The alpha bet

chapter 3

Jen flushed a little and tried to steady her breathing, She found Bill deliciously intimidating this close.

"Um.." she began, interrupting blondey's cringe worthy drunken flirting " would you like to finish these nuts, they're just sitting at the bar going to waste." She trailed off while fiddling with the basket of nuts in her hand.

Blondey scrunched her nose up, drunkenly annoyed to have another female encroaching on her turf. Too drunk to make anything of it, she leaned into Bill, fondling his large love handles, staring Jen down.
Jen swallowed, trying not to let blondey win. After all she was a customer, and her customers were always right.

"Well I will leave them here for you, my name's Jen just give me a shout if you need anything." She said looking between Bill and blondey. Then holding her stare as confidently as she could, failing as she felt herself blush a little. "Anything at all..."

Bill saw something in Jen's look that he couldn't quite figure out...he knew she was tough and strong willed and never gave a sign she was more interested in him than any other customer. Something was up...he could smell it.

He followed her move back to the bar and decided that the swaying rear end he was seeing was definitely worth pursuing. Frowning to himself he looked at the blonde woman next to him and chuckled to himself as he watched her slowly pass out and collapse face forward onto the table and begin snoring.

Looking at this unfeminine display with disgust and realizing she would be equally worthless in bed, he decided to make a play for the pretty young barkeep.

Hoisting himself to his feet he waddled to the bar, ignoring the glances of the 2 or 3 other patrons and hovered over the small bartender who was looking up at him innocently. He noticed she had put on a fresh top that showed quite an expanse of cleavage and he felt his heart race with unexpected and unplanned desire.

"Out of nuts?" Jen asked with a smile "perhaps another beer for your corpse of a date over there?"

He laughed with a rumble, his belly shaking and answered "She's a waste of my time, however I have an inclination you wouldn't be...I caught you looking at me, bet you're curious how I would be in the sack with this big belly between us. So how about we find out? And yes, I can use some more nuts, got to keep up my fighting strength."


Jen felt a flutter in her stomach, a warmth in between her legs, and a shudder of fear all at the same time. The immensity of his stature was enough to make most people somewhat uneasy. Her eyes flitted between the dome of fat that stood between her and Bill, and back to his intense gaze. Staring harshly into her eyes, Jen felt he could see right to her soul, her desire to be close to such a man, her fear he would hurt her like the rest.

"I..." she began, taking a step back to allow space to breathe. She backed into the bar almost knocking another drink flying. She couldn't find the words. His gaze had her hypnotized in a state of fear and desire.

She snapped herself out of her thoughts, pulled her clothing straight and tucked her hair behind her ear, a habit she had when she was nervous, and did Bill make her nervous.

"I never mix business with pleasure, sir," she said, attempting, failing to show some dominance.

It was a lie, Bill's words "this big belly between us" danced round her head like a sweet aroma. How she would love to feel that mountain of flesh on top of her, how she wished she could hand feed him those nuts he requested, and much more. His alpha demeanor showing her he would use his mighty weight to his advantage.

She HAD been watching Bill, not just tonight but most nights he was here, sitting at her bar. She has felt pained when he took a different girl home each night, a girl who clearly only wanted him for his money, would put up with the blimp for a night to get there paws on his finances. Jen wouldn't just put up with him, she would embrace every inch of him, she would nurture him, she would be his slave help him get even more immense and powerful.

But would he have her and keep her. Would she be disregarded like the other girls she watched him with? Dare she take that step to find out?

"I cant," she thought to herself watching him grow slightly impatient. "Not until I know how serious he is"
20 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 7 years , updated 2 years
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Lol8ka 1 year
please release more - I love it!
Story Consul... 6 years
Please continue! I need more ....
GrowingLoveH... 6 years
You are really outdoing yourself on this one! Wow! I always love the way you use words. Thanks for so many pleasures reading you over the years.
Biggestinthe... 6 years
please write more. your description is amazing
Obsessed 7 years
Ive enjoyed working with you on this. Its been a pleasure!
Looking forward to the next chapters!
Thank you for agreeing to help bring the fantasy to life so to speak. I woudnt want any other author to help write it! X
Built4com4t 7 years
much appreciated ladies (and gent) ...more to come
Csmith 7 years
Felixsparke 7 years
Brilliant as always! Thanks for this great story and please keep going 😁👍