Devon and his fatboy

chapter 3

Cory wore his one suit, a blue one, to the funeral. It was a bit tighter in the waist than he remembered and the jacket could no longer button. The people and neighbors who attended the funeral brought baskets of food for Cory to the house. He thanked them, offered them something to eat and drink, but in keeping with his shyness, conversed very little, and people didn't stay long. His boss suggested he take a few days of vacation that he had left, so that he could have a little time to get back to himself.
That evening, with everyone gone, he turned on the TV but couldn't get into any of the programs as he flipped through the remote control. Not knowing what to do with himself, he went to the computer which he never used for anything other than his work needs. He went on the internet and typed "chubs and chasers" and was amazed to see all the sites that came up. He signed on to one that looked interesting and registered for a free account, not putting much information into the required profile nor adding a picture of himself. It was a fascinating experience for him searching through the various profiles. He could even filter information to find the perfect chaser. He was scared and excited by all the possibilities. He hesitated at first going on to the site's chat room, but somehow got up enough courage to do so. As he scrolled down the list of chat room visitors he received a message to join someone privately. He was able to access the profile to see that the chaser was in the same state, was on the muscular side as shown by the photographs, and they began chatting online.

The online chat somewhat freed up Cory to be far more "talkative" than he would have been able to be in person. Maybe he just needed someone with whom to unburden his feelings, but this chaser seemed very sympathetic to his situation and after chatting for a few minutes, Cory suggested he give him his phone number so that they could talk and wouldn't have to type endlessly. Before saying good night, he asked the chaser if he wanted to get together in person the next day.

The chaser's profile name of "Musclestud" said that he was 35 years old, almost ten years older than Cory. At a muscular 235 pounds, Cory wondered why he'd need to bother with an estimated 350 plus pound chub when he could have anyone probably. Still, Cory felt so alone, so as scared as he felt at what was about to happen, he was excited with anticipation of this new friend.

Devon's profile pictures really didn't look much like he did in person. He was far more handsome, very muscular and powerfully built and reminded Cory of the guys in the muscle magazine he once bought when he was twelve and got hard staring at the pictures. Devon gave him a big bear hug and told him how sorry he was for his loss.
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