The alpha bet

chapter 2

She was ripped from her spying suddenly as her elbow bumped something hard causing the tray to slip out of her hands and cold beer flying upwards and soaking her shirt. She gasped at the shock.

"Crap" she said reaching for the towel. "Sorry Joe, I don't know where my mind was." She apologized to her regular as she wiped down him and the table, shuddering from the cold soaking she had received.

Bill snorted, turning as quickly as his bulk allowed at the sound of the shattering glass where he saw Jen, soaked to the skin and shivering red-faced.

The chauvinist in him couldn't resist this opportunity to make Jen feel even smaller than she already seemed, the romantic in him wanted any reason to be near here.

"This will teach her to ignore my attempts with her" he thought. Taking his evening's prey by the hand he walked with her to the bar.

"This big guy is thirsty, and you aren't simply drunk enough to handle all this" he said to the young blonde while lifting his impressive gut.

They arrived at the bar where Jen stood hurriedly mopping the side and gathering the broken glass. She was rushed off her feet as the pub was so understaffed.

Bill coughed for attention as the blonde wrapped herself around him.

"2 beers." He uttered, secretly admiring Jen move so gracefully despite her stress.

She startled slightly when she saw Bill was waiting. She didn't know Bill personally but he was a regular face at her pub and she knew enough not to irritate the mountain of a man.

Picking up the last piece, she threw the shards onto a spare tray and tucked a loose hair behind her ear.

Her service wasn't quick enough for Bill, he grew impatient very quickly. He liked things done professionally, quickly, and to a high standard regardless the task. He began tapping his fingers on the bar as his blonde trophy began kissing and tugging at him.

"Where are these drinks baby," she whispered, seeing Bill watch Jen as he was, she grew frustrated. She shot Jen a possessive glare, a warning to back off. She had heard Bill was big money and tonight was her turn to be rewarded.

"Patient, babe. Lets wait for ms klutz to tidy up then we can get back to our evening." Bill replied.

Turning his glaze back to Jen, "you missed some." He said rolling his eyes, tossing a shard of glass onto her tray oogling the soaked fabric clinging tightly to her full breasts.

Clearing his throat, "2 beers, for a second time, there are two things I dislike..." he began, looking Jen smokingly in the eyes "repeating myself. And waiting" he finished as he grabbed a handful of nuts.

Jen quickly gathered the missing shards, and pored Bill and his date their beers.

He tossed the money to Jen, "Keep the change, get yourself a clean dry shirt with it."
His date scoffed and they returned to their booth.

Jen's heart was racing, this man was so demanding, his aura was powerful, a little intimidating. For some reason, she liked it.

For the rest of the evening she couldn't stop watching Bill. His size, his charisma, the fact he had this pretty, slim, blonde woman at his whim. She was jealous, several months she has been watching Bill win over these women who would usually be out of his league.

"Its the money" she thought. "I wouldn't want him for his money, a man like that deserves respect, to be adored. I could do so much with a man of that size, and by the way he grabbed those nuts, he wouldn't be hard to grow a little too. And a guy like that could really look after me," she shook her head, not liking where her thoughts were headed. "Don't be so ridiculous, he is just like your ex-fiancé and look what happened there." She scolded herself.

Despite the serious words she had with herself, Jen just couldn't tear her prying eyes away from Bill and blondy, the nickname she had given his date. She just had to know what was going on. Whether blondey would be taken home tonight, used and then discarded like yesterdays trash.

She grabbed a basket of nuts from the bar and decided to get a feel of how things were headed.

As she approached the secluded booth in a quiet corner of the bar, several empty glasses cluttered the table and a now happily drunk blondey was throwing herself at the heavy-set alpha. Who seemed not dissatisfied with the attention, despite watching Jen with a hunter-like stare.
20 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 2 years
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Lol8ka 1 year
please release more - I love it!
Story Consul... 6 years
Please continue! I need more ....
GrowingLoveH... 6 years
You are really outdoing yourself on this one! Wow! I always love the way you use words. Thanks for so many pleasures reading you over the years.
Biggestinthe... 6 years
please write more. your description is amazing
Obsessed 7 years
Ive enjoyed working with you on this. Its been a pleasure!
Looking forward to the next chapters!
Thank you for agreeing to help bring the fantasy to life so to speak. I woudnt want any other author to help write it! X
Built4com4t 7 years
much appreciated ladies (and gent) ...more to come
Csmith 7 years
Felixsparke 7 years
Brilliant as always! Thanks for this great story and please keep going 😁👍