you can decide what I have to do but is it possible that you show me again how to do some push-ups? I have some back pain and I think its caused by my bad execution of sit-ups“, Lily told her fat fake-friend. „Huuuf, Yeah“, slowly heaving her fattened body out of the couch, „I can show you one last time, but you have to pay attention piggie“.
Emma bent down uncomfortably to get in position and tried to lay down but just fell abrudly on the floor. Lily smiled evilly as she admired the unsportiness of Emma. She started doing one sit-up but all her mass instantly started to shake. Her clothes were clearly to small and accentuated every part of fat on her body. Soon her gut would touch the floor in this position if Lily fed her some more of her weight gain drinks, Lily thought, fixing the terrible shape of her hated neighbor.

When Emma tried to push her body up she fell on her soft belly. Emma didn´t understand why the push up didn´t work. She tried again and failed again. She slowly got on her feets and thought about some excuses. „ Did you see how I did there? The starting position was perfect but unluckily I just ate all th food and my food baby is just a bit heavy. Besides you have to wait 30 min after eating, but the starting position was quiet perfect.“
„Yeah, I really learned a lot and you are absolutely right that you have to take a break now, you did really fine actually. I think I know what I did in the wrong way. I appreciate your help and I´m wondering how long it is gonna take me to get such a hot body as yours“, Lily complimented her quiet sarcastically but Emma didn´t understand. „No problem, but coming back to my bet.
I would like you to reduce your food intake for the next four weeks. I noticed that you are slowlier losing your fat ass than the last months ago and I didn´t want to tell you but the last time at the pool, it has been kind of a shame for me to be seen with a girl of your size. It´s not you I don´t wanna be with, its just your body girl. Could you do me this favor? I mean, at the end I´m just doing it for your own health. And in 4 weeks I´m gonna see some of my old friends and I have a certain reputation to take care of“.
Lily was speechless. Such an ignorant fat bitvh is telling her that she would be too fat because of her reputation?
„Ssssssure“, Lily tried to calm down, „ I´m gonna slow down my eating habits but you have to take care of my food again. And I wanna train 3 times a day as always but à two hours while you are taking charge of all my food“.
Both girls accepted and started their new habits.
29 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 1 year
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Mikeboi1994 1 year
Hey man. Just saying this now. I love this story. The whole reason I got into writing stories is in part because of this masterpiece! ❤ Mad respect.
Guykju 1 year
Daaamn, that´s nice to hear!! Thanks a lot!
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I love your story man! Every chapter is so enchanting! 🤗
Karenjenk 1 year
dark.... okay with me!
500 lbs.... maybe she doesnt need to be restrained if she is too big to get up
or... make the doorways smaller so she wont fit through
AndiFive 1 year
the last few chapters were amazing
AndiFive 2 years
Growingsofter 2 years
More please
Guykju 2 years
Thanks a lot!! I appreciate your words and it keeps me motivated!
Guykju 3 years
I'm glad you found it and even more happy that you are enjoying it!
Karenjenk 3 years
I love the revenge angle.
Not sure how i missed this one but glad i found it.
Aquarius64 6 years
Glancing at this title for the first time, I read ‘high school revenge enema’😂 instead of ‘high school revenge Emma’
I bet this slant would change the entire story!