
chapter 11 - full submission - her point of view

She smiled as he entered the bedroom. His short hair in disarray from the recent shower and a knowing smile on his chubby face he was now more handsome to her than ever before. Her lustful gaze wandered down, sizing him up.
“How much?”, she purred.
Her longing words had become a weekly routine of theirs by now, but they never grew old.
“Three-hundred and sixty-four”, came his answer with a smug smile.
Two years had passed since they fully entered their feeder-feedee relationship, in which they had put another 82 pounds on him. He had grown visibly wider, with his love handles and butt cheeks expanding to the sides, while his belly swelled forward to form an overhang now partly covering his crotch. In fact, from the front it had become hard to tell if he was wearing briefs or not. In addition, the waistband got lost in his blubbery side rolls. His walk had become a waddle and whenever he sat down his belly covered a substantial part of his thighs. Most often he unintentionally spread his thighs as his belly pushed them apart, sagging in between them. She loved how his face had filled out, giving him a much younger, cherub-like appearance. This, along with some new angry stretch-marks and his now deliciously plump man-boobs turned her on the most. There was no denying it. He was not chubby or thick anymore, he had become a real fatty. She loved it and she knew hat he did, too.
She stood up and made her way to him, lifting up his chin with her fingers and planting a kiss on his lips.
“Hey there, big boy. Are you ready for some action?”, she asked, sliding past him and snuggling him from behind. Her hands gently caressed his expansive love handles as she admired how soft his body had become.
Enthralled by the new direction their relationship had taken two years ago, he had devoured every meal she fed him and eagerly swallowed as she poured shake after shake into his awaiting open mouth. Unsurprisingly, it did not take him long to gain the first 30 pounds after their feeder-feedee coming-out. At the time she had hoped she could put another 120 pounds on him over the course of two years. However, things slowed down after a year as the novel excitement of feeding sessions faded. When things at work got stressful for him he even lost 20 pounds again. At that time she first suggested to add some sexy role-play to their feeding sessions. It had worked wonders. Not only distracted it him from work, it re-kindled their lust and fueled his appetites. And so he gorged himself on all kinds of fattening treats she brought home, while she seductively whispered new and often dirty pet names in his ear.
So during these last months she had become his caring maid, he her greedy lord; she his sexy nurse, he her underweight patient; she his revengeful personal trainer, he her lazy ex-jock; she his dominating mistress, he her willing fat-slave; she his ambitious pig farmer, he her fattening porker.
She knew all along that she liked to be in power, but the role-play made her realize that she wanted to fully dominate him, his mind and his body. She eagerly watched as his weight started to climb again and fresh stretch-marks appeared on his belly and sides. She assumed more and more dominating roles pushing him to become ever more submissive with every added pound. At 364 pounds he had now become obedient to a point, where he was literally and figuratively eating out of her hand.
Now that he had gotten so fat that her ultimate sexual fantasy seemed within reach, she was going to take full advantage of his obedience. She was going to fatten him up fast and as the fully submissive feedee that he had become, he would neither object nor protest. Instead he would embrace it, even lust for it.
She chuckled as her thoughts returned to reality. She spoke assuming her pig farmers voice mixed with some displeasing undertones of the dominating mistress.
“Have you looked at the scale recently, my lovely piggy? You only gained 4 pounds over the last two weeks. We can’t have that, can we?”
He grunted, playing along.
She lovingly slapped his ass and watched as his ass cheeks wobbled in response.
“You have grown so much my dear fatty and I am quite pleased with your progress. But ...”
She reached around him and buried her hands in his lower belly, gently massaging his rolls until he heard his breathing deepen in arousal.
“But, you have so much potential my growing porker and I would love to fully exploit it.”
Her hands wandered deeper and gently caressed his throbbing member.
So, I believe it is time I put you on a special diet to make sure you become my prize-winning blue-ribbon hog in due time.”
With her hand on his dick she guided him to their bed, where she had installed a new shelf above their head rest. In a round hole it held a big funnel and a plastic tube extended downwards.
“A … a funnel?”, he stuttered, a dumbfounded look on his face.
“Yes, very good”, she mocked him, “this is indeed a funnel.”
“You … you want to feed me with … with the funnel?”
She nodded a wicked grin on her face.
“So this”, he gestured to his body, “isn’t big enough for you? You want me to get even fatter?”, he asked somewhat concerned, but she could also feel his dick twitching in her hand and heard excitement in his voice.
“Yes”, she whispered in his ear”, and I don’t want to wait too long.”
At this moment he discovered the three jugs of creamy liquid on the bed stand.
“Are these … ”, he began.
“Weight gain shakes?”, she anticipated his question and answered it immediately, “Of course, they are. I loved what these calorie bombs did to your body, piggy!”
She forcefully pushed him onto the bed and climbed on top of him.
He looked at her with big helpless eyes.
“Are you … are you going to force-feed them to me, to fatten me up, like a real porker?”
Someone else would have heard only the concern in his voice, but to her his raging lust was unambiguous.
“Only if you want me to”, she purred, grinding her crotch against his.
He looked back at her, a deep desire in his eyes and then nodded. Three times.
“Good”, a wide grin spread on her face.
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Fatchance 4 years
This. Is. Wonderful!
Ygglw 5 years
Damn I need my chubby man to feed me up as aggressively as this so I gain 100lbs of flab round my formerly slender toned body to propel me to porky obesity! And reduce my manhood to a small sensitive nub trapped in blubber, to be explored only when my bel
Built4com4t 5 years
Still good ;-)
FrecherTyp 8 years
Your story is so hot ^^! I want that maya and the strawberries with chocolate .....:-)

hehe i found it especially sex to read how he tried to get back in shape and how she was using this against him ;-) very briliant ^^
FrecherTyp 8 years
what a really kinky nice sexy smart story ;-) thehe i really would love to meet this nice girl maya ;-)

but in the meanwhile i hope you write more chapters of their sexy observations desires and love for each other smiley

a really magnificent story^^
Badhansel 8 years
You've written a terrific story. At first I was a bit apprehensive about the "her" and "his" perspective but you've handled it beautifully. The pacing is great and I found it both engaging and exciting. Looking forward to more of the same. Many thanks!
Johndohy 8 years
Thank you for the nice feedback! I might add one or two more chapters.
Built4com4t 8 years
wonderful detail...brilliantly erotic. I'm sure others besides me would like to see more.
Fatlilboy 8 years
I can't believe this is your first story - and this is not even your first language. Nicely done!