The alpha bet

chapter 6

He watched her slip away again liking what he saw...maybe this is the way to make this little girl his, a little brusqueness, be a little over demanding but not too much, he warned himself, don't overdo the way she eyed his belly thinking he hadn't caught her at it made it clear this one is a keeper...she didn't mind him fat and was silently signaling she wouldn't mind him fatter.

Bill's loud voice was enough to make Jen quiver as she timidly made her way to the kitchen.

He knows what he wants, she thought. Maybe I am one of his desires. She smiled to herself, excited about what the night had in store for her and her large, masculine regular.

Scooping a generous portion into the bowl she had already offered him her mind flashed back to her ex. She trembled. "No. Don't go there. Bill is different I'm sure." She shook her head in an attempt to shake the unpleasant images. Spilling a drop of trifle on her fingers, she licked them off as she made her way back to the bar.

"I hope this pleases you more sir." She offered Bill the bowl with her head bowed, too frightened to look into his eyes. He had seen right through to her soul the last time she braved his fiery eyes. She couldn't risk it again.

He reached down and cupped her chin is his big rough hands and lifted her had until they were looking into each other's eyes. He held her there for what seemed like minutes but was only seconds before he spoke sternly.

"Little girl, YOU please me, and stop calling me name is Bill as you well know. And why do you play so hard to get? I've been a regular for almost a year and ok, I was missing for a couple months due to my accident, but here I am now bigger and fatter and uglier than ever and I see you sending definite signs of approval behind that meek personae you suddenly project."

He released her chin so he could pat his big belly now thrusting out in a round full curve between them. "Yes, I've grown fatter from being on my back for almost that entire time with nothing to do but eat, but you don't seem to mind...I even get the feeling you LIKE looking at me like this."

"Well, I'm assuming yes and we'll just see if you'd like to touch as well as look...I want you to park me in a comfortable spot and start bringing me more of these trifles and maybe whatever other fattening treats you have stashed away."

Unable to divert her stare from Bill's holding gaze, Jen shifted her weight.

She felt a strong bolt of electricity run through her entire body at his strong touch. She flicked her eyes to his large belly being thrust in her direction She felt weak at the knees. Keeping her eyes on his belly, too nervous to return to those demanding eyes of his.

"Yes... Bill" she said in a mere whisper. Using his name made this all feel much more real. She brought her small soft hands to his and released them from her face.

She turned, leading him by the hand to the couches in the corner of the quiet empty bar. She glanced over her shoulder at Bill. Her deep hazel eyes locked onto him Looking seductive, and timid at the same time. Like an elegant dear held in a trance by the hunter and his rifle.

"Come" she said flicking her curly chestnut hair over her shoulder as she turned to face the sofas.

"Will you be comfortable here?" She asked, still only able to muster a breathy whisper, as she gesture to the large, deep cushioned couch a soft throw placed over the back and oversized cushions strategically placed.

"This is very nice, perfect, plenty of room to spread out. Now go fetch me more if you would be so kind, I'll have this little appetizer inside me in a couple of swallows. And you don't want to disappoint your biggest fan."

She moved with a grace that made his heart ache, her round butt swaying as she hurried away at his command.

Spreading his thighs to make room for his underbelly, Bill dug into the trifle and was shocked as the rich flavors exploded in his mouth. Rich and fattening, it coated inside his mouth and throat as it slid down and in less than a minute it was gone. He smiled as he leaned back, savoring the amazing flavors lingering on his tongue. Yes if this girl could create foods like this she was a keeper and, he thrilled at the thought, he just might gain some serious weight.

Absentmindedly massaging his belly, he looked up to see her coming toward him with a heaping tray, and found himself becoming aroused.

"I hope this pleases you." She said, with a slight smile. "I made them all myself." She blushed.
She presented the tray to Bill. On it was the rest of her trifle, a whole Victoria sponge cake lightly dusted with powdered sugar. Several chocolate éclairs and a plate of rocky road brownies.

"I hope you have a sweet tooth," she said as she placed the tray down on a small side table by the couch. "Imp more of a baker so..." her words trailed as she fiddled nervously with her hair, noticing Bill had spread his legs to accommodate his widening abdomen. She felt herself gasp internally. Blushing again.
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Lol8ka 1 year
please release more - I love it!
Story Consul... 6 years
Please continue! I need more ....
GrowingLoveH... 6 years
You are really outdoing yourself on this one! Wow! I always love the way you use words. Thanks for so many pleasures reading you over the years.
Biggestinthe... 6 years
please write more. your description is amazing
Obsessed 7 years
Ive enjoyed working with you on this. Its been a pleasure!
Looking forward to the next chapters!
Thank you for agreeing to help bring the fantasy to life so to speak. I woudnt want any other author to help write it! X
Built4com4t 7 years
much appreciated ladies (and gent) ...more to come
Csmith 7 years
Felixsparke 7 years
Brilliant as always! Thanks for this great story and please keep going 😁👍