
Chapter 3 - stuffing him - maya

He entered the bedroom and saw her lying on the white sheets of the queen sized bed. The dim light accentuated her voluptuous curves while her blonde hair flowed around her face that silently called out for him. Her green eyes were wild flames of carnal desire and he obeyed. As he climbed on the bed the wooden frame creaked under his weight but he didn't notice it. She was the center of his universe and he was hers. Welcoming she spread her legs and he crawled further on all fours until his belly touched hers. Then she drew him close and kissed him passionately.

"Someone has put on some weight." she whispered in his ear.

While he covered her neck with hot kisses, her hands began exploring his body. She let her hands slide over his bare chest, down to the protruding belly and gently squeezed his love handles. She loved his new shape and he loved her.
She felt his hard member pressing against her thigh and while she sensually touched him their kissing became wilder. He slowly moved down until his kisses found her full breasts. A wave of lust overcame her and her green eyes glowed like beacons of desire. Sie grabbed his waist and her fingers dug deep into his soft padding.
His breath was quickening and she felt his impatience, his desire. She let go of his waist. With her fingernails she trailed the curves of his belly and then moved downwards. She tenderly touched his shaft, closed her hands around it and slowly began to massage it. He moaned, overwhelmed by erotic ecstasy. His hands found her firm breasts and his fingers began to play with her puffy nipples.

"On your back my chubby tubby.", she said in a tone that brooked no dissent.

He turned around and now she sat over him. She smiled at him and he replied with a smile. His craggy features had changed. Now his face looked younger even boyish again. And again her hands wandered over his body. Where she once felt his firm muscles she now encountered soft luscious fat.
Her lips found his upper body and left traces of hot kisses on his skin. She sensually moved down kissing his well-fed belly down to his pubic region. She playfully licked around the top of his sturdy cock before she closed her lips around it. A shiver of arousal went through his body and he moaned in desire.

After a while she set his penis free and moved graceful like a cat to the head of the bed her breasts gently brushing over his skin.
There she took his wrists and while he heard a clicking sound he knew that she had handcuffed him to the bed.
She leaned down and whispered in his ear: "You have been a bad boy. Telling me you want to get yourself back into shape and secretly stuffing your face with cake behind my back. No wonder you didn't loose any weight but rather added a few pounds here and there."
He softly moaned enjoying her fingers silently measuring his body underlining her statement. Examining his midriff she closed her hands around his love handles feeling his soft flab filling out her hands.
She picked up the plate with the remaining cheesecake slices and brought the first piece to his lips. He eagerly opened his mouth and devoured the rich creamy cake eating it right out of her hand.
She loved this, this moment of domination, when she was in full control over him.
She had spoiled him, seduced him with sweets and sex and he had given in to his lust and gluttony. Of course he had payed the price of his pleasures. His slender even partly muscular frame had begun to fill out. It hadn't been until this one day when he stood naked in front of the bathroom mirror that she realized how chubby he had gotten and how much it turned her on.
When she had lain awake at night she had touched his new soft padding and had wondered so often how it would feel like if he gained another 10, 20 or maybe even 40 pounds. It had seemed so wrong to think these thoughts at first but she had realized that this was her sexual fantasy. And there was nothing wrong with that. Was there?
She was snapping out of her thoughts when his cock was pressing hard against her inner thigh and she felt his blood pulsing. Yes, she could tell that he loved her feeding him.
The second piece followed the first. With just one piece missing to the whole cake his belly was pretty bloated by now. She thought about all the calories that he had just eaten and how they would add themselves here and there.
Then she took the last piece and stuffed it into his awaiting mouth.
His cheeks were now partly covered with whipped cream and chocolate mousse. She kissed the remainders of the cake away and looked at him.
"Congratulations big boy, you just finished a whole cheesecake. But if you keep this up you might get really fat, you know", she chuckled moved in closer and whispered into his ear: "And who in the world would want that to happen?"
She opened the handcuffs and then she grabbed his member, guiding him into her. She heard his moan when he entered her and soon she felt him deep inside her. His belly was comfortably pushing against her and she began massaging his bulging gut while his hands found her full breasts.
Now it was her turn to sigh and she gently started rocking her hips back and forth. His eyes were closed as he enjoyed how she rode him faster and faster. She let her fingers sink in into his softened chest and she felt how each of her movements made his belly jiggle.
She closed her eyes and dreamed about the upcoming months. How she would seduce him, feed him, fatten him. How he would obediently eat caught in erotic arousal, forgetting about his growing luxurious body. She would make him love his rounding curves and then when he struggled between reason and lust she would take the initiative and stuff him even more. She would be in control and he would be her plumpening toy until he was the fat pig she secretly wanted him to be.
Fueled by her imagination she rode him faster and faster until both cried out in a breathtaking orgasm. She collapsed on him and both just laid still for a while enjoyed each others warmth. Then she rolled to his side and studied her lover.
He had definitely gained a few more pounds since he wanted to get in shape. Just as she had intended when she placed sweet snacks all over the apartment to make up for the nightly desserts. And he hadn't even noticed that he was constantly indulging in them when he was at home.
They never talked about it but she knew that he loved being fed and he knew that she loved feeding him. He might have guessed that she also quite enjoyed the effects that the food had on him but little did he know about her big plans for him.
When he finally opened his eyes she said:
"Now my big boy, what dessert would you like for tomorrow?"

By now she had realized what her tingling sensation had wanted to tell her all along. She loved the squishy round belly of her growing boy, his bulging love handles and his widening ass. A long time she had thought about this weird fetish until she gathered her bravery and searched the internet. Oh, she was surprised as she discovered website after website dedicated to fat-fetishism. She read many stories that inspired her imagination and often left her wet and hungry for more. She looked at pictures of boys showing their growing girth and enjoyed videos of others playing with their belly fat.
During the last four months she had pampered him in every way she could. She cooked him delicious meals and used his lust to feed him until he was overstuffed. She prepared the most sinful desserts she knew, using butter, cream and the richest chocolate she could find. She would always make sure that he had something to eat and that he would never grow hungry. On top of that she hid the scale from him and bought him new clothes exchanging the labels. Her effort paid off. Whenever she was on the internet she compared pictures of him against the other men of the same height and admired how her little fatty was catching up quicker and quicker. She could tell that he was quite plump now, probably hovering around 220 pounds or more. But she wanted more of him and she was done with secretly fattening him up behind his back. She wanted him to know about her secret although he could have guessed by now. And then she would openly take control over her little piggy and fatten him into the porker she desired him to be, her sexy wobbly boy toy.
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 8 years , updated 2 years
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Fatchance 4 years
This. Is. Wonderful!
Ygglw 5 years
Damn I need my chubby man to feed me up as aggressively as this so I gain 100lbs of flab round my formerly slender toned body to propel me to porky obesity! And reduce my manhood to a small sensitive nub trapped in blubber, to be explored only when my bel
Built4com4t 5 years
Still good ;-)
FrecherTyp 8 years
Your story is so hot ^^! I want that maya and the strawberries with chocolate .....:-)

hehe i found it especially sex to read how he tried to get back in shape and how she was using this against him ;-) very briliant ^^
FrecherTyp 8 years
what a really kinky nice sexy smart story ;-) thehe i really would love to meet this nice girl maya ;-)

but in the meanwhile i hope you write more chapters of their sexy observations desires and love for each other smiley

a really magnificent story^^
Badhansel 8 years
You've written a terrific story. At first I was a bit apprehensive about the "her" and "his" perspective but you've handled it beautifully. The pacing is great and I found it both engaging and exciting. Looking forward to more of the same. Many thanks!
Johndohy 8 years
Thank you for the nice feedback! I might add one or two more chapters.
Built4com4t 8 years
wonderful detail...brilliantly erotic. I'm sure others besides me would like to see more.
Fatlilboy 8 years
I can't believe this is your first story - and this is not even your first language. Nicely done!